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on the frontier-第27部分

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〃You say you heard the slide come down before you left the cabin?〃

he said; turning to the Old Man。

〃Yes; but I did not know then what it was。  It was about an hour

and a half after you left;〃 was the reply。

〃Then look here; boys;〃 continued the Right Bower with superstitious

exultation; 〃it was the SLIDE that tumbled into the creek; overflowed

it; and helped US clear out the race!〃

It seemed so clear that Providence had taken the partners of the

Lone Star directly in hand that they faced the toilsome ascent of

the mountain with the assurance of conquerors。  They paused only on

the summit to allow the Old Man to lead the way to the slope that

held their treasure。  He advanced cautiously to the edge of the

crumbling cliff; stopped; looked bewildered; advanced again; and

then remained white and immovable。  In an instant the Right Bower

was at his side。

〃Is anything the matter?  Don'tdon't look so; Old Man; for God's


The Old Man pointed to the dull; smooth; black side of the

mountain; without a crag; break; or protuberance; and said with

ashen lips:

〃It's gone!〃

        。        。        。        。        。        。

And it was gone!  A SECOND slide had taken place; stripping the

flank of the mountain; and burying the treasure and the weak

implement that had marked its side deep under a chaos of rock and

debris at its base。

〃Thank God!〃  The blank faces of his companions turned quickly to

the Right Bower。  〃Thank God!〃 he repeated; with his arm round the

neck of the Old Man。  〃Had he stayed behind he would have been

buried too。〃  He paused; and; pointing solemnly to the depths

below; said; 〃And thank God for showing us where we may yet labor

for it in hope and patience like honest men。〃

The men silently bowed their heads and slowly descended the

mountain。  But when they had reached the plain one of them called

out to the others to watch a star that seemed to be rising and

moving towards them over the hushed and sleeping valley。

〃It's only the stage coach; boys;〃 said the Left Bower; smiling;

〃the coach that was to take us away。〃

In the security of their new…found fraternity they resolved to wait

and see it pass。  As it swept by with flash of light; beat of

hoofs; and jingle of harness; the only real presence in the dreamy

landscape; the driver shouted a hoarse greeting to the phantom

partners; audible only to the Judge; who was nearest the vehicle。

〃Did you hearDID you hear what he said; boys?〃 he gasped; turning

to his companions。  〃No!  Shake hands all round; boys!  God bless

you all; boys!  To think we didn't know it all this while!〃

〃Know what?〃

〃Merry Christmas!〃

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