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the return of tarzan-第14部分

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took it upon himself to enlighten him。

〃This fellow is looking for trouble;〃 warned Abdul。  〃He is

not alone。  In fact; in case of a disturbance; nearly every

man here would be against you。  It would be better to leave

quietly; master。〃

〃Ask the fellow what he wants;〃 commanded Tarzan。

〃He says that ‘the dog of a Christian' insulted the Ouled…

Nail; who belongs to him。  He means trouble; m'sieur。〃

〃Tell him that I did not insult his or any other Ouled…

Nail; that I wish him to go away and leave me alone。

That I have no quarrel with him; nor has he any with me。〃

〃He says;〃 replied Abdul; after delivering this message to

the Arab; 〃that besides being a dog yourself that you are the

son of one; and that your grandmother was a hyena。

Incidentally you are a liar。〃

The attention of those near by had now been attracted

by the altercation; and the sneering laughs that followed

this torrent of invective easily indicated the trend of the

sympathies of the majority of the audience。

Tarzan did not like being laughed at; neither did he relish

the terms applied to him by the Arab; but he showed no

sign of anger as he arose from his seat upon the bench。

A half smile played about his lips; but of a sudden a mighty

fist shot into the face of the scowling Arab; and back of it

were the terrible muscles of the ape…man。

At the instant that the man fell a half dozen fierce plainsmen

sprang into the room from where they had apparently been

waiting for their cue in the street before the cafe。

With cries of 〃Kill the unbeliever!〃 and 〃Down with the

dog of a Christian!〃 they made straight for Tarzan。

A number of the younger Arabs in the audience sprang to

their feet to join in the assault upon the unarmed white man。

Tarzan and Abdul were rushed back toward the end of

the room by the very force of numbers opposing them。

The young Arab remained loyal to his master; and with

drawn knife fought at his side。

With tremendous blows the ape…man felled all who came

within reach of his powerful hands。  He fought quietly and

without a word; upon his lips the same half smile they had

worn as he rose to strike down the man who had insulted him。

It seemed impossible that either he or Abdul could survive the

sea of wicked…looking swords and knives that surrounded

them; but the very numbers of their assailants proved the

best bulwark of their safety。  So closely packed was the

howling; cursing mob that no weapon could be wielded to

advantage; and none of the Arabs dared use a firearm for

fear of wounding one of his compatriots。

Finally Tarzan succeeded in seizing one of the most

persistent of his attackers。  With a quick wrench he disarmed

the fellow; and then; holding him before them as a shield;

he backed slowly beside Abdul toward the little door which

led into the inner courtyard。  At the threshold he paused for

an instant; and; lifting the struggling Arab above his head;

hurled him; as though from a catapult; full in the faces of

his on…pressing fellows。

Then Tarzan and Abdul stepped into the semidarkness of

the court。  The frightened Ouled…Nails were crouching at the

tops of the stairs which led to their respective rooms; the

only light in the courtyard coming from the sickly candles

which each girl had stuck with its own grease to the woodwork

of her door…frame; the better to display her charms

to those who might happen to traverse the dark inclosure。

Scarcely had Tarzan and Abdul emerged from the room ere

a revolver spoke close at their backs from the shadows

beneath one of the stairways; and as they turned to meet this

new antagonist; two muffled figures sprang toward them;

firing as they came。  Tarzan leaped to meet these two new

assailants。  The foremost lay; a second later; in the trampled

dirt of the court; disarmed and groaning from a broken wrist。

Abdul's knife found the vitals of the second in the instant

that the fellow's revolver missed fire as he held it to the

faithful Arab's forehead。

The maddened horde within the cafe were now rushing out in

pursuit of their quarry。  The Ouled…Nails had extinguished

their candles at a cry from one of their number; and the

only light within the yard came feebly from the open and

half…blocked door of the cafe。  Tarzan had seized a sword

from the man who had fallen before Abdul's knife; and now

he stood waiting for the rush of men that was coming in

search of them through the darkness。

Suddenly he felt a light hand upon his shoulder from behind;

and a woman's voice whispering; 〃Quick; m'sieur; this way。  Follow me。〃

〃Come; Abdul;〃 said Tarzan; in a low tone; to the youth;

〃we can be no worse off elsewhere than we are here。〃

The woman turned and led them up the narrow stairway

that ended at the door of her quarters。  Tarzan was close

beside her。  He saw the gold and silver bracelets upon her

bare arms; the strings of gold coin that depended from her hair

ornaments; and the gorgeous colors of her dress。  He saw that

she was a Ouled…Nail; and instinctively he knew that she

was the same who had whispered the warning in his ear

earlier in the evening。

As they reached the top of the stairs they could hear the

angry crowd searching the yard beneath。

〃Soon they will search here;〃 whispered the girl。

〃They must not find you; for; though you fight with the

strength of many men; they will kill you in the end。

Hasten; you can drop from the farther window of my room to the

street beyond。  Before they discover that you are no longer in

the court of the buildings you will be safe within the hotel。〃

But even as she spoke; several men had started up the

stairway at the head of which they stood。  There was a sudden

cry from one of the searchers。  They had been discovered。

Quickly the crowd rushed for the stairway。  The foremost

assailant leaped quickly upward; but at the top he met the

sudden sword that he had not expectedthe quarry had been

unarmed before。

With a cry; the man toppled back upon those behind him。

Like tenpins they rolled down the stairs。  The ancient and

rickety structure could not withstand the strain of this

unwonted weight and jarring。  With a creaking and rending

of breaking wood it collapsed beneath the Arabs; leaving

Tarzan; Abdul; and the girl alone upon the frail platform

at the top。

〃Come!〃 cried the Ouled…Nail。  〃They will reach us from

another stairway through the room next to mine。  We have

not a moment to spare。〃

Just as they were entering the room Abdul heard and

translated a cry from the yard below for several to hasten

to the street and cut off escape from that side。

〃We are lost now;〃 said the girl simply。

〃We?〃 questioned Tarzan。

〃Yes; m'sieur;〃 she responded; 〃they will kill me as well。

Have I not aided you?〃

This put a different aspect on the matter。  Tarzan had rather

been enjoying the excitement and danger of the encounter。

He had not for an instant supposed that either Abdul or the

girl could suffer except through accident; and he had only

retreated just enough to keep from being killed himself。

He had had no intention of running away until he saw that

he was hopelessly lost were he to remain。

Alone he could have sprung into the midst of that close…

packed mob; and; laying about him after the fashion of

Numa; the lion; have struck the Arabs with such consternation

that escape would have been easy。  Now he must think

entirely of these two faithful friends。

He crossed to the window which overlooked the street。  In

a minute there would be enemies below。  Already he could

hear the mob clambering the stairway to the next quarters

they would be at the door beside him in another instant。

He put a foot upon the sill and leaned out; but he did not

look down。  Above him; within arm's reach; was the low roof

of the building。  He called to the girl。  She came and stood

beside him。  He put a great arm about her and lifted her across

his shoulder。

〃Wait here until I reach down for you from above;〃 he

said to Abdul。  〃In the meantime shove everything in the

room against that doorit may delay them long enough。〃

Then he stepped to the sill of the narrow window with the

girl upon his shoulders。  〃Hold tight;〃 he cautioned her。

A moment later he had clambered to the roof above with the

ease and dexterity of an ape。  Setting the girl down; he leaned

far over the roof's edge; calling softly to Abdul。  The youth

ran to the window。

〃Your hand;〃 whispered Tarzan。  The men in the room beyond

were battering at the door。  With a sudden crash it fell

splintering in; and at the same instant Abdul felt himself

lifted like a feather onto the roof above。  They were not a

moment too soon; for as the men broke into the room which

they had just quitted a dozen more rounded the corner in the

street below and came running to a spot beneath the girl's window。

Chapter 8

The Fight in the Desert

As the three squatted upon the roof above the quarters of

the Ouled…Nails they heard the angry cursing of the

Arabs in the room beneath。  Abdul translated from time

to time to Tarzan。

〃They are berating those in the street below now;〃 said

Abdul; 〃for permitting us to escape so easily。  Those in the

street say that we did not come that waythat we are still

within the building; and that those above; being too cowardly

to attack us; are attempting to deceive them into believing

that we have escaped。  In a moment they will have fighting

of their own to attend to if they continue their brawling。〃

Presently those in the building gave up the search; and

returned to the cafe。  A few remained in the street below;

smoking and talking。

Tarzan spoke to the girl; thanking her for the sacrifice she

had made for him; a total stranger。

〃I liked you;〃 she said simply。  〃You were unlike 
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