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on the frontier-第17部分

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innuendo seemed to lapse equally unheeded by his fair client and

the stranger。  Raising her eyes with a certain timid dignity which

Don Jose's presence seemed to have called out; she addressed herself

to him。

〃You are very kind and considerate; Mister Santierra; and I thank

you。  I know that my husband〃she let the clear beauty of her

translucent eyes rest full on both men〃would thank you too。  But

I shall not be here long enough to accept your kindness in this

house or in your own。  I have but one desire and object now。  It is

to dispose of this property; and indeed all I possess; to pay the

debt of my husband。  It is in your power; perhaps; to help me。  I

am told that you wish to possess Los Cuervos;〃 she went on; equally

oblivious of the consciousness that appeared in Don Jose's face;

and a humorous perplexity on the brow of Poindexter。  〃If you can

arrange it with Mr。 Poindexter; you will find me a liberal vendor。

That much you can do; and I know you will believe I shall be

grateful。  You can do no more; unless it be to say to your friends

that Mrs。 Belle Tucker remains here only for that purpose; and to

carry out what she knows to be the wishes of her husband。〃  She

paused; bent her pretty crest; dropped a quaint curtsey to the

superior age; the silver braid; and the gentlemanly bearing of Don

Jose; and with the passing sunshine of a smile disappeared from the


The two men remained silent for a moment; Don Jose gazing

abstractedly on the door through which she had vanished; until

Poindexter; with a return of his tolerant smile; said; 〃You have

heard the views of Mrs。 Tucker。  You know the situation as well as

she does。〃

〃Ah; yes; possibly better。〃

Poindexter darted a quick glance at the grave; sallow face of Don

Jose; but detecting no unusual significance in his manner;

continued; 〃As you see; she leaves this matter in my hands。  Let us

talk like business men。  Have you any idea of purchasing this


〃Of purchasing; ah; no。〃

Poindexter bent his brows; but quickly relaxed them with a smile of

humorous forgiveness。  〃If you have any other idea; Don Jose; I

ought to warn you; as Mrs。 Tucker's lawyer; that she is in legal

possession here; and that nothing but her own act can change that


〃Ah; so。〃

Irritated at the shrug which accompanied this; Poindexter continued

haughtily; 〃If I am to understand; you have nothing to say〃

〃To say; ah; yes; possibly。  But〃he glanced toward the door of

Mrs。 Tucker's room〃not here。〃  He stopped; appeared to recall

himself; and with an apologetic smile and a studied but graceful

gesture of invitation; he motioned to the gateway; and said; 〃Will

you ride?〃

〃What can the fellow be up to?〃 muttered Poindexter; as with an

assenting nod he proceeded to remount his horse。  〃If he wasn't an

old hidalgo; I'd mistrust him。  No matter! here goes!〃

The Don also remounted his half…broken mustang; they proceeded in

solemn silence through the corral; and side by side emerged on the

open plain。  Poindexter glanced around; no other being was in

sight。  It was not until the lonely hacienda had also sunk behind

them that Don Jose broke the silence。

〃You say just now we shall speak as business men。  I say no; Don

Marco; I will not。  I shall speak; we shall speak; as gentlemen。〃

〃Go on;〃 said Poindexter; who was beginning to be amused。

〃I say just now I will not purchase the rancho from the Senora。

And why?  Look you; Don Marco;〃 he reined in his horse; thrust his

hand under his serape; and drew out a folded document: 〃this is


With a smile; Poindexter took the paper from his hand and opened

it。  But the smile faded from his lips as he read。  With blazing

eyes he spurred his horse beside the Spaniard; almost unseating

him; and said sternly; 〃What does this mean?〃

〃What does it mean?〃 repeated Don Jose; with equally flashing eyes;

〃I'll tell you。  It means that your client; this man Spencer

Tucker; is a Judas; a traitor!  It means that he gave Los Cuervos

to his mistress a year ago; and that she sold it to meto me; you

hear!ME; Jose Santierra; the day before she left!  It means that

the coyote of a Spencer; the thief; who bought these lands of a

thief; and gave them to a thief; has tricked you all。  Look;〃 he

said; rising in his saddle; holding the paper like a baton; and

defining with a sweep of his arm the whole level plain; 〃all these

lands were once mine; they are mine again to…day。  Do I want to

purchase Los Cuervos? you ask; for you will speak of the BUSINESS。

Well; listen。  I HAVE purchased Los Cuervos; and here is the deed。〃

〃But it has never been recorded;〃 said Poindexter; with a

carelessness he was far from feeling。

〃Of a verity; no。  Do you wish that I should record it?〃 asked Don

Jose; with a return of his simple gravity。

Poindexter bit his lip。  〃You said we were to talk like gentlemen;〃

he returned。  〃Do you think you have come into possession of this

alleged deed like a gentleman?〃

Don Jose shrugged his shoulders。  〃I found it tossed in the lap of

a harlot。  I bought it for a song。  Eh; what would you?〃

〃Would you sell it again for a song?〃 asked Poindexter。

〃Ah! what is this?〃 said Don Jose; lifting his iron…gray brows;

〃but a moment ago we would sell everything; for any money。  Now we

would buy。  Is it so?〃

〃One moment; Don Jose;〃 said Poindexter; with a baleful light in

his dark eyes。  〃Do I understand that you are the ally of Spencer

Tucker and his mistress; that you intend to turn this doubly

betrayed wife from the only roof she has to cover her?〃

〃Ah; I comprehend not。  You heard her say she wished to go。

Perhaps it may please ME to distribute largess to these cattle

yonder; I do not say no。  More she does not ask。  But YOU; Don

Marco; of whom are you advocate?  You abandon your client's

mistress for the wife; is it so?〃

〃What I may do you will learn hereafter;〃 said Poindexter; who had

regained his composure; suddenly reining up his horse。  〃As our

paths seem likely to diverge; they had better begin now。  Good


〃Patience; my friend; patience!  Ah; blessed St。 Anthony; what

these Americans are!  Listen。  For what YOU shall do; I do not

inquire。  The question is to me what I〃he emphasized the pronoun

by tapping himself on the breast〃I; Jose Santierra; will do。

Well; I shall tell you。  To…day; nothing。  To…morrow; nothing。  For

a week; for a month; nothing!  After; we shall see。〃

Poindexter paused thoughtfully。  〃Will you give your word; Don

Jose; that you will not press the claim for a month?〃

〃Truly; on one condition。  Observe!  I do not ask you for an equal

promise; that you will not take this time to defend yourself。〃  He

shrugged his shoulders。  〃No!  It is only this。  You shall promise

that during that time the Senora Tucker shall remain ignorant of

this document。〃

Poindexter hesitated a moment。  〃I promise;〃 he said at last。

〃Good。  Adios; Don Marco。〃

〃Adios; Don Jose。〃

The Spaniard put spurs to his mustang and galloped off in the

direction of Los Gatos。  The lawyer remained for a moment gazing on

his retreating but victorious figure。  For the first time the old

look of humorous toleration with which Mr。 Poindexter was in the

habit of regarding all human infirmity gave way to something like

bitterness。  〃I might have guessed it;〃 he said; with a slight rise

of color。  〃He's an old fool; and shewell; perhaps it's all the

better for her!〃  He glanced backwards almost tenderly in the

direction of Los Cuervos; and then turned his head towards the


As the afternoon wore on; a creaking; antiquated ox…cart arrived at

Los Cuervos; bearing several articles of furniture; and some

tasteful ornaments from Los Gatos; at the same time that a young

Mexican girl mysteriously appeared in the kitchen; as a temporary

assistant to the decrepit Concha。  These were both clearly

attributable to Don Jose; whose visit was not so remote but that

these delicate attentions might have been already projected before

Mrs。 Tucker had declined them; and she could not; without marked

discourtesy; return them now。  She did not wish to seem

discourteous; she would like to have been more civil to this old

gentleman; who still retained the evidences of a picturesque and

decorous past; and a repose so different from the life that was

perplexing her。  Reflecting that if he bought the estate these

things would be ready to his hand; and with a woman's instinct

recognizing their value in setting off the house to other

purchasers' eyes; she took a pleasure in tastefully arranging them;

and even found herself speculating how she might have enjoyed them

herself had she been able to keep possession of the property。

After all; it would not have been so lonely if refined and gentle

neighbors; like this old man; would have sympathized with her; she

had an instinctive feeling that; in their own hopeless decay and

hereditary unfitness for this new civilization; they would have

been more tolerant of her husband's failure than his own kind。  She

could not believe that Don Jose really hated her husband for buying

of the successful claimant; as there was no other legal title。

Allowing herself to become interested in the guileless gossip of

the new handmaiden; proud of her broken English; she was drawn into

a sympathy with the grave simplicity of Don Jose's character; a

relic of that true nobility which placed this descendant of the

Castilians and the daughter of a free people on the same level。

In this way the second day of her occupancy of Los Cuervos closed;

with dumb clouds along the gray horizon; and the paroxysms of

hysterical wind growing fainter and fainter outside the walls; with

the moon rising after nightfall; and losing itself in silent and

mysterious confidences with drifting s
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