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on the frontier-第16部分

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corroboration of her husband's shame and her own disgrace。  This

was why she was brought hitherthe deserted wife; and abandoned

confederate!  The mocking glitter of the concave vault above her;

scoured by the incessant wind; the cold stare of the shining pools

beyond; the hard outlines of the Coast Range; and the jarring

accompaniment of her horse's hoofs and rattling buggy wheels

alternately goaded and distracted her。  She found herself repeating

〃No! no! no!〃 with the dogged reiteration of fever。  She scarcely

knew when or how she reached the hacienda。  She was only conscious

that as she entered the patio the dusty solitude that had before

filled her with unrest now came to her like balm。  A benumbing

peace seemed to fall from the crumbling walls; the peace of utter

seclusion; isolation; oblivion; death!  Nevertheless; an hour

later; when the jingle of spurs and bridle were again heard in the

road; she started to her feet with bent brows and a kindling eye;

and confronted Captain Poindexter in the corridor。

〃I would not have intruded upon you so soon again;〃 he said

gravely; 〃but I thought I might perhaps spare you a repetition of

the scene of this morning。  Hear me out; please;〃 he added; with a

gentle; half…deprecating gesture; as she lifted the beautiful scorn

of her eyes to his。  〃I have just heard that your neighbor; Don

Jose Santierra; of Los Gatos; is on his way to this house。  He once

claimed this land; and hated your husband; who bought of the rival

claimant; whose grant was confirmed。  I tell you this;〃 he added;

slightly flushing as Mrs。 Tucker turned impatiently away; 〃only to

show you that legally he has no rights; and you need not see him

unless you choose。  I could not stop his coming without perhaps

doing you more harm than good; but when he does come; my presence

under this roof as your legal counsel will enable you to refer him

to me。〃  He stopped。  She was pacing the corridor with short;

impatient steps; her arms dropped; and her hands clasped rigidly

before her。  〃Have I your permission to stay?〃

She suddenly stopped in her walk; approached him rapidly; and

fixing her eyes on his; said;

〃Do I know ALL; noweverything?〃

He could only reply that she had not yet told him what she had


〃Well;〃 she said scornfully; 〃that my husband has been cruelly

imposed uponimposed upon by some wretched woman; who has made him

sacrifice his property; his friends; his honoreverything but me?〃

〃Everything but whom?〃 gasped Poindexter。

〃But ME!〃

Poindexter gazed at the sky; the air; the deserted corridor; the

stones of the patio itself; and then at the inexplicable woman

before him。  Then he said gravely; 〃I think you know everything。〃

〃Then if my husband has left me all he couldthis property;〃 she

went on rapidly; twisting her handkerchief between her fingers; 〃I

can do with it what I like; can't I?〃

〃You certainly can。〃

〃Then sell it;〃 she said; with passionate vehemence。  〃Sell it

all! everything!  And sell these。〃  She darted into her bedroom;

and returned with the diamond rings she had torn from her fingers

and ears when she entered the house。  〃Sell them for anything

they'll bring; only sell them at once。〃

〃But for what?〃 asked Poindexter; with demure lips but twinkling


〃To pay the debts that thisthiswoman has led him into; to

return the money she has stolen!〃 she went on rapidly; 〃to keep him

from sharing her infamy!  Can't you understand?〃

〃But; my dear madam;〃 began Poindexter; 〃even if this could be


〃Don't tell me 'if it could'it MUST be done。  Do you think I

could sleep under this roof; propped up by the timbers of that

ruined tienda?  Do you think I could wear those diamonds again;

while that termagant shop…woman can say that her money bought them?

No。  If you are my husband's friend you will do thisforfor his

sake。〃  She stopped; locked and interlocked her cold fingers before

her; and said; hesitating and mechanically; 〃You meant well;

Captain Poindexter; in bringing me here; I know!  You must not

think that I blame you for it; or for the miserable result of it

that you have just witnessed。  But if I have gained anything by it;

for God's sake let me reap it quickly; that I may give it to these

people and go!  I have a friend who can aid me to get to my husband

or to my home in Kentucky; where Spencer will yet find me; I know。

I want nothing more。〃  She stopped again。  With another woman the

pause would have been one of tears。  But she kept her head above

the flood that filled her heart; and the clear eyes fixed upon

Poindexter; albeit pained; were undimmed。

〃But this would require time;〃 said Poindexter; with a smile of

compassionate explanation; 〃you could not sell now; nobody would

buy。  You are safe to hold this property while you are in actual

possession; but you are not strong enough to guarantee it to

another。  There may still be litigation; your husband has other

creditors than these people you have talked with。  But while nobody

could oust youthe wife who would have the sympathies of judge and

juryit might be a different case with any one who derived title

from you。  Any purchaser would know that you could not sell; or if

you did; it would be at a ridiculous sacrifice。〃

She listened to him abstractedly; walked to the end of the

corridor; returned; and without looking up; said;

〃I suppose you know her?〃

〃I beg your pardon?〃

〃This woman。  You have seen her?〃

〃Never; to my knowledge。〃

〃And you are his friend!  That's strange。〃  She raised her eyes to

his。  〃Well;〃 she continued impatiently; 〃who is she? and what is

she?  You know that surely?〃

〃I know no more of her than what I have said;〃 said Poindexter。

〃She is a notorious woman。〃

The swift color came to Mrs。 Tucker's face as if the epithet had

been applied to herself。  〃I suppose;〃 she said in a dry voice; as

if she were asking a business question; but with an eye that showed

her rising anger;〃I suppose there is some law by which creatures

of this kind can be followed and brought to justicesome law that

would keep innocent people from suffering for their crimes?〃

〃I am afraid;〃 said Poindexter; 〃that arresting her would hardly

help these people over in the tienda。〃

〃I am not speaking of them;〃 responded Mrs。 Tucker; with a sudden

sublime contempt for the people whose cause she had espoused: 〃I am

talking of my husband。〃

Poindexter bit his lip。  〃You'd hardly think of bringing back the

strongest witness against him;〃 he said bluntly。

Mrs。 Tucker dropped her eyes and was silent。  A sudden shame

suffused Poindexter's cheek; he felt as if he had struck that woman

a blow。  〃I beg your pardon;〃 he said hastily; 〃I am talking like a

lawyer to a lawyer。〃  He would have taken any other woman by the

hand in the honest fullness of his apology; but something

restrained him here。  He only looked down gently on her lowered

lashes; and repeated his question if he should remain during the

coming interview with Don Jose: 〃I must beg you to determine

quickly;〃 he added; 〃for I already hear him entering the gate。〃

〃Stay;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; as the ringing of spurs and clatter of

hoofs came from the corral。  〃One moment。〃  She looked up suddenly;

and said; 〃How long had he known her?〃  But before he could reply

there was a step in the doorway; and the figure of Don Jose

Santierra emerged from the archway。

He was a man slightly past middle age; fair and well shaven;

wearing a black broadcloth serape; the deeply embroidered opening

of which formed a collar of silver rays around his neck; while a

row of silver buttons down the side seams of his riding trousers;

and silver spurs; completed his singular equipment。  Mrs。 Tucker's

swift feminine glance took in these details; as well as the deep

salutation; more formal than the exuberant frontier politeness she

was accustomed to; with which he greeted her。  It was enough to

arrest her first impulse to retreat。  She hesitated and stopped as

Poindexter stepped forward; partly interposing between them;

acknowledging Don Jose's distant recognition of himself with an

ironical accession of his usual humorous tolerance。  The Spaniard

did not seem to notice it; but remained gravely silent before Mrs。

Tucker; gazing at her with an expression of intent and unconscious


〃You are quite right; Don Jose;〃 said Poindexter; with ironical

concern; 〃it is Mrs。 Tucker。  Your eyes do NOT deceive you。  She

will be glad to do the honors of her house;〃 he continued; with a

simulation of appealing to her; 〃unless you visit her on business;

when I need not say I shall be only too happy; to attend you; as


Don Jose; with a slight lifting of the eyebrows; allowed himself to

become conscious of the lawyer's meaning。  〃It is not of business

that I come to kiss the Senora's hand to…day;〃 he replied; with a

melancholy softness; 〃it is as her neighbor; to put myself at her

disposition。  Ah! the what have we here for a lady?〃 he continued;

raising his eyes in deprecation of the surroundings; 〃a house of

nothing; a place of winds and dry bones; without refreshments; or

satisfaction; or delicacy。  The Senora will not refuse to make us

proud this day to send her of that which we have in our poor home

at Los Gatos; to make her more complete。  Of what shall it be?  Let

her make choice。  Or if she would commemorate this day by accepting

of our hospitality at Los Gatos; until she shall arrange herself

the more to receive us here; we shall have too much honor。〃

〃The Senora would only find it the more difficult to return to this

humble roof again; after once leaving it for Don Jose's hospitality;〃

said Poindexter; with a demure glance at Mrs。 Tucker。  But the

innuendo seemed to lapse equally unheeded by his fair client and

the stranger。  Rai
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