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on the frontier-第15部分

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figure。  As soon as this cursed thing is blown over; I'll be back

here and see you through; you bet。  I don't desert my friends;

however rough things go with me。〃

〃I see you don't;〃 returned Patterson; with an unconscious and

serious simplicity that had the effect of the most exquisite irony。

〃I was only just saying to the sheriff that if there was anything I

could have done for you; you wouldn't have cut away without letting

me know。〃  Tucker glanced uneasily at Patterson; who continued; 〃Ye

ain't wanting anything else?〃  Then observing that his former

friend and patron was roughly but newly clothed; and betrayed no

trace of his last escapade; he added; 〃I see you've got a fresh


〃That dd Chinaman bought me these at the landing; they're not

much in style or fit;〃 he continued; trying to get a moonlight view

of himself in the mirror behind the bar; 〃but that don't matter

here。〃  He filled another glass of spirits; jauntily settled

himself back in his chair; and added; 〃I don't suppose there are

any girls around; anyway。〃

〃'Cept your wife; she was down here this afternoon;〃 said Patterson


Mr。 Tucker paused with the pie in his hand。  〃Ah; yes!〃  He essayed

a reckless laugh; but that evident simulation failed before

Patterson's melancholy。  With an assumption of falling in with his

friend's manner; rather than from any personal anxiety; he

continued; 〃Well?〃

〃That man Poindexter was down here with her。  Put her in the

hacienda to hold possession afore the news came out。〃

〃Impossible!〃 said Tucker; rising hastily。  〃It don't belongthat

is〃 he hesitated。

〃Yer thinking the creditors 'll get it; mebbe;〃 returned Patterson;

gazing at the floor。  〃Not as long as she's in it; no sir!  Whether

it's really hers; or she's only keeping house for Poindexter; she's

a fixture; you bet。  They're a team when they pull together; they


The smile slowly faded from Tucker's face; that now looked quite

rigid in the moonlight。  He put down his glass and walked to the

window as Patterson gloomily continued; 〃But that's nothing to you。

You've got ahead of 'em both; and had your revenge by going off

with the gal。  That's what I said all along。  When folks

especially women folkswondered how you could leave a woman like

your wife; and go off with a scallawag like that gal; I allers said

they'd find out there was a reason。  And when your wife came

flaunting down here with Poindexter before she'd quite got quit of

you; I reckon they began to see the whole little game。  No sir!  I

knew it wasn't on account of the gal!  Why; when you came here to…

night and told me quite nat'ral…like and easy how she went off in

the ship; and then calmly ate your pie and drank your whiskey after

it; I knew you didn't care for her。  There's my hand; Spence;

you're a trump; even if you are a little looney; eh?  Why; what's


Shallow and selfish as Tucker was; Patterson's words seemed like a

revelation that shocked him as profoundly as it might have shocked

a nobler nature。  The simple vanity and selfishness that made him

unable to conceive any higher reason for his wife's loyalty than

his own personal popularity and success; now that he no longer

possessed that eclat; made him equally capable of the lowest

suspicions。  He was a dishonored fugitive; broken in fortune and

reputationwhy should she not desert him!  He had been unfaithful

to her from wildness; from caprice; from the effect of those

fascinating qualities; it seemed to him natural that she should be

disloyal from more deliberate motives; and he hugged himself with

that belief。  Yet there was enough doubt; enough of haunting

suspicion that he had lost or alienated a powerful affection; to

make him thoroughly miserable。  He returned his friend's grasp

convulsively and buried his face upon his shoulder。  But he was not

above feeling a certain exultation in the effect of his misery upon

the dog…like; unreasoning affection of Patterson; nor could he

entirely refrain from slightly posing his affliction before that

sympathetic but melancholy man。  Suddenly he raised his head; drew

back; and thrust his hand into his bosom with a theatrical gesture。

〃What's to keep me from killing Poindexter in his tracks?〃 he said


〃Nothin' but HIS shooting first;〃 returned Patterson; with dismal

practicality。  〃He's mighty quick; like all them army men。  It's

about even; I reckon; that he don't get ME first;〃 he added in an

ominous voice。

〃No!〃 returned Tucker; grasping his hand again。  〃This is not your

affair; Patterson; leave him to me when I come back。〃

〃If he ever gets the drop on me; I reckon he won't wait;〃 continued

Patterson lugubriously。  〃He seems to object to my passin'

criticism on your wife; as if she was a queen or an angel。〃

The blood came to Spencer's cheek; and he turned uneasily to the

window。  〃It's dark enough now for a start;〃 he said hurriedly;

〃and if I could get across the mountain without lying over at the

summit; it would be a day gained。〃

Patterson arose without a word; filled a flask of spirit; handed it

to his friend; and silently led the way through the slowly falling

rain and the now settled darkness。  The mustang was quickly secured

and saddled; a heavy poncho afforded Tucker a disguise as well as a

protection from the rain。  With a few hurried; disconnected words;

and an abstracted air; he once more shook his friend's hand and

issued cautiously from the corral。  When out of earshot from the

house he put spurs to the mustang; and dashed into a gallop。

To intersect the mountain road he was obliged to traverse part of

the highway his wife had walked that afternoon; and to pass within

a mile of the casa where she was。  Long before he reached that

point his eyes were straining the darkness in that direction for

some indication of the house which was to him familiar。  Becoming

now accustomed to the even obscurity; less trying to the vision

than the alternate light and shadow of cloud or the full glare of

the moonlight; he fancied he could distinguish its low walls over

the monotonous level。  One of those impulses which had so often

taken the place of resolution in his character suddenly possessed

him to diverge from his course and approach the house。  Why; he

could not have explained。  It was not from any feeling of jealous

suspicion or contemplated revengethat had passed with the

presence of Patterson; it was not from any vague lingering

sentiment for the woman he had wrongedhe would have shrunk from

meeting her at that moment。  But it was full of these and more

possibilities by which he might or might not be guided; and was at

least a movement towards some vague end; and a distraction from

certain thoughts he dared not entertain and could not entirely

dismiss。  Inconceivable and inexplicable to human reason; it might

have been acceptable to the Divine omniscience for its predestined


He left the road at a point where the marsh encroached upon the

meadow; familiar to him already as near the spot where he had

embarked from the Chinaman's boat the day before。  He remembered

that the walls of the hacienda were distinctly visible from the

tules where he had hidden all day; and he now knew that the figures

he had observed near the building; which had deterred his first

attempts at landing; must have been his wife and his friend。  He

knew that a long tongue of the slough filled by the rising tide

followed the marsh; and lay between him and the hacienda。  The

sinking of his horse's hoofs in the spongy soil determined its

proximity; and he made a detour to the right to avoid it。  In doing

so; a light suddenly rose above the distant horizon ahead of him;

trembled faintly; and then burned with a steady lustre。  It was a

light at the hacienda。  Guiding his horse half abstractedly in this

direction; his progress was presently checked by the splashing of

the animal's hoofs in the water。  But the turf below was firm; and

a salt drop that had spattered to his lips told him that it was

only the encroaching of the tide in the meadow。  With his eyes on

the light; he again urged his horse forward。  The rain lulled; the

clouds began to break; the landscape alternately lightened and grew

dark; the outlines of the crumbling hacienda walls that enshrined

the light grew more visible。  A strange and dreamy resemblance to

the long blue…grass plain before his wife's paternal house; as seen

by him during his evening rides to courtship; pressed itself upon

him。  He remembered; too; that she used to put a light in the

window to indicate her presence。  Following this retrospect; the

moon came boldly out; sparkled upon the overflow of silver at his

feet; seemed to show the dark; opaque meadow beyond for a moment;

and then disappeared。  It was dark now; but the lesser earthly star

still shone before him as a guide; and pushing towards it; he

passed in the all…embracing shadow。


As Mrs。 Tucker; erect; white; and rigid; drove away from the

tienda; it seemed to her to sink again into the monotonous plain;

with all its horrible realities。  Except that there was now a new

and heart…breaking significance to the solitude and loneliness of

the landscape; all that had passed might have been a dream。  But as

the blood came back to her cheek; and little by little her tingling

consciousness returned; it seemed as if her life had been the

dream; and this last scene the awakening reality。  With eyes

smarting with the moisture of shame; the scarlet blood at times

dyeing her very neck and temples; she muffled her lowered crest in

her shawl and bent over the reins。  Bit by bit she recalled; in

Poindexter's mysterious caution and strange allusions; the

corroboration of her husband's shame and her own disgrace。  This

was why she was brought hitherthe deserted wife; and ab
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