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on the frontier-第23部分

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claim to see if we've forgotten nothing。  Of course; we'll be back

again;〃 he added hastily; without looking at the Old Man; 〃before

we go; you know。〃

The others began to look for their hats; but so awkwardly and with

such evident preoccupation of mind that it was not at first

discovered that the Judge had his already on。  This raised a laugh;

as did also a clumsy stumble of Union Mills against the pork

barrel; although that gentleman took refuge from his confusion and

secured a decent retreat by a gross exaggeration of his lameness;

as he limped after the Right Bower。  The Judge whistled feebly。

The Left Bower; in a more ambitious effort to impart a certain

gayety to his exit; stopped on the threshold and said; as if in

arch confidence to his companions; 〃Darned if the Old Man don't

look two inches higher since he became a proprietor;〃 laughed

patronizingly; and vanished。

If the newly…made proprietor had increased in stature; he had not

otherwise changed his demeanor。  He remained in the same attitude

until the last figure disappeared behind the fringe of buckeye that

hid the distant highway。  Then he walked slowly to the fire…place;

and; leaning against the chimney; kicked the dying embers together

with his foot。  Something dropped and spattered in the film of hot

ashes。  Surely the rain had not yet ceased!

His high color had already fled except for a spot on either cheek…

bone that lent a brightness to his eyes。  He glanced around the

cabin。  It looked familiar and yet strange。  Rather; it looked

strange BECAUSE still familiar; and therefore incongruous with the

new atmosphere that surrounded itdiscordant with the echo of

their last meeting; and painfully accenting the change。  There were

the four 〃bunks;〃 or sleeping berths; of his companions; each still

bearing some traces of the individuality of its late occupant with

a dumb loyalty that seemed to make their light…hearted defection

monstrous。  In the dead ashes of the Judge's pipe; scattered on his

shelf; still lived his old fire; in the whittled and carved edges

of the Left Bower's bunk still were the memories of bygone days of

delicious indolence; in the bullet…holes clustered round a knot of

one of the beams there was still the record of the Right Bower's

old…time skill and practice; in the few engravings of female

loveliness stuck upon each headboard there were the proofs of their

old extravagant devotionall a mute protest to the change。

He remembered how; a fatherless; truant schoolboy; he had drifted

into their adventurous; nomadic life; itself a life of grown…up

truancy like his own; and became one of that gypsy family。  How

they had taken the place of relations and household in his boyish

fancy; filling it with the unsubstantial pageantry of a child's

play at grown…up existence; he knew only too well。  But how; from

being a pet and protege; he had gradually and unconsciously

asserted his own individuality and taken upon his younger shoulders

not only a poet's keen appreciation of that life; but its actual

responsibilities and half…childish burdens; he never suspected。  He

had fondly believed that he was a neophyte in their ways; a novice

in their charming faith and indolent creed; and they had encouraged

it; now their renunciation of that faith could only be an excuse

for a renunciation of HIM。  The poetry that had for two years

invested the material and sometimes even mean details of their

existence was too much a part of himself to be lightly dispelled。

The lesson of those ingenuous moralists failed; as such lessons are

apt to fail; their discipline provoked but did not subdue; a rising

indignation; stirred by a sense of injury; mounted to his cheek and

eyes。  It was slow to come; but was none the less violent that it

had been preceded by the benumbing shock of shame and pride。

I hope I shall not prejudice the reader's sympathies if my duty as

a simple chronicler compels me to state; therefore; that the sober

second thought of this gentle poet was to burn down the cabin on

the spot with all its contents。  This yielded to a milder counsel

waiting for the return of the party; challenging the Right Bower; a

duel to the death; perhaps himself the victim; with a crushing

explanation in extremis; 〃It seems we are ONE too many。  No matter;

it is settled now。  Farewell!〃  Dimly remembering; however; that

there was something of this in the last well…worn novel they had

read together; and that his antagonist might recognize it; or even

worse; anticipate it himself; the idea was quickly rejected。

Besides; the opportunity for an apotheosis of self…sacrifice was

past。  Nothing remained now but to refuse the proffered bribe of

claim and cabin by letter; for he must not wait their return。  He

tore a leaf from a blotted diary; begun and abandoned long since;

and essayed to write。  Scrawl after scrawl was torn up; until his

fury had cooled down to a frigid third personality。  〃Mr。 John Ford

regrets to inform his late partners that their tender of house; of

furniture;〃 however; seemed too inconsistent with the pork…barrel

table he was writing on; a more eloquent renunciation of their

offer became frivolous and idiotic from a caricature of Union

Mills; label and all; that appeared suddenly on the other side of

the leaf; and when he at last indited a satisfactory and

impassioned exposition of his feelings; the legible addendum of

〃Oh; ain't you glad you're out of the wilderness!〃the forgotten

first line of a popular song; which no scratching would erase

seemed too like an ironical postscript to be thought of for a

moment。  He threw aside his pen and cast the discordant record of

past foolish pastime into the dead ashes of the hearth。

How quiet it was。  With the cessation of the rain the wind too had

gone down; and scarcely a breath of air came through the open door。

He walked to the threshold and gazed on the hushed prospect。  In

this listless attitude he was faintly conscious of a distant

reverberation; a mere phantom of soundperhaps the explosion of a

distant blast in the hillsthat left the silence more marked and

oppressive。  As he turned again into the cabin a change seemed to

have come over it。  It already looked old and decayed。  The

loneliness of years of desertion seemed to have taken possession of

it; the atmosphere of dry rot was in the beams and rafters。  To his

excited fancy the few disordered blankets and articles of clothing

seemed dropping to pieces; in one of the bunks there was a hideous

resemblance in the longitudinal heap of clothing to a withered and

mummied corpse。  So it might look in after years when some passing

strangerbut he stopped。  A dread of the place was beginning to

creep over him; a dread of the days to come; when the monotonous

sunshine should lay bare the loneliness of these walls; the long;

long days of endless blue and cloudless; overhanging solitude;

summer days when the wearying; incessant trade winds should sing

around that empty shell and voice its desolation。  He gathered

together hastily a few articles that were especially his own

rather that the free communion of the camp; from indifference or

accident; had left wholly to him。  He hesitated for a moment over

his rifle; but; scrupulous in his wounded pride; turned away and

left the familiar weapon that in the dark days had so often

provided the dinner or breakfast of the little household。  Candor

compels me to state that his equipment was not large nor eminently

practical。  His scant pack was a light weight for even his young

shoulders; but I fear he thought more of getting away from the Past

than providing for the Future。

With this vague but sole purpose he left the cabin; and almost

mechanically turned his steps towards the creek he had crossed that

morning。  He knew that by this route he would avoid meeting his

companions; its difficulties and circuitousness would exercise his

feverish limbs and give him time for reflection。  He had determined

to leave the claim; but whence he had not yet considered。  He

reached the bank of the creek where he had stood two hours before;

it seemed to him two years。  He looked curiously at his reflection

in one of the broad pools of overflow; and fancied he looked older。

He watched the rush and outset of the turbid current hurrying to

meet the South Fork; and to eventually lose itself in the yellow

Sacramento。  Even in his preoccupation he was impressed with a

likeness to himself and his companions in this flood that had burst

its peaceful boundaries。  In the drifting fragments of one of their

forgotten flumes washed from the bank; he fancied he saw an omen of

the disintegration and decay of the Lone Star claim。

The strange hush in the air that he had noticed beforea calm so

inconsistent with that hour and the season as to seem portentous

became more marked in contrast to the feverish rush of the

turbulent water…course。  A few clouds lazily huddled in the west

apparently had gone to rest with the sun on beds of somnolent

poppies。  There was a gleam as of golden water everywhere along the

horizon; washing out the cold snowpeaks; and drowning even the

rising moon。  The creek caught it here and there; until; in grim

irony; it seemed to bear their broken sluice…boxes and useless

engines on the very Pactolian stream they had been hopefully

created to direct and carry。  But by some peculiar trick of the

atmosphere; the perfect plenitude of that golden sunset glory was

lavished on the rugged sides and tangled crest of the Lone Star

mountain。  That isolated peak; the landmark of their claim; the

gaunt monument of their folly; transfigured in the evening

splendor; kept its radiance unquenched long after the glow had

fallen from the encompassing skies; and when at last the rising

moon; step by step; put out the fires along the winding valley and

plains; and crept up the bosky sides of the canyon;
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