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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation-第54部分

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If you want a prohibition paper that even the enemies of prohibition
will subscribe for and read; write to 〃The Hatchet〃 for terms。 It is a
sixteen page illustrated monthly magazine; 25cts per year。 It is a 〃hit〃
and smashes where it hits。

Special offer: Send the names of ten of the most active prohibition
men and women of your neighborhood and ten cents; and you will receive
〃The Hatchet〃 for one year。

Full time workers can make good wages and many converts to prohibition
by selling my book。 〃The Use and Needs of the Life of Carry A。
Nation。〃 For terms write 〃The Hatchet;〃 Guthrie; Okla。

Special Offer: Send us 50cts and we will send you the book and also
〃The Hatchet〃 for one year。 After receiving the book if you are not
satisfied return it in good condition inside of seven days and we will refund
your money。

DO IT NOW。 While you wait; liquor wins! Procrastination is the
thief of timeof votesof souls!

   Address; 〃THE HATCHET;〃 Guthrie; Oklahoma

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