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the uncommercial traveller-第41部分

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made no sign; and never once 'took on' in any way; to have the

subject on his mind。  The Englishman was then obliged to change his

residence to another and more famous town in the North of Italy。

He parted from the poor prisoner with a sorrowful heart; as from a

doomed man for whom there was no release but Death。

The Englishman lived in his new place of abode another half…year

and more; and had no tidings of the wretched prisoner。  At length;

one day; he received from the Advocate a cool; concise; mysterious

note; to this effect。  'If you still wish to bestow that benefit

upon the man in whom you were once interested; send me fifty pounds

more; and I think it can be ensured。'  Now; the Englishman had long

settled in his mind that the Advocate was a heartless sharper; who

had preyed upon his credulity and his interest in an unfortunate

sufferer。  So; he sat down and wrote a dry answer; giving the

Advocate to understand that he was wiser now than he had been

formerly; and that no more money was extractable from his pocket。

He lived outside the city gates; some mile or two from the post…

office; and was accustomed to walk into the city with his letters

and post them himself。  On a lovely spring day; when the sky was

exquisitely blue; and the sea Divinely beautiful; he took his usual

walk; carrying this letter to the Advocate in his pocket。  As he

went along; his gentle heart was much moved by the loveliness of

the prospect; and by the thought of the slowly dying prisoner

chained to the bedstead; for whom the universe had no delights。  As

he drew nearer and nearer to the city where he was to post the

letter; he became very uneasy in his mind。  He debated with

himself; was it remotely possible; after all; that this sum of

fifty pounds could restore the fellow…creature whom he pitied so

much; and for whom he had striven so hard; to liberty?  He was not

a conventionally rich Englishman … very far from that … but; he had

a spare fifty pounds at the banker's。  He resolved to risk it。

Without doubt; GOD has recompensed him for the resolution。

He went to the banker's; and got a bill for the amount; and

enclosed it in a letter to the Advocate that I wish I could have

seen。  He simply told the Advocate that he was quite a poor man;

and that he was sensible it might be a great weakness in him to

part with so much money on the faith of so vague a communication;

but; that there it was; and that he prayed the Advocate to make a

good use of it。  If he did otherwise no good could ever come of it;

and it would lie heavy on his soul one day。

Within a week; the Englishman was sitting at his breakfast; when he

heard some suppressed sounds of agitation on the staircase; and

Giovanni Carlavero leaped into the room and fell upon his breast; a

free man!

Conscious of having wronged the Advocate in his own thoughts; the

Englishman wrote him an earnest and grateful letter; avowing the

fact; and entreating him to confide by what means and through what

agency he had succeeded so well。  The Advocate returned for answer

through the post; 'There are many things; as you know; in this

Italy of ours; that are safest and best not even spoken of … far

less written of。  We may meet some day; and then I may tell you

what you want to know; not here; and now。'  But; the two never did

meet again。  The Advocate was dead when the Englishman gave me my

trust; and how the man had been set free; remained as great a

mystery to the Englishman; and to the man himself; as it was to me。

But; I knew this:… here was the man; this sultry night; on his

knees at my feet; because I was the Englishman's friend; here were

his tears upon my dress; here were his sobs choking his utterance;

here were his kisses on my hands; because they had touched the

hands that had worked out his release。  He had no need to tell me

it would be happiness to him to die for his benefactor; I doubt if

I ever saw real; sterling; fervent gratitude of soul; before or


He was much watched and suspected; he said; and had had enough to

do to keep himself out of trouble。  This; and his not having

prospered in his worldly affairs; had led to his having failed in

his usual communications to the Englishman for … as I now remember

the period … some two or three years。  But; his prospects were

brighter; and his wife who had been very ill had recovered; and his

fever had left him; and he had bought a little vineyard; and would

I carry to his benefactor the first of its wine?  Ay; that I would

(I told him with enthusiasm); and not a drop of it should be

spilled or lost!

He had cautiously closed the door before speaking of himself; and

had talked with such excess of emotion; and in a provincial Italian

so difficult to understand; that I had more than once been obliged

to stop him; and beg him to have compassion on me and be slower and

calmer。  By degrees he became so; and tranquilly walked back with

me to the hotel。  There; I sat down before I went to bed and wrote

a faithful account of him to the Englishman:  which I concluded by

saying that I would bring the wine home; against any difficulties;

every drop。

Early next morning; when I came out at the hotel door to pursue my

journey; I found my friend waiting with one of those immense

bottles in which the Italian peasants store their wine … a bottle

holding some half…dozen gallons … bound round with basket…work for

greater safety on the journey。  I see him now; in the bright

sunshine; tears of gratitude in his eyes; proudly inviting my

attention to this corpulent bottle。  (At the street…comer hard by;

two high…flavoured; able…bodied monks … pretending to talk

together; but keeping their four evil eyes upon us。)

How the bottle had been got there; did not appear; but the

difficulty of getting it into the ramshackle vetturino carriage in

which I was departing; was so great; and it took up so much room

when it was got in; that I elected to sit outside。  The last I saw

of Giovanni Carlavero was his running through the town by the side

of the jingling wheels; clasping my hand as I stretched it down

from the box; charging me with a thousand last loving and dutiful

messages to his dear patron; and finally looking in at the bottle

as it reposed inside; with an admiration of its honourable way of

travelling that was beyond measure delightful。

And now; what disquiet of mind this dearly…beloved and highly…

treasured Bottle began to cost me; no man knows。  It was my

precious charge through a long tour; and; for hundreds of miles; I

never had it off my mind by day or by night。  Over bad roads … and

they were many … I clung to it with affectionate desperation。  Up

mountains; I looked in at it and saw it helplessly tilting over on

its back; with terror。  At innumerable inn doors when the weather

was bad; I was obliged to be put into my vehicle before the Bottle

could be got in; and was obliged to have the Bottle lifted out

before human aid could come near me。  The Imp of the same name;

except that his associations were all evil and these associations

were all good; would have been a less troublesome travelling

companion。  I might have served Mr。 Cruikshank as a subject for a

new illustration of the miseries of the Bottle。  The National

Temperance Society might have made a powerful Tract of me。

The suspicions that attached to this innocent Bottle; greatly

aggravated my difficulties。  It was like the apple…pie in the

child's book。  Parma pouted at it; Modena mocked it; Tuscany

tackled it; Naples nibbled it; Rome refused it; Austria accused it;

Soldiers suspected it; Jesuits jobbed it。  I composed a neat

Oration; developing my inoffensive intentions in connexion with

this Bottle; and delivered it in an infinity of guard…houses; at a

multitude of town gates; and on every drawbridge; angle; and

rampart; of a complete system of fortifications。  Fifty times a

day; I got down to harangue an infuriated soldiery about the

Bottle。  Through the filthy degradation of the abject and vile

Roman States; I had as much difficulty in working my way with the

Bottle; as if it had bottled up a complete system of heretical

theology。  In the Neapolitan country; where everybody was a spy; a

soldier; a priest; or a lazzarone; the shameless beggars of all

four denominations incessantly pounced on the Bottle and made it a

pretext for extorting money from me。  Quires … quires do I say?

Reams … of forms illegibly printed on whity…brown paper were filled

up about the Bottle; and it was the subject of more stamping and

sanding than I had ever seen before。  In consequence of which haze

of sand; perhaps; it was always irregular; and always latent with

dismal penalties of going back or not going forward; which were

only to be abated by the silver crossing of a base hand; poked

shirtless out of a ragged uniform sleeve。  Under all

discouragements; however; I stuck to my Bottle; and held firm to my

resolution that every drop of its contents should reach the

Bottle's destination。

The latter refinement cost me a separate heap of troubles on its

own separate account。  What corkscrews did I see the military power

bring out against that Bottle; what gimlets; spikes; divining rods;

gauges; and unknown tests and instruments!  At some places; they

persisted in declaring that the wine must not be passed; without

being opened and tasted; I; pleading to the contrary; used then to

argue the question seated on the Bottle lest they should open it in

spite of me。  In the southern parts of Italy more violent

shrieking; face…making; and gesticulating; greater vehemence of

speech and countenance and action; went on about that Bottle than

would attend fifty murders in a northern latitude。  It raised

important functionaries out of their beds; in the dead of night。  I

have known half…a…dozen military lanterns to disperse themselves at

all points o
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