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the uncommercial traveller-第24部分

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stagger about the gutters; unassisted; while they frouzily quarrel

and swear and scratch and spit; at street corners。  In particular;

I remark that when they are about to increase their families (an

event of frequent recurrence) the resemblance is strongly expressed

in a certain dusty dowdiness; down…at…heel self…neglect; and

general giving up of things。  I cannot honestly report that I have

ever seen a feline matron of this class washing her face when in an

interesting condition。

Not to prolong these notes of uncommercial travel among the lower

animals of shy neighbourhoods; by dwelling at length upon the

exasperated moodiness of the tom…cats; and their resemblance in

many respects to a man and a brother; I will come to a close with a

word on the fowls of the same localities。

That anything born of an egg and invested with wings; should have

got to the pass that it hops contentedly down a ladder into a

cellar; and calls THAT going home; is a circumstance so amazing as

to leave one nothing more in this connexion to wonder at。

Otherwise I might wonder at the completeness with which these fowls

have become separated from all the birds of the air … have taken to

grovelling in bricks and mortar and mud … have forgotten all about

live trees; and make roosting…places of shop…boards; barrows;

oyster…tubs; bulk…heads; and door…scrapers。  I wonder at nothing

concerning them; and take them as they are。  I accept as products

of Nature and things of course; a reduced Bantam family of my

acquaintance in the Hackney…road; who are incessantly at the

pawnbroker's。  I cannot say that they enjoy themselves; for they

are of a melancholy temperament; but what enjoyment they are

capable of; they derive from crowding together in the pawnbroker's

side…entry。  Here; they are always to be found in a feeble flutter;

as if they were newly come down in the world; and were afraid of

being identified。  I know a low fellow; originally of a good family

from Dorking; who takes his whole establishment of wives; in single

file; in at the door of the jug Department of a disorderly tavern

near the Haymarket; manoeuvres them among the company's legs;

emerges with them at the Bottle Entrance; and so passes his life:

seldom; in the season; going to bed before two in the morning。

Over Waterloo…bridge; there is a shabby old speckled couple (they

belong to the wooden French…bedstead; washing…stand; and towel…

horse…making trade); who are always trying to get in at the door of

a chapel。  Whether the old lady; under a delusion reminding one of

Mrs。 Southcott; has an idea of entrusting an egg to that particular

denomination; or merely understands that she has no business in the

building and is consequently frantic to enter it; I cannot

determine; but she is constantly endeavouring to undermine the

principal door:  while her partner; who is infirm upon his legs;

walks up and down; encouraging her and defying the Universe。  But;

the family I have been best acquainted with; since the removal from

this trying sphere of a Chinese circle at Brentford; reside in the

densest part of Bethnal…green。  Their abstraction from the objects

among which they live; or rather their conviction that those

objects have all come into existence in express subservience to

fowls; has so enchanted me; that I have made them the subject of

many journeys at divers hours。  After careful observation of the

two lords and the ten ladies of whom this family consists; I have

come to the conclusion that their opinions are represented by the

leading lord and leading lady:  the latter; as I judge; an aged

personage; afflicted with a paucity of feather and visibility of

quill; that gives her the appearance of a bundle of office pens。

When a railway goods van that would crush an elephant comes round

the corner; tearing over these fowls; they emerge unharmed from

under the horses; perfectly satisfied that the whole rush was a

passing property in the air; which may have left something to eat

behind it。  They look upon old shoes; wrecks of kettles and

saucepans; and fragments of bonnets; as a kind of meteoric

discharge; for fowls to peck at。  Peg…tops and hoops they account;

I think; as a sort of hail; shuttlecocks; as rain; or dew。

Gaslight comes quite as natural to them as any other light; and I

have more than a suspicion that; in the minds of the two lords; the

early public…house at the corner has superseded the sun。  I have

established it as a certain fact; that they always begin to crow

when the public…house shutters begin to be taken down; and that

they salute the potboy; the instant he appears to perform that

duty; as if he were Phoebus in person。


The chance use of the word 'Tramp' in my last paper; brought that

numerous fraternity so vividly before my mind's eye; that I had no

sooner laid down my pen than a compulsion was upon me to take it up

again; and make notes of the Tramps whom I perceived on all the

summer roads in all directions。

Whenever a tramp sits down to rest by the wayside; he sits with his

legs in a dry ditch; and whenever he goes to sleep (which is very

often indeed); he goes to sleep on his back。  Yonder; by the high

road; glaring white in the bright sunshine; lies; on the dusty bit

of turf under the bramble…bush that fences the coppice from the

highway; the tramp of the order savage; fast asleep。  He lies on

the broad of his back; with his face turned up to the sky; and one

of his ragged arms loosely thrown across his face。  His bundle

(what can be the contents of that mysterious bundle; to make it

worth his while to carry it about?) is thrown down beside him; and

the waking woman with him sits with her legs in the ditch; and her

back to the road。  She wears her bonnet rakishly perched on the

front of her head; to shade her face from the sun in walking; and

she ties her skirts round her in conventionally tight tramp…fashion

with a sort of apron。  You can seldom catch sight of her; resting

thus; without seeing her in a despondently defiant manner doing

something to her hair or her bonnet; and glancing at you between

her fingers。  She does not often go to sleep herself in the

daytime; but will sit for any length of time beside the man。  And

his slumberous propensities would not seem to be referable to the

fatigue of carrying the bundle; for she carries it much oftener and

further than he。  When they are afoot; you will mostly find him

slouching on ahead; in a gruff temper; while she lags heavily

behind with the burden。  He is given to personally correcting her;

too … which phase of his character develops itself oftenest; on

benches outside alehouse doors … and she appears to become strongly

attached to him for these reasons; it may usually be noticed that

when the poor creature has a bruised face; she is the most

affectionate。  He has no occupation whatever; this order of tramp;

and has no object whatever in going anywhere。  He will sometimes

call himself a brickmaker; or a sawyer; but only when he takes an

imaginary flight。  He generally represents himself; in a vague way;

as looking out for a job of work; but he never did work; he never

does; and he never will。  It is a favourite fiction with him;

however (as if he were the most industrious character on earth);

that YOU never work; and as he goes past your garden and sees you

looking at your flowers; you will overhear him growl with a strong

sense of contrast; 'YOU are a lucky hidle devil; YOU are!'

The slinking tramp is of the same hopeless order; and has the same

injured conviction on him that you were born to whatever you

possess; and never did anything to get it:  but he is of a less

audacious disposition。  He will stop before your gate; and say to

his female companion with an air of constitutional humility and

propitiation … to edify any one who may be within hearing behind a

blind or a bush … 'This is a sweet spot; ain't it?  A lovelly spot!

And I wonder if they'd give two poor footsore travellers like me

and you; a drop of fresh water out of such a pretty gen…teel crib?

We'd take it wery koind on 'em; wouldn't us?  Wery koind; upon my

word; us would?'  He has a quick sense of a dog in the vicinity;

and will extend his modestly…injured propitiation to the dog

chained up in your yard; remarking; as he slinks at the yard gate;

'Ah!  You are a foine breed o' dog; too; and YOU ain't kep for

nothink!  I'd take it wery koind o' your master if he'd elp a

traveller and his woife as envies no gentlefolk their good fortun;

wi' a bit o' your broken wittles。  He'd never know the want of it;

nor more would you。  Don't bark like that; at poor persons as never

done you no arm; the poor is down…trodden and broke enough without

that; O DON'T!'  He generally heaves a prodigious sigh in moving

away; and always looks up the lane and down the lane; and up the

road and down the road; before going on。

Both of these orders of tramp are of a very robust habit; let the

hard…working labourer at whose cottage…door they prowl and beg;

have the ague never so badly; these tramps are sure to be in good


There is another kind of tramp; whom you encounter this bright

summer day … say; on a road with the sea…breeze making its dust

lively; and sails of ships in the blue distance beyond the slope of

Down。  As you walk enjoyingly on; you descry in the perspective at

the bottom of a steep hill up which your way lies; a figure that

appears to be sitting airily on a gate; whistling in a cheerful and

disengaged manner。  As you approach nearer to it; you observe the

figure to slide down from the gate; to desist from whistling; to

uncock its hat; to become tender of foot; to depress its head and

elevate its shoulders; and to present all the characteristics of

profound despondency。  Arriving at the bottom of the hill and

coming close to the figure; you observe it to
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