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the uncommercial traveller-第3部分

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required so closely to familiarise himself with for the soothing of

the living; that he had casually said; without the least abatement

of his cheerfulness; 'indeed; it had rendered him unable for a time

to eat or drink more than a little coffee now and then; and a piece

of bread。'

In this noble modesty; in this beautiful simplicity; in this serene

avoidance of the least attempt to 'improve' an occasion which might

be supposed to have sunk of its own weight into my heart; I seemed

to have happily come; in a few steps; from the churchyard with its

open grave; which was the type of Death; to the Christian dwelling

side by side with it; which was the type of Resurrection。  I never

shall think of the former; without the latter。  The two will always

rest side by side in my memory。  If I had lost any one dear to me

in this unfortunate ship; if I had made a voyage from Australia to

look at the grave in the churchyard; I should go away; thankful to

GOD that that house was so close to it; and that its shadow by day

and its domestic lights by night fell upon the earth in which its

Master had so tenderly laid my dear one's head。

The references that naturally arose out of our conversation; to the

descriptions sent down of shipwrecked persons; and to the gratitude

of relations and friends; made me very anxious to see some of those

letters。  I was presently seated before a shipwreck of papers; all

bordered with black; and from them I made the following few


A mother writes:

REVEREND SIR。  Amongst the many who perished on your shore was

numbered my beloved son。  I was only just recovering from a severe

illness; and this fearful affliction has caused a relapse; so that

I am unable at present to go to identify the remains of the loved

and lost。  My darling son would have been sixteen on Christmas…day

next。  He was a most amiable and obedient child; early taught the

way of salvation。  We fondly hoped that as a British seaman he

might be an ornament to his profession; but; 'it is well;' I feel

assured my dear boy is now with the redeemed。  Oh; he did not wish

to go this last voyage!  On the fifteenth of October; I received a

letter from him from Melbourne; date August twelfth; he wrote in

high spirits; and in conclusion he says:  'Pray for a fair breeze;

dear mamma; and I'll not forget to whistle for it! and; God

permitting; I shall see you and all my little pets again。  Good…

bye; dear mother … good…bye; dearest parents。  Good…bye; dear

brother。'  Oh; it was indeed an eternal farewell。  I do not

apologise for thus writing you; for oh; my heart is so very


A husband writes:

MY DEAR KIND SIR。  Will you kindly inform me whether there are any

initials upon the ring and guard you have in possession; found; as

the Standard says; last Tuesday?  Believe me; my dear sir; when I

say that I cannot express my deep gratitude in words sufficiently

for your kindness to me on that fearful and appalling day。  Will

you tell me what I can do for you; and will you write me a

consoling letter to prevent my mind from going astray?

A widow writes:

Left in such a state as I am; my friends and I thought it best that

my dear husband should be buried where he lies; and; much as I

should have liked to have had it otherwise; I must submit。  I feel;

from all I have heard of you; that you will see it done decently

and in order。  Little does it signify to us; when the soul has

departed; where this poor body lies; but we who are left behind

would do all we can to show how we loved them。  This is denied me;

but it is God's hand that afflicts us; and I try to submit。  Some

day I may be able to visit the spot; and see where he lies; and

erect a simple stone to his memory。  Oh! it will be long; long

before I forget that dreadful night!  Is there such a thing in the

vicinity; or any shop in Bangor; to which I could send for a small

picture of Moelfra or Llanallgo church; a spot now sacred to me?

Another widow writes:

I have received your letter this morning; and do thank you most

kindly for the interest you have taken about my dear husband; as

well for the sentiments yours contains; evincing the spirit of a

Christian who can sympathise with those who; like myself; are

broken down with grief。

May God bless and sustain you; and all in connection with you; in

this great trial。  Time may roll on and bear all its sons away; but

your name as a disinterested person will stand in history; and; as

successive years pass; many a widow will think of your noble

conduct; and the tears of gratitude flow down many a cheek; the

tribute of a thankful heart; when other things are forgotten for


A father writes:

I am at a loss to find words to sufficiently express my gratitude

to you for your kindness to my son Richard upon the melancholy

occasion of his visit to his dear brother's body; and also for your

ready attention in pronouncing our beautiful burial service over my

poor unfortunate son's remains。  God grant that your prayers over

him may reach the Mercy Seat; and that his soul may be received

(through Christ's intercession) into heaven!

His dear mother begs me to convey to you her heartfelt thanks。

Those who were received at the clergyman's house; write thus; after

leaving it:


morning without accident; and am about to proceed to my home by


I am overpowered when I think of you and your hospitable home。  No

words could speak language suited to my heart。  I refrain。  God

reward you with the same measure you have meted with!

I enumerate no names; but embrace you all。

MY BELOVED FRIENDS。  This is the first day that I have been able to

leave my bedroom since I returned; which will explain the reason of

my not writing sooner。

If I could only have had my last melancholy hope realised in

recovering the body of my beloved and lamented son; I should have

returned home somewhat comforted; and I think I could then have

been comparatively resigned。

I fear now there is but little prospect; and I mourn as one without


The only consolation to my distressed mind is in having been so

feelingly allowed by you to leave the matter in your hands; by whom

I well know that everything will be done that can be; according to

arrangements made before I left the scene of the awful catastrophe;

both as to the identification of my dear son; and also his


I feel most anxious to hear whether anything fresh has transpired

since I left you; will you add another to the many deep obligations

I am under to you by writing to me?  And should the body of my dear

and unfortunate son be identified; let me hear from you

immediately; and I will come again。

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel I owe to you all for your

benevolent aid; your kindness; and your sympathy。

MY DEARLY BELOVED FRIENDS。  I arrived in safety at my house

yesterday; and a night's rest has restored and tranquillised me。  I

must again repeat; that language has no words by which I can

express my sense of obligation to you。  You are enshrined in my

heart of hearts。

I have seen him! and can now realise my misfortune more than I have

hitherto been able to do。  Oh; the bitterness of the cup I drink!

But I bow submissive。  God MUST have done right。  I do not want to

feel less; but to acquiesce more simply。

There were some Jewish passengers on board the Royal Charter; and

the gratitude of the Jewish people is feelingly expressed in the

following letter bearing date from 'the office of the Chief Rabbi:'

REVEREND SIR。  I cannot refrain from expressing to you my heartfelt

thanks on behalf of those of my flock whose relatives have

unfortunately been among those who perished at the late wreck of

the Royal Charter。  You have; indeed; like Boaz; 'not left off your

kindness to the living and the dead。'

You have not alone acted kindly towards the living by receiving

them hospitably at your house; and energetically assisting them in

their mournful duty; but also towards the dead; by exerting

yourself to have our co…religionists buried in our ground; and

according to our rites。  May our heavenly Father reward you for

your acts of humanity and true philanthropy!

The 'Old Hebrew congregation of Liverpool' thus express themselves

through their secretary:

REVEREND SIR。  The wardens of this congregation have learned with

great pleasure that; in addition to those indefatigable exertions;

at the scene of the late disaster to the Royal Charter; which have

received universal recognition; you have very benevolently employed

your valuable efforts to assist such members of our faith as have

sought the bodies of lost friends to give them burial in our

consecrated grounds; with the observances and rites prescribed by

the ordinances of our religion。

The wardens desire me to take the earliest available opportunity to

offer to you; on behalf of our community; the expression of their

warm acknowledgments and grateful thanks; and their sincere wishes

for your continued welfare and prosperity。

A Jewish gentleman writes:

REVEREND AND DEAR SIR。  I take the opportunity of thanking you

right earnestly for the promptness you displayed in answering my

note with full particulars concerning my much lamented brother; and

I also herein beg to express my sincere regard for the willingness

you displayed and for the facility you afforded for getting the

remains of my poor brother exhumed。  It has been to us a most

sorrowful and painful event; but when we meet with such friends as

yourself; it in a measure; somehow or other; abates that mental

anguish; and makes the suffering so much easier to be borne。

Considering the circu
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