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on the frontier-第10部分

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He was standing before the picture as she entered。  Even in the

trying contiguity of that peerless work he would have been called a

fine…looking man。  As he advanced to greet her; it was evident that

his military title was not one of the mere fanciful sobriquets of

the locality。  In his erect figure and the disciplined composure of

limb and attitude there were still traces of the refined academic

rigors of West Point。  The pliant adaptability of Western

civilization which enabled him; three years before; to leave the

army and transfer his executive ability to the more profitable

profession of the law; had loosed sash and shoulder…strap; but had

not entirely removed the restraint of the one; or the bearing of

the other。

〃Spencer is in Sacramento;〃 began Mrs。 Tucker in languid

explanation; after the first greetings were over。

〃I knew he was not here;〃 replied Captain Poindexter gently; as he

drew the proffered chair towards her; 〃but this is business that

concerns you both。〃  He stopped and glanced upwards at the picture。

〃I suppose you know nothing of his business?  Of course not;〃 he

added reassuringly; 〃nothing; absolutely nothing; certainly。〃  He

said this so kindly; and yet so positively; as if to promptly

dispose of that question before going further; that she assented

mechanically。  〃Well; then; he's taken some big risks in the way of

business; andwell; things have gone bad with him; you know。  Very

bad!  Really; they couldn't be worse!  Of course it was dreadfully

rash and all that;〃 he went on; as if commenting upon the amusing

waywardness of a child; 〃but the result is the usual smash…up of

everything; money; credit; and all!〃  He laughed and added: 〃Yes;

he's got cut offmules and baggage regularly routed and dispersed!

I'm in earnest。〃  He raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly; as

if to deprecate any corresponding hilarity on the part of Mrs。

Tucker; or any attempt to make TOO light of the subject; and then

rising; placed his hands behind his back; beamed half…humorously

upon her from beneath her husband's picture; and repeated: 〃That's


Mrs。 Tucker instinctively knew that he spoke the truth; and that it

was impossible for him to convey it in any other than his natural

manner; but between the shock and the singular influence of that

manner she could at first only say; 〃You don't mean it!〃 fully

conscious of the utter inanity of the remark; and that it seemed

scarcely less cold…blooded than his own。

Poindexter; still smiling; nodded。

She arose with an effort。  She had recovered from the first shock;

and pride lent her a determined calmness that more than equaled

Poindexter's easy philosophy。

〃Where is he?〃 she asked。

〃At sea; and I hope by this time where he can not be found or


Was her momentary glimpse of the outgoing ship a coincidence; or

only a vision?  She was confused and giddy; but; mastering her

weakness; she managed to continue in a lower voice:

〃You have no message for me from him?  He told you nothing to tell


〃Nothing; absolutely nothing;〃 replied Poindexter。  〃It was as much

as he could do; I reckon; to get fairly away before the crash


〃Then you did not see him go?〃

〃Well; no;〃 said Poindexter。  〃I'd hardly have managed things in

this way。〃  He checked himself and added; with a forgiving smile;

〃But he was the best judge of what he needed; of course。〃

〃I suppose I will hear from him;〃 she said quietly; 〃as soon as he

is safe。  He must have had enough else to think about; poor


She said this so naturally and quietly that Poindexter was

deceived。  He had no idea that the collected woman before him was

thinking only of solitude and darkness; of her own room; and madly

longing to be there。  He said; 〃Yes; I dare say;〃 in quite another

voice; and glanced at the picture。  But as she remained standing;

he continued more earnestly; 〃I didn't come here to tell you what

you might read in the newspapers to…morrow morning; and what

everybody might tell you。  Before that time I want you to do

something to save a fragment of your property from the ruin; do you

understand?  I want you to make a rally; and bring off something in

good order。〃

〃For him?〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; with brightening eyes。

〃Well; yes; of courseif you likebut as if for yourself。  Do you

know the Rancho de los Cuervos?〃

〃I do。〃

〃It's almost the only bit of real property your husband hasn't

sold; mortgaged; or pledged。  Why it was exempt; or whether only

forgotten; I can't say。〃

〃I'll tell you why;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; with a slight return of

color。  〃It was the first land we ever bought; and Spencer always

said it should be mine and he would build a new house on it。〃

Captain Poindexter smiled and nodded at the picture。  〃Oh; he did

say that; did he?  Well; THAT'S evidence。  But you see he never

gave you the deed; and by sunrise to…morrow his creditors will

attach itunless〃

〃Unless〃 repeated Mrs。 Tucker; with kindling eyes。

〃Unless;〃 continued Captain Poindexter; 〃they happen to find YOU in


〃I'll go;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker。

〃Of course you will;〃 returned Poindexter; pleasantly; 〃only; as

it's a big contract to take; suppose we see how you can fill it。

It's forty miles to Los Cuervos; and you can't trust yourself to

steamboat or stage…coach。  The steamboat left an hour ago。〃

〃If I had only known this then!〃 ejaculated Mrs。 Tucker。

〃I knew it; but you had company then;〃 said Poindexter; with

ironical gallantry; 〃and I wouldn't disturb you。〃  Without saying

how he knew it; he continued; 〃In the stage…coach you might be

recognized。  You must go in a private conveyance and alone; even I

can not go with you; for I must go on before and meet you there。

Can you drive forty miles?〃

Mrs。 Tucker lifted up her abstracted pretty lids。  〃I once drove

fiftyat home;〃 she returned simply。

〃Good! and I dare say you did it then for fun。  Do it now for

something real and personal; as we lawyers say。  You will have

relays and a plan of the road。  It's rough weather for a pasear;

but all the better for that。  You'll have less company on the


〃How soon can I go?〃 she asked。

〃The sooner the better。  I've arranged everything for you already;〃

he continued with a laugh。  〃Come now; that's a compliment to you;

isn't it?〃  He smiled a moment in her steadfast; earnest face; and

then said; more gravely; 〃You'll do。  Now listen。〃

He then carefully detailed his plan。  There was so little of

excitement or mystery in their manner that the servant; who

returned to light the gas; never knew that the ruin and bankruptcy

of the house was being told before her; or that its mistress was

planning her secret flight。

〃Good afternoon; I will see you to…morrow then;〃 said Poindexter;

raising his eyes to hers as the servant opened the door for him。

〃Good afternoon;〃 repeated Mrs。 Tucker quietly answering his look。

〃You need not light the gas in my room; Mary;〃 she continued in the

same tone of voice as the door closed upon him; 〃I shall lie down

for a few moments; and then I may run over to the Robinsons for the


She regained her room composedly。  The longing desire to bury her

head in her pillow and 〃think out〃 her position had gone。  She did

not apostrophize her fate; she did not weep; few real women do in

the access of calamity; or when there is anything else to be done。

She felt that she knew it all; she believed she had sounded the

profoundest depths of the disaster; and seemed already so old in

her experience that she almost fancied she had been prepared for

it。  Perhaps she did not fully appreciate it; to a life like hers

it was only an incident; the mere turning of a page of the

illimitable book of youth; the breaking up of what she now felt had

become a monotony。  In fact; she was not quite sure she had ever

been satisfied with their present success。  Had it brought her all

she expected?  She wanted to say this to her husband; not only to

comfort him; poor fellow; but that they might come to a better

understanding of life in the future。  She was not perhaps different

from other loving women who; believing in this unattainable goal of

matrimony; have sought it in the various episodes of fortune or

reverses; in the bearing of children; or the loss of friends。  In

her childless experience there was no other life that had taken

root in her circumstances and might suffer transplantation; only

she and her husband could lose or profit by the change。  The

〃perfect〃 understanding would come under other conditions than


She would have gone superstitiously to the window to gaze in the

direction of the vanished ship; but another instinct restrained

her。  She would put aside all yearning for him until she had done

something to help him; and earned the confidence he seemed to have

withheld。  Perhaps it was prideperhaps she never really believed

his exodus was distant or complete。

With a full knowledge that to…morrow the various ornaments and

pretty trifles around her would be in the hands of the law; she

gathered only a few necessaries for her flight and some familiar

personal trinkets。  I am constrained to say that this self…

abnegation was more fastidious than moral。  She had no more idea of

the ethics of bankruptcy than any other charming woman; she simply

did not like to take with her any contagious memory of the chapter

of the life just closing。  She glanced around the home she was

leaving without a lingering regret; there was no sentiment of

tradition or custom that might be destroyed; her roots lay too near

the surface to suffer from dislocation; the happiness of her

childless union had depended upon no domestic centre; nor was its

flame sacred to any local hearthstone。  It was without a sigh tha
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