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susy, a story of the plains-第5部分

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interior a number of pots; pans; and culinary utensils; which he

proceeded to hang upon certain hooks that were placed on the outer

ribs of the board and the sides of the vehicle。  To this he added a

roll of rag carpet; the end of which hung from the tailboard; and a

roll of pink calico temptingly displayed on the seat。  The

mystification and curiosity of the young girl grew more intense at

these proceedings。  It looked like the ordinary exhibition of a

traveling peddler; but the gloomy and embattled appearance of the

man himself scouted so peaceful and commonplace a suggestion。  Under

the pretense of chasing away a marauding hen; she sallied out upon

the waste near the wagon。  It then became evident that the traveler

had seen her; and was not averse to her interest in his movements;

although he had not changed his attitude of savage retrospection。

An occasional ejaculation of suppressed passion; as if the memory of

some past conflict was too much for him; escaped him even in this

peaceful occupation。  As this possibly caused the young girl to

still hover timidly in the distance; he suddenly entered the wagon

and reappeared carrying a tin bucket; with which he somewhat

ostentatiously crossed her path; his eyes darkly wandering as if

seeking something。

〃If you're lookin' for the spring; it's a spell furder onby the


It was a pleasant voice; the teamster thought; albeit with a dry;

crisp; New England accent unfamiliar to his ears。  He looked into

the depths of an unlovely blue…check sunbonnet; and saw certain

small; irregular features and a sallow check; lit up by a pair of

perfectly innocent; trustful; and wondering brown eyes。  Their timid

possessor seemed to be a girl of seventeen; whose figure; although

apparently clad in one of her mother's gowns; was still undeveloped

and repressed by rustic hardship and innutrition。  As her eyes met

his she saw that the face of this gloomy stranger was still

youthful; by no means implacable; and; even at that moment; was

actually suffused by a brick…colored blush!  In matters of mere

intuition; the sex; even in its most rustic phase; is still our

superior; and this unsophisticated girl; as the trespasser

stammered; 〃Thank ye; miss;〃 was instinctively emboldened to greater


〃Dad ain't tu hum; but ye kin have a drink o' milk if ye keer for


She motioned shyly towards the cabin; and then led the way。  The

stranger; with an inarticulate murmur; afterwards disguised as a

cough; followed her meekly。  Nevertheless; by the time they had

reached the cabin he had shaken his long hair over his eyes again;

and a dark abstraction gathered chiefly in his eyebrows。  But it did

not efface from the girl's mind the previous concession of a blush;

and; although it added to her curiosity; did not alarm her。  He

drank the milk awkwardly。  But by the laws of courtesy; even among

the most savage tribes; she felt he was; at that moment at least;

harmless。  A timid smile fluttered around her mouth as she said:

〃When ye hung up them things I thought ye might be havin' suthing to

swap or sell。  That is;〃with tactful politeness;〃mother was

wantin' a new skillet; and it would have been handy if you'd had

one。  But〃with an apologetic glance at his equipments〃if it

ain't your business; it's all right; and no offense。〃

〃I've got a lot o' skillets;〃 said the strange teamster; with marked

condescension; 〃and she can have one。  They're all that's left outer

a heap o' trader's stuff captured by Injuns t'other side of Laramie。

We had a big fight to get 'em back。  Lost two of our best men;

scalped at Bloody Creek;and had to drop a dozen redskins in their

tracks;me and another man;lyin' flat in er wagon and firin'

under the flaps o' the canvas。  I don't know ez they waz wuth it;〃

he added in gloomy retrospect; 〃but I've got to get rid of 'em; I

reckon; somehow; afore I work over to Deadman's Gulch again。〃

The young girl's eyes brightened timidly with a feminine mingling of

imaginative awe and personal; pitying interest。  He was; after all;

so young and amiable looking for such hardships and adventures。  And

with all this; hethis Indian fighterwas a little afraid of HER!

〃Then that's why you carry that knife and six…shooter?〃 she said。

〃But you won't want 'em now; here in the settlement。〃

〃That's ez mebbe;〃 said the stranger darkly。  He paused; and then

suddenly; as if recklessly accepting a dangerous risk; unbuckled his

revolver and handed it abstractedly to the young girl。  But the

sheath of the bowie…knife was a fixture in his body…belt; and he was

obliged to withdraw the glittering blade by itself; and to hand it

to her in all its naked terrors。  The young girl received the

weapons with a smiling complacency。  Upon such altars as these the

skeptical reader will remember that Mars had once hung his 〃battered

shield;〃 his lance; and 〃uncontrolled crest。〃

Nevertheless; the warlike teamster was not without embarrassment。

Muttering something about the necessity of 〃looking after his

stock;〃 he achieved a hesitating bow; backed awkwardly out of the

door; and receiving from the conquering hands of the young girl his

weapons again; was obliged to carry them somewhat ingloriously in

his hands across the road; and put them on the wagon seat; where; in

company with the culinary articles; they seemed to lose their

distinctively aggressive character。  Here; although his cheek was

still flushed from his peaceful encounter; his voice regained some

of its hoarse severity as he drove the oxen from the muddy pool into

which they had luxuriantly wandered; and brought their fodder from

the wagon。  Later; as the sun was setting; he lit a corn…cob pipe;

and somewhat ostentatiously strolled down the road; with a furtive

eye lingering upon the still open door of the farmhouse。  Presently

two angular figures appeared from it; the farmer and his wife;

intent on barter。

These he received with his previous gloomy preoccupation; and a

slight variation of the story he had told their daughter。  It is

possible that his suggestive indifference piqued and heightened the

bargaining instincts of the woman; for she not only bought the

skillet; but purchased a clock and a roll of carpeting。  Still more;

in some effusion of rustic courtesy; she extended an invitation to

him to sup with them; which he declined and accepted in the same

embarrassed breath; returning the proffered hospitality by

confidentially showing them a couple of dried scalps; presumably of

Indian origin。  It was in the same moment of human weakness that he

answered their polite query as to 〃what they might call him;〃 by

intimating that his name was 〃Red Jim;〃a title of achievement by

which he was generally known; which for the present must suffice

them。  But during the repast that followed this was shortened to

〃Mister Jim;〃 and even familiarly by the elders to plain 〃Jim。〃

Only the young girl habitually used the formal prefix in return for

the 〃Miss Phoebe〃 that he called her。

With three such sympathetic and unexperienced auditors the gloomy

embarrassment of Red Jim was soon dissipated; although it could

hardly be said that he was generally communicative。  Dark tales of

Indian warfare; of night attacks and wild stampedes; in which he had

always taken a prominent part; flowed freely from his lips; but

little else of his past history or present prospects。  And even his

narratives of adventure were more or less fragmentary and imperfect

in detail。

〃You woz saying;〃 said the farmer; with slow; matter of fact; New

England deliberation; 〃ez how you guessed you woz beguiled amongst

the Injins by your Mexican partner; a pow'ful influential man; and

yet you woz the only one escaped the gen'ral slarterin'。  How came

the Injins to kill HIM;their friend?〃

〃They didn't;〃 returned Jim; with ominously averted eyes。

〃What became of him?〃 continued the farmer。

Red Jim shadowed his eyes with his hand; and cast a dark glance of

scrutiny out of the doors and windows。  The young girl perceived it

with timid; fascinated concern; and said hurriedly:

〃Don't ask him; father!  Don't you see he mustn't tell?〃

〃Not when spies may be hangin' round; and doggin' me at every step;〃

said Red Jim; as if reflecting; with another furtive glance towards

the already fading prospect without。  〃They've sworn to revenge

him;〃 he added moodily。

A momentary silence followed。  The farmer coughed slightly; and

looked dubiously at his wife。  But the two women had already

exchanged feminine glances of sympathy for this evident slayer of

traitors; and were apparently inclined to stop any adverse


In the midst of which a shout was heard from the road。  The farmer

and his family instinctively started。  Red Jim alone remained

unmoved;a fact which did not lessen the admiration of his feminine

audience。  The host rose quickly; and went out。  The figure of a

horseman had halted in the road; but after a few moments'

conversation with the farmer they both moved towards the house and

disappeared。  When the farmer returned; it was to say that 〃one of

them 'Frisco dandies; who didn't keer about stoppin' at the hotel

in the settlement;〃 had halted to give his 〃critter〃 a feed and

drink that he might continue his journey。  He had asked him to come

in while the horse was feeding; but the stranger had 〃guessed he'd

stretch his legs outside and smoke his cigar;〃 he might have thought

the company 〃not fine enough for him;〃 but he was 〃civil spoken

enough; and had an all…fired smart hoss; and seemed to know how to

run him。〃  To the anxious inquiries of his wife and daughter he

added that the stranger didn't seem like a spy or a Mexican; was 〃as

young as HIM;〃 pointing to the moody Red Jim; 〃and a darned sight

more peaceful…like in style。〃

Perhaps owing to the criticism of the farmer; perhaps from
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