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the uncommercial traveller-第66部分

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cloth (of which he is particularly fond); and white and red and

blue paint for the face。  The irrationality of this particular

Medicine culminates in a mock battle…rush; from which many of the

squaws are borne out; much dilapidated。  I need not observe how

unlike this is to a Drawing Room at St。 James's Palace。

The African magician I find it very difficult to exclude from my

Wigwam too。  This creature takes cases of death and mourning under

his supervision; and will frequently impoverish a whole family by

his preposterous enchantments。  He is a great eater and drinker;

and always conceals a rejoicing stomach under a grieving exterior。

His charms consist of an infinite quantity of worthless scraps; for

which he charges very high。  He impresses on the poor bereaved

natives; that the more of his followers they pay to exhibit such

scraps on their persons for an hour or two (though they never saw

the deceased in their lives; and are put in high spirits by his

decease); the more honourably and piously they grieve for the dead。

The poor people submitting themselves to this conjurer; an

expensive procession is formed; in which bits of stick; feathers of

birds; and a quantity of other unmeaning objects besmeared with

black paint; are carried in a certain ghastly order of which no one

understands the meaning; if it ever had any; to the brink of the

grave; and are then brought back again。

In the Tonga Islands everything is supposed to have a soul; so that

when a hatchet is irreparably broken; they say; 'His immortal part

has departed; he is gone to the happy hunting…plains。'  This belief

leads to the logical sequence that when a man is buried; some of

his eating and drinking vessels; and some of his warlike

implements; must be broken and buried with him。  Superstitious and

wrong; but surely a more respectable superstition than the hire of

antic scraps for a show that has no meaning based on any sincere


Let me halt on my Uncommercial road; to throw a passing glance on

some funeral solemnities that I have seen where North American

Indians; African Magicians; and Tonga Islanders; are supposed not

to be。

Once; I dwelt in an Italian city; where there dwelt with me for a

while; an Englishman of an amiable nature; great enthusiasm; and no

discretion。  This friend discovered a desolate stranger; mourning

over the unexpected death of one very dear to him; in a solitary

cottage among the vineyards of an outlying village。  The

circumstances of the bereavement were unusually distressing; and

the survivor; new to the peasants and the country; sorely needed

help; being alone with the remains。  With some difficulty; but with

the strong influence of a purpose at once gentle; disinterested;

and determined; my friend … Mr。 Kindheart … obtained access to the

mourner; and undertook to arrange the burial。

There was a small Protestant cemetery near the city walls; and as

Mr。 Kindheart came back to me; he turned into it and chose the

spot。  He was always highly flushed when rendering a service

unaided; and I knew that to make him happy I must keep aloof from

his ministration。  But when at dinner he warmed with the good

action of the day; and conceived the brilliant idea of comforting

the mourner with 'an English funeral;' I ventured to intimate that

I thought that institution; which was not absolutely sublime at

home; might prove a failure in Italian hands。  However; Mr。

Kindheart was so enraptured with his conception; that he presently

wrote down into the town requesting the attendance with to…morrow's

earliest light of a certain little upholsterer。  This upholsterer

was famous for speaking the unintelligible local dialect (his own)

in a far more unintelligible manner than any other man alive。

When from my bath next morning I overheard Mr。 Kindheart and the

upholsterer in conference on the top of an echoing staircase; and

when I overheard Mr。 Kindheart rendering English Undertaking

phrases into very choice Italian; and the upholsterer replying in

the unknown Tongues; and when I furthermore remembered that the

local funerals had no resemblance to English funerals; I became in

my secret bosom apprehensive。  But Mr。 Kindheart informed me at

breakfast that measures had been taken to ensure a signal success。

As the funeral was to take place at sunset; and as I knew to which

of the city gates it must tend; I went out at that gate as the sun

descended; and walked along the dusty; dusty road。  I had not

walked far; when I encountered this procession:

1。  Mr。 Kindheart; much abashed; on an immense grey horse。

2。  A bright yellow coach and pair; driven by a coachman in bright

red velvet knee…breeches and waistcoat。  (This was the established

local idea of State。)  Both coach doors kept open by the coffin;

which was on its side within; and sticking out at each。

3。  Behind the coach; the mourner; for whom the coach was intended;

walking in the dust。

4。 Concealed behind a roadside well for the irrigation of a garden;

the unintelligible Upholsterer; admiring。

It matters little now。  Coaches of all colours are alike to poor

Kindheart; and he rests far North of the little cemetery with the

cypress…trees; by the city walls where the Mediterranean is so


My first funeral; a fair representative funeral after its kind; was

that of the husband of a married servant; once my nurse。  She

married for money。  Sally Flanders; after a year or two of

matrimony; became the relict of Flanders; a small master builder;

and either she or Flanders had done me the honour to express a

desire that I should 'follow。'  I may have been seven or eight

years old; … young enough; certainly; to feel rather alarmed by the

expression; as not knowing where the invitation was held to

terminate; and how far I was expected to follow the deceased

Flanders。  Consent being given by the heads of houses; I was jobbed

up into what was pronounced at home decent mourning (comprehending

somebody else's shirt; unless my memory deceives me); and was

admonished that if; when the funeral was in action; I put my hands

in my pockets; or took my eyes out of my pocket…handkerchief; I was

personally lost; and my family disgraced。  On the eventful day;

having tried to get myself into a disastrous frame of mind; and

having formed a very poor opinion of myself because I couldn't cry;

I repaired to Sally's。  Sally was an excellent creature; and had

been a good wife to old Flanders; but the moment I saw her I knew

that she was not in her own real natural state。  She formed a sort

of Coat of Arms; grouped with a smelling…bottle; a handkerchief; an

orange; a bottle of vinegar; Flanders's sister; her own sister;

Flanders's brother's wife; and two neighbouring gossips … all in

mourning; and all ready to hold her whenever she fainted。  At sight

of poor little me she became much agitated (agitating me much

more); and having exclaimed; 'O here's dear Master Uncommercial!'

became hysterical; and swooned as if I had been the death of her。

An affecting scene followed; during which I was handed about and

poked at her by various people; as if I were the bottle of salts。

Reviving a little; she embraced me; said; 'You knew him well; dear

Master Uncommercial; and he knew you!' and fainted again:  which;

as the rest of the Coat of Arms soothingly said; 'done her credit。'

Now; I knew that she needn't have fainted unless she liked; and

that she wouldn't have fainted unless it had been expected of her;

quite as well as I know it at this day。  It made me feel

uncomfortable and hypocritical besides。  I was not sure but that it

might be manners in ME to faint next; and I resolved to keep my eye

on Flanders's uncle; and if I saw any signs of his going in that

direction; to go too; politely。  But Flanders's uncle (who was a

weak little old retail grocer) had only one idea; which was that we

all wanted tea; and he handed us cups of tea all round;

incessantly; whether we refused or not。  There was a young nephew

of Flanders's present; to whom Flanders; it was rumoured; had left

nineteen guineas。  He drank all the tea that was offered him; this

nephew … amounting; I should say; to several quarts … and ate as

much plum…cake as he could possibly come by; but he felt it to be

decent mourning that he should now and then stop in the midst of a

lump of cake; and appear to forget that his mouth was full; in the

contemplation of his uncle's memory。  I felt all this to be the

fault of the undertaker; who was handing us gloves on a tea…tray as

if they were muffins; and tying us into cloaks (mine had to be

pinned up all round; it was so long for me); because I knew that he

was making game。  So; when we got out into the streets; and I

constantly disarranged the procession by tumbling on the people

before me because my handkerchief blinded my eyes; and tripping up

the people behind me because my cloak was so long; I felt that we

were all making game。  I was truly sorry for Flanders; but I knew

that it was no reason why we should be trying (the women with their

heads in hoods like coal…scuttles with the black side outward) to

keep step with a man in a scarf; carrying a thing like a mourning

spy…glass; which he was going to open presently and sweep the

horizon with。  I knew that we should not all have been speaking in

one particular key…note struck by the undertaker; if we had not

been making game。  Even in our faces we were every one of us as

like the undertaker as if we had been his own family; and I

perceived that this could not have happened unless we had been

making game。  When we returned to Sally's; it was all of a piece。

The continued impossibility of getting on without plum…cake; the

ceremonious apparition of a pair of decanters containing port and

sherry and cork; Sally's sister at the tea…table; clinking the best

crockery and shaking her head mournful
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