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on the frontier-第25部分

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the black; impenetrable barriers of skirting thickets opened and

gave way to vague distances that it appeared impossible to reach;

dim vistas that seemed unapproachable。  Gradually he seemed himself

to become a part of the mysterious night。  He was becoming as

pulseless; as calm; as passionless。

What was that?  A shot in the direction of the cabin! yet so faint;

so echoless; so ineffective in the vast silence; that he would have

thought it his fancy but for the strange instinctive jar upon his

sensitive nerves。  Was it an accident; or was it an intentional

signal to him?  He stopped; it was not repeated; the silence

reasserted itself; but this time with an ominous death…like

suggestion。  A sudden and terrible thought crossed his mind。  He

cast aside his pack and all encumbering weight; took a deep breath;

lowered his head and darted like a deer in the direction of the



The exodus of the seceding partners of the Lone Star claim had been

scarcely an imposing one。  For the first five minutes after

quitting the cabin; the procession was straggling and vagabond。

Unwonted exertion had exaggerated the lameness of some; and

feebleness of moral purpose had predisposed the others to obtrusive

musical exhibition。  Union Mills limped and whistled with affected

abstraction; the Judge whistled and limped with affected

earnestness。  The Right Bower led the way with some show of

definite design; the Left Bower followed with his hands in his

pockets。  The two feebler natures; drawn together in unconscious

sympathy; looked vaguely at each other for support。

〃You see;〃 said the Judge; suddenly; as if triumphantly concluding

an argument; 〃there ain't anything better for a young fellow than

independence。  Nature; so to speak; points the way。  Look at the


〃There's a skunk hereabouts;〃 said Union Mills; who was supposed to

be gifted with aristocratically sensitive nostrils; 〃within ten

miles of this place; like as not crossing the Ridge。  It's always

my luck to happen out just at such times。  I don't see the

necessity anyhow of trapesing round the claim now; if we calculate

to leave it to…night。〃

Both men waited to observe if the suggestion was taken up by the

Right and Left Bower moodily plodding ahead。  No response

following; the Judge shamelessly abandoned his companion。

〃You wouldn't stand snoopin' round instead of lettin' the Old Man

get used to the idea alone?  No; I could see all along that he was

takin' it in; takin' it in; kindly but slowly; and I reckoned the

best thing for us to do was to git up and git until he'd got round

it。〃  The Judge's voice was slightly raised for the benefit of the

two before him。

〃Didn't he say;〃 remarked the Right Bower; stopping suddenly and

facing the others; 〃didn't he say that that new trader was goin' to

let him have some provisions anyway?〃

Union Mills turned appealingly to the Judge; that gentleman was

forced to reply; 〃Yes; I remember distinctly he said it。  It was

one of the things I was particular about on his account;〃 responded

the Judge; with the air of having arranged it all himself with the

new trader。  〃I remember I was easier in my mind about it。〃

〃But didn't he say;〃 queried the Left Bower; also stopping short;

〃suthin' about it's being contingent on our doing some work on the


The Judge turned for support to Union Mills; who; however; under

the hollow pretense of preparing for a long conference; had

luxuriously seated himself on a stump。  The Judge sat down also;

and replied; hesitatingly; 〃Well; yes!  Us or him。〃

〃Us or him;〃 repeated the Right Bower; with gloomy irony。  〃And you

ain't quite clear in your mind; are you; if YOU haven't done the

work already?  You're just killing yourself with this spontaneous;

promiscuous; and premature overwork; that's what's the matter with


〃I reckon I heard somebody say suthin' about it's being a

Chinaman's three…day job;〃 interpolated the Left Bower; with equal

irony; 〃but I ain't quite clear in my mind about that。〃

〃It'll be a sorter distraction for the Old Man;〃 said Union Mills;

feebly〃kinder take his mind off his loneliness。〃

Nobody taking the least notice of the remark; union Mills stretched

out his legs more comfortably and took out his pipe。  He had

scarcely done so when the Right Bower; wheeling suddenly; set off

in the direction of the creek。  The Left Bower; after a slight

pause; followed without a word。  The Judge; wisely conceiving it

better to join the stronger party; ran feebly after him; and left

Union Mills to bring up a weak and vacillating rear。

Their course; diverging from Lone Star Mountain; led them now

directly to the bend of the creek; the base of their old

ineffectual operations。  Here was the beginning of the famous tail…

race that skirted the new trader's claim; and then lost its way in

a swampy hollow。  It was choked with debris; a thin; yellow stream

that once ran through it seemed to have stopped work when they did;

and gone into greenish liquidation。

They had scarcely spoken during this brief journey; and had

received no other explanation from the Right Bower; who led them;

than that afforded by his mute example when he reached the race。

Leaping into it without a word; he at once began to clear away the

broken timbers and driftwood。  Fired by the spectacle of what

appeared to be a new and utterly frivolous game; the men gayly

leaped after him; and were soon engaged in a fascinating struggle

with the impeded race。  The Judge forgot his lameness in springing

over a broken sluice…box; Union Mills forgot his whistle in a happy

imitation of a Chinese coolie's song。  Nevertheless; after ten

minutes of this mild dissipation; the pastime flagged; Union Mills

was beginning to rub his leg when a distant rumble shook the earth。

The men looked at each other; the diversion was complete; a languid

discussion of the probabilities of its being an earthquake or a

blast followed; in the midst of which the Right Bower; who was

working a little in advance of the others; uttered a warning cry

and leaped from the race。  His companions had barely time to follow

before a sudden and inexplicable rise in the waters of the creek

sent a swift irruption of the flood through the race。  In an

instant its choked and impeded channel was cleared; the race was

free; and the scattered debris of logs and timber floated upon its

easy current。  Quick to take advantage of this labor…saving

phenomenon; the Lone Star partners sprang into the water; and by

disentangling and directing the eddying fragments completed their


〃The Old Man oughter been here to see this;〃 said the Left Bower;

〃it's just one o' them climaxes of poetic justice he's always

huntin' up。  It's easy to see what's happened。  One o' them high…

toned shrimps over in the Excelsior claim has put a blast in too

near the creek。  He's tumbled the bank into the creek and sent the

back water down here just to wash out our race。  That's what I call

poetical retribution。〃

〃And who was it advised us to dam the creek below the race and make

it do the thing?〃 asked the Right Bower; moodily。

〃That was one of the Old Man's ideas; I reckon;〃 said the Left

Bower; dubiously。

〃And you remember;〃 broke in the Judge with animation; 〃I allus

said; 'Go slow; go slow。  You just hold on and suthin' will

happen。'  And;〃 he added; triumphantly; 〃you see suthin' has

happened。  I don't want to take credit to myself; but I reckoned on

them Excelsior boys bein' fools; and took the chances。〃

〃And what if I happen to know that the Excelsior boys ain't

blastin' to…day?〃 said the Right Bower; sarcastically。

As the Judge had evidently based his hypothesis on the alleged fact

of a blast; he deftly evaded the point。  〃I ain't saying the Old

Man's head ain't level on some things; he wants a little more sabe

of the world。  He's improved a good deal in euchre lately; and in

pokerwell! he's got that sorter dreamy; listenin'…to…the…angels

kind o' way that you can't exactly tell whether he's bluffin' or

has got a full hand。  Hasn't he?〃 he asked; appealing to Union


But that gentleman; who had been watching the dark face of the

Right Bower; preferred to take what he believed to be his cue from

him。  〃That ain't the question;〃 he said virtuously; 〃we ain't

takin' this step to make a card sharp out of him。  We're not doin'

Chinamen's work in this race to…day for that。  No; sir!  We're

teachin' him to paddle his own canoe。〃  Not finding the sympathetic

response he looked for in the Right Bower's face; he turned to the


〃I reckon we were teachin' him our canoe was too full;〃 was the

Left Bower's unexpected reply。  〃That's about the size of it。〃

The Right Bower shot a rapid glance under his brows at his brother。

The latter; with his hands in his pockets; stared unconsciously at

the rushing waters; and then quietly turned away。  The Right Bower

followed him。  〃Are you goin' back on us?〃 he asked。

〃Are you?〃 responded the other。


〃NO; then it is;〃 returned the Left Bower quietly。  The elder

brother hesitated in half…angry embarrassment。

〃Then what did you mean by saying we reckoned our canoe was too


〃Wasn't that our idea?〃 returned the Left Bower; indifferently。

Confounded by this practical expression of his own unformulated

good intentions; the Right Bower was staggered。

〃Speakin' of the Old Man;〃 broke in the Judge; with characteristic

infelicity; 〃I reckon he'll sort o' miss us; times like these。  We

were allers runnin' him and bedevilin' him; after work; just to get

him excited and amusin'; and he'll kinder miss that sort o'

stimulatin'。  I reckon we'll miss it too; somewhat。  Don't you

remember; boys; the night we put up that little sell on him and

made him believe we'd 
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