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on the frontier-第19部分

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Mrs。 Tucker would have uttered a hasty reply; but the perfect and

good…natured simplicity of Dona Clara withheld her。  Nevertheless;

she treated Don Jose with a certain reserve at their next meeting;

until it brought the simple…minded Castilian so dangerously near

the point of demanding an explanation which implied too much that

she was obliged to restore him temporarily to his old footing。

Meantime she had a brilliant idea。  She would write to Calhoun

Weaver; whom she had avoided since that memorable day。  She would

say she wished to consult him。  He would come to Los Cuervos; he

might suggest something to lighten this weary waiting; at least she

would show them all that she had still old friends。  Yet she did

not dream of returning to her Blue Grass home; her parents had died

since she left; she shrank from the thought of dragging her ruined

life before the hopeful youth of her girlhood's companions。

Mr。 Calhoun Weaver arrived promptly; ostentatiously; oracularly;

and cordially; but a little coarsely。  He haddid she remember?

expected this from the first。  Spencer had lost his head through

vanity; and had attempted too much。  It required foresight and

firmness; as he himselfwho had lately made successful

〃combinations〃 which she might perhaps have heard ofwell knew。

But Spencer had got the 〃big head。〃  〃As to that womana devilish

handsome woman too!well; everybody knew that Spencer always had a

weakness that way; and he would saybut if she didn't care to hear

any more about herwell; perhaps she was right。  That was the best

way to take it。〃  Sitting before her; prosperous; weak;

egotistical; incompetent; unavailable; and yet filled with a vague

kindliness of intent; Mrs。 Tucker loathed him。  A sickening

perception of her own weakness in sending for him; a new and aching

sense of her utter isolation and helplessness; seemed to paralyze


〃Nat'rally you feel bad;〃 he continued; with the large air of a

profound student of human nature。  〃Nat'rally; nat'rally you're

kept in an uncomfortable state; not knowing jist how you stand。

There ain't but one thing to do。  Jist rise up; quiet like; and get

a divorce agin Spencer。  Hold on!  There ain't a judge or jury in

California that wouldn't give it to you right off the nail; without

asking questions。  Why; you 'ld get it by default if you wanted to;

you 'ld just have to walk over the course!  And then; Belle;〃 he

drew his chair still nearer her; 〃when you've settled down again

well!I don't mind renewing that offer I once made ye; before

Spencer ever came round yeI don't mind; Belle; I swear I don't!

Honest Injin!  I'm in earnest; there's my hand!〃

Mrs。 Tucker's reply has not been recorded。  Enough that half an

hour later Mr。 Weaver appeared in the courtyard with traces of

tears on his foolish face; a broken falsetto voice; and other

evidence of mental and moral disturbance。  His cordiality and

oracular predisposition remained sufficiently to enable him to

suggest the magical words 〃Blue Grass〃 mysteriously to Concha; with

an indication of his hand to the erect figure of her pale mistress

in the doorway; who waved to him a silent but half…compassionate


At about this time a slight change in her manner was noticed by the

few who saw her more frequently。  Her apparently invincible

girlishness of spirit had given way to a certain matronly

seriousness。  She applied herself to her household cares and the

improvement of the hacienda with a new sense of duty and a settled

earnestness; until by degrees she wrought into it not only her

instinctive delicacy and taste; but part of her own individuality。

Even the rude rancheros and tradesmen who were permitted to enter

the walls in the exercise of their calling began to speak

mysteriously of the beauty of this garden of the almarjal。  She

went out but seldom; and then accompanied by the one or the other

of her female servants; in long drives on unfrequented roads。  On

Sundays she sometimes drove to the half…ruined mission church of

Santa Inez; and hid herself; during mass; in the dim monastic

shadows of the choir。  Gradually the poorer people whom she met in

these journeys began to show an almost devotional reverence for

her; stopping in the roads with uncovered heads for her to pass; or

making way for her in the tienda or plaza of the wretched town with

dumb courtesy。  She began to feel a strange sense of widowhood;

that; while it at times brought tears to her eyes; was; not without

a certain tender solace。  In the sympathy and simpleness of this

impulse she went as far as to revive the mourning she had worn for

her parents; but with such a fatal accenting of her beauty; and

dangerous misinterpreting of her condition to eligible bachelors

strange to the country; that she was obliged to put it off again。

Her reserve and dignified manner caused others to mistake her

nationality for that of the Santierras; and in 〃Dona Bella〃 the

simple Mrs。 Tucker was for a while forgotten。  At times she even

forgot it herself。  Accustomed now almost entirely to the accents

of another language and the features of another race; she would sit

for hours in the corridor; whose massive bronzed inclosure even her

tasteful care could only make an embowered mausoleum of the Past;

or gaze abstractedly from the dark embrasures of her windows across

the stretching almarjal to the shining lagoon beyond that

terminated the estuary。  She had a strange fondness for this

tranquil mirror; which under sun or stars always retained the

passive reflex of the sky above; and seemed to rest her weary eyes。

She had objected to one of the plans projected by Poindexter to

redeem the land and deepen the water at the embarcadero; as it

would have drained the lagoon; and the lawyer had postponed the

improvement to gratify her fancy。  So she kept it through the long

summer unchanged save by the shadows of passing wings or the lazy

files of sleeping sea…fowl。

On one of these afternoons she noticed a slowly moving carriage

leave the high road and cross the almarjal skirting the edge of the

lagoon。  If it contained visitors for Los Cuervos they had

evidently taken a shorter cut without waiting to go on to the

regular road which intersected the highway at right angles a mile

farther on。  It was with some sense of annoyance and irritation

that she watched the trespass; and finally saw the vehicle approach

the house。  A few moments later the servant informed her that Mr。

Patterson would like to see her alone。  When she entered the

corridor; which in the dry season served as a reception hall; she

was surprised to see that Patterson was not alone。  Near him stood

a well…dressed handsome woman; gazing about her with good…humored

admiration of Mrs。 Tucker's taste and ingenuity。

〃It don't look much like it did two years ago;〃 said the stranger

cheerfully。  〃You've improved it wonderfully。〃

Stiffening slightly; Mrs。 Tucker turned inquiringly to Mr。

Patterson。  But that gentleman's usual profound melancholy appeared

to be intensified by the hilarity of his companion。  He only sighed

deeply and rubbed his leg with the brim of his hat in gloomy


〃Well! go on; then;〃 said the woman; laughing and nudging him。  〃Go

onintroduce mecan't you?  Don't stand there like a tombstone。

You won't?  Well; I'll introduce myself。〃  She laughed again; and

then; with an excellent imitation of Patterson's lugubrious

accents; said; 〃Mr。 Spencer Tucker's wife that IS; allow me to

introduce you to Mr。 Spencer Tucker's sweetheart that WAS!  Hold

on!  I said THAT WAS。  For true as I stand here; ma'amand I

reckon I wouldn't stand here if it wasn't trueI haven't set eyes

on him since the day he left you。〃

〃It's the Gospel truth; every word;〃 said Patterson; stirred into a

sudden activity by Mrs。 Tucker's white and rigid face。  〃It's the

frozen truth; and I kin prove it。  For I kin swear that when that

there young woman was sailin' outer the Golden Gate; Spencer Tucker

was in my bar room; I kin swear that I fed him; lickered him; give

him a hoss and set him in his road to Monterey that very night。〃

〃Then; where is he now?〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; suddenly facing them。

They looked at each other; and then looked at Mrs。 Tucker。  Then

both together replied slowly and in perfect unison; 〃That'swhat

wewanttoknow。〃  They seemed so satisfied with this effect

that they as deliberately repeated; 〃Yesthat'swhatwewant


Between the shock of meeting the partner of her husband's guilt and

the unexpected revelation to her inexperience; that in suggestion

and appearance there was nothing beyond the recollection of that

guilt that was really shocking in the womanbetween the

extravagant extremes of hope and fear suggested by their words;

there was something so grotesquely absurd in the melodramatic

chorus that she with difficulty suppressed a hysterical laugh。

〃That's the way to take it;〃 said the woman; putting her own good…

humored interpretation upon Mrs。 Tucker's expression。  〃Now; look

here!  I'll tell you all about it。〃  She carefully selected the

most comfortable chair; and sitting down; lightly crossed her hands

in her lap。  〃Well; I left here on the 13th of last January on the

ship Argo; calculating that your husband would join the ship just

inside the Heads。  That was our arrangement; but if anything

happened to prevent him; he was to join me in Acapulco。  Well!  He

didn't come aboard; and we sailed without him。  But it appears now

he did attempt to join the ship; but his boat was capsized。  There;

now; don't be alarmed! he wasn't drowned; as Patterson can swear

tono; catch HIM! not a hair of him was hurt; but II was bundled

off to the end of the earth in Mexico; alone; without a cent to

bless me。  For true as you live; that hound of a captain; when he

found; as he thought; that Spencer was nabbed; he just confiscated
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