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royalty restored-第70部分

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The ceremony was of necessity conducted in a semi…private manner for by reason of his majesty dying in the Catholic religion; his brother considered it desirable the ceremonies prescribed for the occasion by the English church should be dispensed with。 Therefore; in order to avoid disputes or scandal; the king was laid in the tomb without ostentation。  At night his remains were carried from the painted chamber in Westminster sanctuary to the abbey。  The procession; headed by the servants of the nobility; of James II。; and his queen; of the dowager queen; and of the late king; was followed by the barons; bishops; and; peers according to their rank; the officers of the household; and the Archbishop of Canterbury。  Then came all that was mortal of his late majesty; borne under a canopy of velvet; supported by six gentlemen of the privy chamber; the pall being held by six earls。 Prince George of Denmarksubsequently husband of Queen Anne acted as chief mourner; attended by the Dukes of Somerset and Beaufort; and sixteen earls。  One of the kings of Arms carried the crown and cushion; the train being closed by the king's band of gentlemen pensioners; and the yeomen of the guard。

At the abbey entrance the dean and prebendaries; attended by torch bearers; and followed by a surpliced choir; met the remains; and joined the procession; the slow pacing figures of which seemed spectral in this hour and place; then the sad cortege passed solemnly through the grey old abbey; the choir chanting sorrowfully the while; the yellow flare of torches marking the prevailing gloom。  And being come to the chapel of Henry VII。; the body of the merry monarch was suffered there to rest in peace。

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