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on the frontier-第11部分

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childless union had depended upon no domestic centre; nor was its

flame sacred to any local hearthstone。  It was without a sigh that;

when night had fully fallen; she slipped unnoticed down the

staircase。  At the door of the drawing…room she paused and then

entered with the first guilty feeling of shame she had known that

evening。  Looking stealthily around she mounted a chair before her

husband's picture; kissed the irreproachable moustache hurriedly;

said; 〃You foolish darling; you!〃 and slipped out again。  With this

touching indorsement of the views of a rival philosopher; she

closed the door softly and left her home forever。


The wind and rain had cleared the unfrequented suburb of any

observant lounger; and the darkness; lit only by far…spaced; gusty

lamps; hid her hastening figure。  She had barely crossed the second

street when she heard the quick clatter of hoofs behind her; a

buggy drove up to the curbstone; and Poindexter leaped out。  She

entered quickly; but for a moment he still held the reins of the

impatient horse。  〃He's rather fresh;〃 he said; eying her keenly;

〃are you sure you can manage him?〃

〃Give me the reins;〃 she said simply。

He placed them in the two firm; well…shaped hands that reached from

the depths of the vehicle; and was satisfied。  Yet he lingered。

〃It's rough work for a lone woman;〃 he said; almost curtly。  〃I

can't go with you; but; speak frankly; is there any man you know

whom you can trust well enough to take?  It's not too late yet;

think a moment!〃

He paused over the buttoning of the leather apron of the vehicle。

〃No; there is none;〃 answered the voice from the interior; 〃and

it's better so。  Is all ready?〃

〃One moment more。〃  He had recovered his half…bantering manner。

〃You HAVE a friend and countryman already with you; do you know?

Your horse is Blue Grass。  Good night。〃

With these words ringing in her ears she began her journey。  The

horse; as if eager to maintain the reputation which his native

district had given his race; as well as the race of the pretty

woman behind him; leaped impatiently forward。  But pulled together

by the fine and firm fingers that seemed to guide rather than check

his exuberance; he presently struck into the long; swinging pace of

his kind; and kept it throughout without 〃break〃 or acceleration。

Over the paved streets the light buggy rattled; and the slender

shafts danced around his smooth barrel; but when they touched the

level high…road; horse and vehicle slipped forward through the

night; a swift and noiseless phantom。  Mrs。 Tucker could see his

graceful back dimly rising and falling before her with tireless

rhythm; and could feel the intelligent pressure of his mouth until

it seemed the responsive grasp of a powerful but kindly hand。  The

faint glow of conquest came to her cold cheek; the slight stirrings

of pride moved her preoccupied heart。  A soft light filled her

hazel eyes。  A desolate woman; bereft of husband and home; and

flying through storm and night; she knew not where; she still

leaned forward towards her horse。  〃Was he Blue Grass; then; dear

old boy?〃 she gently cooed at him in the darkness。  He evidently

WAS; and responded by blowing her an ostentatious equine kiss。

〃And he would be good to his own forsaken Belle;〃 she murmured

caressingly; 〃and wouldn't let any one harm her?〃  But here;

overcome by the lazy witchery of her voice; he shook his head so

violently that Mrs。 Tucker; after the fashion of her sex; had the

double satisfaction of demurely restraining the passion she had


To avoid the more traveled thoroughfare; while the evening was

still early; it had been arranged that she should at first take a

less direct but less frequented road。  This was a famous pleasure…

drive from San Francisco; a graveled and sanded stretch of eight

miles to the sea and an ultimate 〃cocktail;〃 in a 〃stately

pleasure…dome decreed〃 among the surf and rocks of the Pacific

shore。  It was deserted now; and left to the unobstructed sweep of

the wind and rain。  Mrs。 Tucker would not have chosen this road。

With the instinctive jealousy of a bucolic inland race born by

great rivers; she did not like the sea; and again the dim and

dreary waste tended to recall the vision connected with her

husband's flight; upon which she had resolutely shut her eyes。  But

when she had reached it the road suddenly turned; following the

trend of the beach; and she was exposed to the full power of its

dread fascinations。  The combined roar of sea and shore was in her

ears; as the direct force of the gale had compelled her to furl the

protecting hood of the buggy to keep the light vehicle from

oversetting or drifting to leeward; she could no longer shut out

the heaving chaos on the right from which the pallid ghosts of dead

and dying breakers dimly rose and sank as if in awful salutation。

At times through the darkness a white sheet appeared spread before

the path and beneath the wheels of the buggy; which; when withdrawn

with a reluctant hiss; seemed striving to drag the exhausted beach

seaward with it。  But the blind terror of her horse; who swerved at

every sweep of the surge; shamed her own half…superstitious fears;

and with the effort to control his alarm she regained her own self…

possession; albeit with eyelashes wet not altogether with the salt

spray from the sea。  This was followed by a reaction; perhaps

stimulated by her victory over the beaten animal; when for a time;

she knew not how long; she felt only a mad sense of freedom and

power; oblivious of even her sorrows; her lost home and husband;

and with intense feminine consciousness she longed to be a man。

She was scarcely aware that the track turned again inland until the

beat of the horse's hoofs on the firm ground and an acceleration of

speed showed her she had left the beach and the mysterious sea

behind her; and she remembered that she was near the end of the

first stage of her journey。  Half an hour later the twinkling

lights of the roadside inn where she was to change horses rose out

of the darkness。

Happily for her; the ostler considered the horse; who had a local

reputation; of more importance than the unknown muffled figure in

the shadow of the unfurled hood; and confined his attention to the

animal。  After a careful examination of his feet and a few comments

addressed solely to the superior creation; he led him away。  Mrs。

Tucker would have liked to part more affectionately from her four…

footed compatriot; and felt a sudden sense of loneliness at the

loss of her new friend; but a recollection of certain cautions of

Captain Poindexter's kept her mute。  Nevertheless; the ostler's

ostentatious adjuration of 〃Now then; aren't you going to bring out

that mustang for the Senora?〃 puzzled her。  It was not until the

fresh horse was put to; and she had flung a piece of gold into the

attendant's hand; that the 〃Gracias〃 of his unmistakable Saxon

speech revealed to her the reason of the lawyer's caution。

Poindexter had evidently represented her to these people as a

native Californian who did not speak English。  In her inconsistency

her blood took fire at this first suggestion of deceit; and burned

in her face。  Why should he try to pass her off as anybody else?

Why should she not use her own; her husband's name?  She stopped

and bit her lip。

It was but the beginning of an uneasy train of thought。  She

suddenly found herself thinking of her visitor; Calhoun Weaver; and

not pleasantly。  He would hear of their ruin tomorrow; perhaps of

her own flight。  He would remember his visit; and what would he

think of her deceitful frivolity?  Would he believe that she was

then ignorant of the failure?  It was her first sense of any

accountability to others than herself; but even then it was rather

owing to an uneasy consciousness of what her husband must feel if

he were subjected to the criticisms of men like Calhoun。  She

wondered if others knew that he had kept her in ignorance of his

flight。  Did Poindexter know it; or had he only entrapped her into

the admission?  Why had she not been clever enough to make him

think that she knew it already?  For the moment she hated

Poindexter for sharing that secret。  Yet this was again followed by

a new impatience of her husband's want of insight into her ability

to help him。  Of course the poor fellow could not bear to worry

her; could not bear to face such men as Calhoun; or even Poindexter

(she added exultingly to herself); but he might have sent her a

line as he fled; only to prepare her to meet and combat the shame

alone。  It did not occur to her unsophisticated singleness of

nature that she was accepting as an error of feeling what the world

would call cowardly selfishness。

At midnight the storm lulled and a few stars trembled through the

rent clouds。  Her eyes had become accustomed to the darkness; and

her country instincts; a little overlaid by the urban experiences

of the last few years; came again to the surface。  She felt the

fresh; cool radiation from outlying; upturned fields; the faint;

sad odors from dim stretches of pricking grain and quickening leaf;

and wondered if at Los Cuervos it might be possible to reproduce

the peculiar verdure of her native district。  She beguiled her

fancy by an ambitious plan of retrieving their fortunes by farming;

her comfortable tastes had lately rebelled against the homeless

mechanical cultivation of these desolate but teeming Californian

acres; and for a moment indulged in a vision of a vine…clad cottage

home that in any other woman would have been sentimental。  Her

cramped limbs aching; she took advantage of the security of the

darkness and the familiar contiguity of the fields to get down from

the vehicle; gather her skirts together; and run at the head of the

mustang; until her chill blood was thawed; night drawing a modest

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