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on the frontier-第20部分

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found; as he thought; that Spencer was nabbed; he just confiscated

all his trunks and valuables and left me in the lurch。  If I hadn't

met a man down there that offered to marry me and brought me here;

I might have died there; I reckon。  But I did; and here I am。  I

went down there as your husband's sweetheart; I've come back as the

wife of an honest man; and I reckon it's about square!〃

There was something so startlingly frank; so hopelessly self…

satisfied; so contagiously good…humored in the woman's perfect

moral unconsciousness; that even if Mrs。 Tucker had been less

preoccupied her resentment would have abated。  But her eyes were

fixed on the gloomy face of Patterson; who was beginning to unlock

the sepulchres of his memory and disinter his deeply buried


〃You kin bet your whole pile on what this Mrs。 Capting Baxterez

used to be French Inez of New Orleanshez told ye。  Ye kin take

everything she's unloaded。  And it's only doin' the square thing to

her to say; she hain't done it out o' no cussedness; but just to

satisfy herself; now she's a married woman and past such

foolishness。  But that ain't neither here nor there。  The gist of

the whole matter is that Spencer Tucker was at the tienda the day

after she sailed and after his boat capsized。〃  He then gave a

detailed account of the interview; with the unnecessary but

truthful minutiae of his class; adding to the particulars already

known that the following week he visited the Summit House and was

surprised to find that Spencer had never been there; nor had he

ever sailed from Monterey。

〃But why was this not told to me before?〃 said Mrs。 Tucker;

suddenly。  〃Why not at the time?  Why;〃 she demanded almost

fiercely; turning from the one to the other; 〃has this been kept

from me?〃

〃I'll tell ye why;〃 said Patterson; sinking with crushed submission

into a chair。  〃When I found he wasn't where he ought to be; I got

to lookin' elsewhere。  I knew the track of the hoss I lent him by a

loose shoe。  I examined; and found he had turned off the high road

somewhere beyond the lagoon; jist as if he was makin' a bee line


〃Well;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; breathlessly。

〃Well;〃 said Patterson; with the resigned tone of an accustomed

martyr; 〃mebbe I'm a God…forsaken idiot; but I reckon he DID come

yer。  And mebbe I'm that much of a habitooal lunatic; but thinking

so; I calkilated you'ld know it without tellin'。〃

With their eyes fixed upon her; Mrs。 Tucker felt the quick blood

rush to her cheeks; although she knew not why。  But they were

apparently satisfied with her ignorance; for Patterson resumed;

yet more gloomily:

〃Then if he wasn't hidin' here beknownst to you; he must have

changed his mind agin and got away by the embarcadero。  The only

thing wantin' to prove that idea is to know how he got a boat;

and what he did with the hoss。  And thar's one more idea; and ez

that can't be proved;〃 continued Patterson; sinking his voice

still lower; 〃mebbe it's accordin' to God's laws。〃

Unsympathetic to her as the speaker had always been and still

was; Mrs。 Tucker felt a vague chill creep over her that seemed

to be the result of his manner more than his words。  〃And that

idea is 。 。 。 ?〃 she suggested with pale lips。

〃It's this!  Fust; I don't say it means much to anybody but me。

I've heard of these warnings afore now; ez comin' only to folks ez

hear them for themselves alone; and I reckon I kin stand it; if

it's the will o' God。  The idea is thenthatSpencer TuckerWAS

DROWNDED in that boat; the idea is〃his voice was almost lost in a

hoarse whisper〃that it was no living man that kem to me that

night; but a spirit that kem out of the darkness and went back into

it!  No eye saw him but mineno ears heard him but mine。  I reckon

it weren't intended it should。〃  He paused; and passed the flap of

his hat across his eyes。  〃The pie; you'll say; is agin it;〃 he

continued in the same tone of voice;〃the whiskey is agin ita

few cuss words that dropped from him; accidental like; may have

been agin it。  All the same they mout have been only the little

signs and tokens that it was him。〃

But Mrs。 Baxter's ready laugh somewhat rudely dispelled the

infection of Patterson's gloom。  〃I reckon the only spirit was that

which you and Spencer consumed;〃 she said; cheerfully。  〃I don't

wonder you're a little mixed。  Like as not you've misunderstood his

plans。〃  Patterson shook his head。  〃He'll turn up yet; alive and

kicking!  Like as not; then; Poindexter knows where he is all the


〃Impossible!  He would have told me;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; quickly。

Mrs。 Baxter looked at Patterson without speaking。  Patterson

replied by a long lugubrious whistle。

〃I don't understand you;〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; drawing back with cold


〃You don't?〃 returned Mrs。 Baxter。  〃Bless your innocent heart!

Why was he so keen to hunt me up at first; shadowing my friends and

all that; and why has he dropped it now he knows I'm here; if he

didn't know where Spencer was?〃

〃I can explain that;〃 interrupted Mrs。 Tucker; hastily; with a

blush of confusion。  〃That isI〃

〃Then mebbe you kin explain too;〃 broke in Patterson with gloomy

significance; 〃why he has bought up most of Spencer's debts

himself; and perhaps you're satisfied it ISN'T to hold the whip

hand of him and keep him from coming back openly。  Pr'aps you know

why he's movin' heaven and earth to make Don Jose Santierra sell

the ranch; and why the Don don't see it all。〃

〃Don Jose sell Los Cuervos!  Buy it; you mean?〃 said Mrs。 Tucker。

〃I offered to sell it to him。〃

Patterson arose from the chair; looked despairingly around him;

passed his hand sadly across his forehead; and said: 〃It's come!  I

knew it would。  It's the warning!  It's suthing betwixt jim…jams

and doddering idjiocy。  Here I'd hev been willin' to swear that

Mrs。 Baxter here told me SHE had sold this yer ranch nearly two

years ago to Don Jose; and now you〃

〃Stop!〃 said Mrs。 Tucker; in a voice that chilled them。

She was standing upright and rigid; as if stricken to stone。  〃I

command you to tell me what this means!〃 she said; turning only her

blazing eyes upon the woman。

Even the ready smile faded from Mrs。 Baxter's lips as she replied

hesitatingly and submissively: 〃I thought you knew already that

Spencer had given this ranch to me。  I sold it to Don Jose to get

the money for us to go away with。  It was Spencer's idea〃

〃You lie!〃 said Mrs。 Tucker。

There was a dead silence。  The wrathful blood that had quickly

mounted to Mrs。 Baxter's cheek; to Patterson's additional

bewilderment; faded as quickly。  She did not lift her eyes again to

Mrs。 Tucker's; but; slowly raising herself from her seat; said; 〃I

wish to God I did lie; but it's true。  And it's true that I never

touched a cent of the money; but gave it all to him!〃  She laid her

hand on Patterson's arm; and said; 〃Come! let us go;〃 and led him a

few steps towards the gateway。  But here Patterson paused; and

again passed his hand over his melancholy brow。  The necessity of

coherently and logically closing the conversation impressed itself

upon his darkening mind。  〃Then you don't happen to have heard

anything of Spencer?〃 he said sadly; and vanished with Mrs。 Baxter

through the gate。

Left alone to herself; Mrs。 Tucker raised her hands above her head

with a little cry; interlocked her rigid fingers; and slowly

brought her palms down upon her upturned face and eyes; pressing

hard as if to crush out all light and sense of life before her。

She stood thus for a moment motionless and silent; with the rising

wind whispering without and flecking her white morning dress with

gusty shadows from the arbor。  Then; with closed eyes; dropping her

hands to her breast; still pressing hard; she slowly passed them

down the shapely contours of her figure to the waist; and with

another cry cast them off as if she were stripping herself of some

loathsome garment。  Then she walked quickly to the gateway; looked

out; returned to the corridor; unloosening and taking off her

wedding…ring from her finger as she walked。  Here she paused; then

slowly and deliberately rearranged the chairs and adjusted the gay…

colored rugs that draped them; and quietly re…entered her chamber。

Two days afterwards the sweating steed of Captain Poindexter was

turned loose in the corral; and a moment later the captain entered

the corridor。  Handing a letter to the decrepit Concha; who seemed

to be utterly disorganized by its contents; and the few curt words

with which it was delivered; he gazed silently upon the vacant

bower; still fresh and redolent with the delicacy and perfume of

its graceful occupant; until his dark eyes filled with unaccustomed

moisture。  But his reverie was interrupted by the sound of jingling

spurs without; and the old humor struggled back in his eyes as Don

Jose impetuously entered。  The Spaniard started back; but instantly

recovered himself。

〃So I find you here。  Ah! it is well!〃 he said passionately;

producing a letter from his bosom。  〃Look!  Do you call this honor?

Look how you keep your compact!〃

Poindexter coolly took the letter。  It contained a few words of

gentle dignity from Mrs。 Tucker; informing Don Jose that she had

only that instant learned of his just claims upon Los Cuervos;

tendering him her gratitude for his delicate intentions; but

pointing out with respectful firmness that he must know that a

moment's further acceptance of his courtesy was impossible。

〃She has gained this knowledge from no word of mine;〃 said

Poindexter; calmly。  〃Right or wrong; I have kept my promise to

you。  I have as much reason to accuse you of betraying my secret in

this;〃 he added coldly; as he took another letter from his pocket

and handed it to Don Jose。

It seemed briefer and colder; but was neither。  It reminded
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