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on the frontier-第22部分

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like him; but generally that he alone was responsible for the

grocery man's defection。  It was put more concisely by Union Mills。

〃That comes of letting him go there!  It's just a fair provocation

to any man to have the Old Man sent to him。  They can't; sorter;

restrain themselves at him。  He's enough to spoil the credit of the


〃That's so;〃 chimed in the Judge。  〃And look at his prospecting。

Why; he was out two nights last week; all night; prospecting in the

moonlight for blind leads; just out of sheer foolishness。〃

〃It was quite enough for me;〃 broke in the Left Bower; 〃when the

other day; you remember when; he proposed to us white men to settle

down to plain ground sluicing; making 'grub' wages just like any

Chinaman。  It just showed his idea of the Lone Star claim。〃

〃Well; I never said it afore;〃 added Union Mills; 〃but when that

one of the Mattison boys came over here to examine the claim with

an eye to purchasin'; it was the Old Man that took the conceit out

of him。  He just as good as admitted that a lot of work had got to

be done afore any pay ore could be realized。  Never even asked him

over to the shanty here to jine us in a friendly game; just kept

him; so to speak; to himself。  And naturally the Mattisons didn't

see it。〃

A silence followed; broken only by the rain monotonously falling on

the roof; and occasionally through the broad adobe chimney; where

it provoked a retaliating hiss and splutter from the dying embers

of the hearth。  The Right Bower; with a sudden access of energy;

drew the empty barrel before him; and taking a pack of well…worn

cards from his pocket; began to make a 〃solitaire〃 upon the lid。

The others gazed at him with languid interest。

〃Makin' it for anythin'?〃 asked Mills。

The Right Bower nodded。

The Judge and Left Bower; who were partly lying in their respective

bunks; sat up to get a better view of the game。  Union Mills slowly

disengaged himself from the wall and leaned over the 〃solitaire〃

player。  The Right Bower turned the last card in a pause of almost

thrilling suspense; and clapped it down on the lid with fateful


〃It went!〃 said the Judge in a voice of hushed respect。  〃What did

you make it for?〃 he almost whispered。

〃To know if we'd make the break we talked about and vamose the

ranch。  It's the FIFTH time today;〃 continued the Right Bower in a

voice of gloomy significance。  〃And it went agin bad cards too。〃

〃I ain't superstitious;〃 said the Judge; with awe and fatuity

beaming from every line of his credulous face; 〃but it's flyin' in

the face of Providence to go agin such signs as that。〃

〃Make it again; to see if the Old Man must go;〃 suggested the Left


The suggestion was received with favor; the three men gathering

breathlessly around the player。  Again the fateful cards were

shuffled deliberately; placed in their mysterious combination; with

the same ominous result。  Yet everybody seemed to breathe more

freely; as if relieved from some responsibility; the Judge

accepting this manifest expression of Providence with resigned


〃Yes; gentlemen;〃 resumed the Left Bower; serenely; as if a calm

legal decision had just been recorded; 〃we must not let any

foolishness or sentiment get mixed up with this thing; but look at

it like business men。  The only sensible move is to get up and get

out of the camp。〃

〃And the Old Man?〃 queried the Judge。

〃The Old Manhush! he's coming。〃

The doorway was darkened by a slight lissome shadow。  It was the

absent partner; otherwise known as 〃the Old Man。〃  Need it be added

that he was a BOY of nineteen; with a slight down just clothing his

upper lip!

〃The creek is up over the ford; and I had to 'shin' up a willow on

the bank and swing myself across;〃 he said; with a quick; frank

laugh; 〃but all the same; boys; it's going to clear up in about an

hour; you bet。  It's breaking away over Bald Mountain; and there's

a sun flash on a bit of snow on Lone Peak。  Look! you can see it

from here。  It's for all the world like Noah's dove just landed on

Mount Ararat。  It's a good omen。〃

From sheer force of habit the men had momentarily brightened up at

the Old Man's entrance。  But the unblushing exhibition of degrading

superstition shown in the last sentence recalled their just

severity。  They exchanged meaning glances。  Union Mills uttered

hopelessly to himself: 〃Hell's full of such omens。〃

Too occupied with his subject to notice this ominous reception; the

Old Man continued: 〃I reckon I struck a fresh lead in the new

grocery man at the Crossing。  He says he'll let the Judge have a

pair of boots on credit; but he can't send them over here; and

considering that the Judge has got to try them anyway; it don't

seem to be asking too much for the Judge to go over there。  He says

he'll give us a barrel of pork and a bag of flour if we'll give him

the right of using our tail…race and clean out the lower end of it。〃

〃It's the work of a Chinaman; and a four days' job;〃 broke in the

Left Bower。

〃It took one white man only two hours to clean out a third of it;〃

retorted the Old Man triumphantly; 〃for I pitched in at once with a

pick he let me have on credit; and did that amount of work this

morning; and told him the rest of you boys would finish it this


A slight gesture from the Right Bower checked an angry exclamation

from the Left。  The Old Man did not notice either; but; knitting

his smooth young brow in a paternally reflective fashion; went on:

〃You'll have to get a new pair of trousers; Mills; but as he

doesn't keep clothing; we'll have to get some canvas and cut you

out a pair。  I traded off the beans he let me have for some tobacco

for the Right Bower at the other shop; and got them to throw in a

new pack of cards。  These are about played out。  We'll be wanting

some brushwood for the fire; there's a heap in the hollow。  Who's

going to bring it in?  It's the Judge's turn; isn't it?  Why;

what's the matter with you all?〃

The restraint and evident uneasiness of his companions had at last

touched him。  He turned his frank young eyes upon them; they

glanced helplessly at each other。  Yet his first concern was for

them; his first instinct paternal and protecting。  He ran his eyes

quickly over them; they were all there and apparently in their

usual condition。  〃Anything wrong with the claim?〃 he suggested。

Without looking at him the Right Bower rose; leaned against the

open door with his hands behind him and his face towards the

landscape; and said; apparently to the distant prospect: 〃The

claim's played out; the partnership's played out; and the sooner we

skedaddle out of this the better。  If;〃 he added; turning to the

Old Man; 〃if YOU want to stay; if you want to do Chinaman's work at

Chinaman's wages; if you want to hang on to the charity of the

traders at the Crossing; you can do it; and enjoy the prospects and

the Noah's doves alone。  But we're calculatin' to step out of it。〃

〃But I haven't said I wanted to do it ALONE;〃 protested the Old Man

with a gesture of bewilderment。

〃If these are your general ideas of the partnership;〃 continued the

Right Bower; clinging to the established hypothesis of the other

partners for support; 〃it ain't ours; and the only way we can prove

it is to stop the foolishness right here。  We calculated to

dissolve the partnership and strike out for ourselves elsewhere。

You're no longer responsible for us; nor we for you。  And we reckon

it's the square thing to leave you the claim and the cabin; and all

it contains。  To prevent any trouble with the traders; we've drawn

up a paper here〃

〃With a bonus of fifty thousand dollars each down; and the rest to

be settled on my children;〃 interrupted the Old Man; with a half…

uneasy laugh。  〃Of course。  But〃 he stopped suddenly; the blood

dropped from his fresh cheek; and he again glanced quickly round

the group。  〃I don't thinkII quite sabe; boys;〃 he added; with

a slight tremor of voice and lip。  〃If it's a conundrum; ask me an

easier one。〃

Any lingering doubt he might have had of their meaning was

dispelled by the Judge。  〃It's about the softest thing you kin drop

into; Old Man;〃 he said confidentially; 〃if I hadn't promised the

other boys to go with them; and if I didn't need the best medical

advice in Sacramento for my lungs; I'd just enjoy staying with


〃It gives a sorter freedom to a young fellow like you; Old Man;

like goin' into the world on your own capital; that every

Californian boy hasn't got;〃 said Union Mills; patronizingly。

〃Of course it's rather hard papers on us; you know; givin' up

everything; so to speak; but it's for your good; and we ain't goin'

back on you;〃 said the Left Bower; 〃are we; boys?〃

The color had returned to the Old Man's face a little more quickly

and freely than usual。  He picked up the hat he had cast down; put

it on carefully over his brown curls; drew the flap down on the

side towards his companions; and put his hands in his pockets。

〃All right;〃 he said; in a slightly altered voice。  〃When do you


〃To…day;〃 answered the Left Bower。  〃We calculate to take a

moonlight pasear over to the Cross Roads and meet the down stage at

about twelve to…night。  There's plenty of time yet;〃 he added; with

a slight laugh; 〃it's only three o'clock now。〃

There was a dead silence。  Even the rain withheld its continuous

patter; a dumb; gray film covered the ashes of the hushed hearth。

For the first time the Right Bower exhibited some slight


〃I reckon it's held up for a spell;〃 he said; ostentatiously

examining the weather; 〃and we might as well take a run round the

claim to see if we've forgotten nothing。  Of course; we'll be back

again;〃 he added hastily; without looking at the Old Man; 〃before

we go; you
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