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on the frontier-第8部分

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〃Reparation enough for her to have had you;〃 said Juanita; with

that rapid disloyalty of one loving woman to another in an

emergency。  This provoked another kiss from Cranch; and then

Juanita said demurely;

〃But we are far from the trail。  Let us return; or we shall miss

Father Pedro。  Are you sure he will come?〃

〃A week ago he promised to be here to see the proofs to…day。〃

The voices were growing fainter and fainter; they were returning to

the trail。

Father Pedro remained motionless。  A week ago!  Was it a week ago

sincesince what?  And what had he been doing here?  Listening!

He! Father Pedro; listening like an idle peon to the confidences of

two lovers。  But they had talked of him; of his crime; and the man

had pitied him。  Why did he not speak?  Why did he not call after

them?  He tried to raise his voice。  It sank in his throat with a

horrible choking sensation。  The nearest heads of oats began to nod

to him; he felt himself swaying backwards and forwards。  He fell

heavily; down; down; down; from the summit of the mountain to the

floor of the Mission chapel; and there he lay in the dark。

        。        。        。        。        。        。

〃He moves。〃

〃Blessed Saint Anthony preserve him!〃

It was Antonio's voice; it was Jose's arm; it was the field of wild

oats; the sky above his head;all unchanged。

〃What has happened?〃 said the priest feebly。

〃A giddiness seized your reverence just now; as we were coming to

seek you。〃

〃And you met no one?〃

〃No one; your reverence。〃

Father Pedro passed his hand across his forehead。

〃But who are these?〃 he said; pointing to two figures who now

appeared upon the trail。

Antonio turned。

〃It is the Americano; Senor Cranch; and his adopted daughter; the

mestiza Juanita; seeking your reverence; methinks。〃

〃Ah!〃 said Father Pedro。

Cranch came forward and greeted the priest cordially。  〃It was kind

of you; Father Pedro;〃 he said; meaningly; with a significant

glance at Jose and Antonio; 〃to come so far to bid me and my

adopted daughter farewell。  We depart when the tide serves; but not

before you partake of our hospitality in yonder cottage。〃

Father Pedro gazed at Cranch and then at Juanita。

〃I see;〃 he stammered。  〃But she goes not alone。  She will be

strange at first。  She takes some friend; perhapssome companion?〃

he continued; tremulously。

〃A very old and dear one; Father Pedro; who is waiting for us now。〃

He led the way to a little white cottage; so little and white and

recent; that it seemed a mere fleck of sea foam cast on the sands。

Disposing of Jose and Antonio in the neighboring workshop and

outbuildings; he assisted the venerable Sanchicha to dismount; and;

together with Father Pedro and Juanita; entered a white palisaded

enclosure beside the cottage; and halted before what appeared to be

a large; folding trap…door; covering a slight; sandy mound。  It was

locked with a padlock; beside it stood the American alcalde and Don

Juan Briones。  Father Pedro looked hastily around for another

figure; but it was not there。

〃Gentlemen;〃 began Cranch; in his practical business way; 〃I reckon

you all know we've come here to identify a young lady; who〃he

hesitated〃was lately under the care of Father Pedro; with a

foundling picked up on this shore fifteen years ago by an Indian

woman。  How this foundling came here; and how I was concerned in

it; you all know。  I've told everybody here how I scrambled ashore;

leaving that baby in the dingy; supposing it would be picked up by

the boat pursuing me。  I've told some of you;〃 he looked at Father

Pedro; 〃how I first discovered; from one of the men; three years

ago; that the child was not found by its father。  But I have never

told any one; before now; I KNEW it was picked up here。

〃I never could tell the exact locality where I came ashore; for the

fog was coming on as it is now。  But two years ago I came up with a

party of gold hunters to work these sands。  One day; digging near

this creek; I struck something embedded deep below the surface。

Well; gentlemen; it wasn't gold; but something worth more to me

than gold or silver。  Here it is。〃

At a sign the alcalde unlocked the doors and threw them open。  They

disclosed an irregular trench; in which; filled with sand; lay the

half…excavated stern of a boat。

〃It was the dingy of the Trinidad; gentlemen; you can still read

her name。  I found hidden away; tucked under the stern sheets;

mouldy and water…worn; some clothes that I recognized to be the

baby's。  I knew then that the child had been taken away alive for

some purpose; and the clothes were left so that she should carry no

trace with her。  I recognized the hand of an Indian。  I set to work

quietly。  I found Sanchicha here; she confessed to finding a baby;

but what she had done with it she would not at first say。  But

since then she has declared before the alcalde that she gave it to

Father Pedro; of San Carmel; and that here it standsFrancisco

that was!  Francisca that it is!〃

He stepped aside to make way for a tall girl; who had approached

from the cottage。

Father Pedro had neither noticed the concluding words nor the

movement of Cranch。  His eyes were fixed upon the imbecile

Sanchicha;Sanchicha; on whom; to render his rebuke more complete;

the Deity seemed to have worked a miracle; and restored intelligence

to eye and lip。  He passed his hand tremblingly across his forehead;

and turned away; when his eye fell upon the last comer。

It was she。  The moment he had longed for and dreaded had come。

She stood there; animated; handsome; filled with a hurtful

consciousness in her new charms; her fresh finery; and the pitiable

trinkets that had supplanted her scapulary; and which played under

her foolish fingers。  The past had no place in her preoccupied

mind; her bright eyes were full of eager anticipation of a

substantial future。  The incarnation of a frivolous world; even as

she extended one hand to him in half…coquettish embarrassment she

arranged the folds of her dress with the other。  At the touch of

her fingers; he felt himself growing old and cold。  Even the

penance of parting; which he had looked forward to; was denied him;

there was no longer sympathy enough for sorrow。  He thought of the

empty chorister's robe in the little cell; but not now with regret。

He only trembled to think of the flesh that he had once caused to

inhabit it。

〃That's all; gentlemen;〃 broke in the practical voice of Cranch。

〃Whether there are proofs enough to make Francisca the heiress of

her father's wealth; the lawyers must say。  I reckon it's enough

for me that they give me the chance of repairing a wrong by taking

her father's place。  After all; it was a mere chance。〃

〃It was the will of God;〃 said Father Pedro; solemnly。

They were the last words he addressed them。  For when the fog had

begun to creep inshore; hastening their departure; he only answered

their farewells by a silent pressure of the hand; mute lips; and

far…off eyes。

When the sound of their laboring oars grew fainter; he told Antonio

to lead him and Sanchicha again to the buried boat。  There he bade

her kneel beside him。  〃We will do penance here; thou and I;

daughter;〃 he said gravely。  When the fog had drawn its curtain

gently around the strange pair; and sea and shore were blotted out;

he whispered; 〃Tell me; it was even so; was it not; daughter; on

the night she came?〃  When the distant clatter of blocks and rattle

of cordage came from the unseen vessel; now standing out to sea; he

whispered again; 〃So; this is what thou didst hear; even then。〃

And so during the night he marked; more or less audibly to the

half…conscious woman at his side; the low whisper of the waves; the

murmur of the far…off breakers; the lightening and thickening of

the fog; the phantoms of moving shapes; and the slow coming of the

dawn。  And when the morning sun had rent the veil over land and

sea; Antonio and Jose found him; haggard; but erect; beside the

trembling old woman; with a blessing on his lips; pointing to the

horizon where a single sail still glimmered:

          〃Va Usted con Dios。〃



She was barely twenty…three years old。  It is probable that up to

that age; and the beginning of this episode; her life had been

uneventful。  Born to the easy mediocrity of such compensating

extremes as a small farmhouse and large lands; a good position and

no society; in that vast grazing district of Kentucky known as the

〃Blue Grass〃 region; all the possibilities of a Western American

girl's existence lay before her。  A piano in the bare…walled house;

the latest patented mower in the limitless meadows; and a silk

dress sweeping the rough floor of the unpainted 〃meeting…house〃

were already the promise of those possibilities。  Beautiful she

was; but the power of that beauty was limited by being equally

shared with her few neighbors。  There were small; narrow; arched

feet besides her own that trod the uncarpeted floors of outlying

log…cabins with equal grace and dignity; bright; clearly opened

eyes that were equally capable of looking unabashed upon princes

and potentates; as a few later did; and the heiress of the county

judge read her own beauty without envy in the frank glances and

unlowered crest of the blacksmith's daughter。  Eventually she had

married the male of her species; a young stranger; who; as

schoolmaster in the nearest town; had utilized to some local extent

a scant capital of education。  In obedience to the unwritten law of

the West; after the marriage was celebrated the doors of the

ancestral home cheerfully opened; and bride and bridegroom issued

forth; without regret and without sentiment; to seek the further

possibilities of a life beyond these already too familiar
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