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the return of tarzan-第30部分

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before; his people had come many long marches from the

north; how once they had been a great and powerful tribe;

and how the slave raiders had wrought such havoc among

them with their death…dealing guns that they had been

reduced to a mere remnant of their former numbers and power。

〃They hunted us down as one hunts a fierce beast;〃 said Busuli。

〃There was no mercy in them。  When it was not slaves they

sought it was ivory; but usually it was both。  Our men were

killed and our women driven away like sheep。  We fought

against them for many years; but our arrows and spears

could not prevail against the sticks which spit fire

and lead and death to many times the distance that our

mightiest warrior could place an arrow。  At last; when my

father was a young man; the Arabs came again; but our

warriors saw them a long way off; and Chowambi; who was

chief then; told his people to gather up their belongings

and come away with himthat he would lead them far to

the south until they found a spot to which the Arab raiders

did not come。

〃And they did as he bid; carrying all their belongings;

including many tusks of ivory。  For months they wandered;

suffering untold hardships and privations; for much of the

way was through dense jungle; and across mighty mountains;

but finally they came to this spot; and although they sent

parties farther on to search for an even better location;

none has ever been found。〃

〃And the raiders have never found you here?〃 asked Tarzan。

〃About a year ago a small party of Arabs and Manyuema

stumbled upon us; but we drove them off; killing many。

For days we followed them; stalking them for the wild beasts

they are; picking them off one by one; until but a handful

remained; but these escaped us。〃

As Busuli talked he fingered a heavy gold armlet that

encircled the glossy hide of his left arm。  Tarzan's eyes

had been upon the ornament; but his thoughts were elsewhere。

Presently he recalled the question he had tried to ask when

he first came to the tribethe question he could not at that

time make them understand。  For weeks he had forgotten so trivial

a thing as gold; for he had been for the time a truly

primeval man with no thought beyond today。  But of a sudden

the sight of gold awakened the sleeping civilization that was

in him; and with it came the lust for wealth。  That lesson

Tarzan had learned well in his brief experience of the ways

of civilized man。  He knew that gold meant power and pleasure。

He pointed to the bauble。

〃From whence came the yellow metal; Busuli?〃 he asked。

The black pointed toward the southeast。

〃A moon's march awaymaybe more;〃 he replied。

〃Have you been there?〃 asked Tarzan。

〃No; but some of our people were there years ago; when

my father was yet a young man。  One of the parties that

searched farther for a location for the tribe when first they

settled here came upon a strange people who wore many

ornaments of yellow metal。  Their spears were tipped with it;

as were their arrows; and they cooked in vessels made all

of solid metal like my armlet。

〃They lived in a great village in huts that were built of

stone and surrounded by a great wall。  They were very fierce;

rushing out and falling upon our warriors before ever they

learned that their errand was a peaceful one。  Our men were

few in number; but they held their own at the top of a little

rocky hill; until the fierce people went back at sunset into their

wicked city。  Then our warriors came down from their hill;

and; after taking many ornaments of yellow metal from the

bodies of those they had slain; they marched back out of

the valley; nor have any of us ever returned。

〃They are wicked peopleneither white like you nor black

like me; but covered with hair as is Bolgani; the gorilla。

Yes; they are very bad people indeed; and Chowambi was

glad to get out of their country。〃

〃And are none of those alive who were with Chowambi; and saw

these strange people and their wonderful city?〃 asked Tarzan。

〃Waziri; our chief; was there;〃 replied Busuli。  〃He was

a very young man then; but he accompanied Chowambi;

who was his father。〃

So that night Tarzan asked Waziri about it; and Waziri; who

was now an old man; said that it was a long march; but that

the way was not difficult to follow。  He remembered it well。

〃For ten days we followed this river which runs beside

our village。  Up toward its source we traveled until on the

tenth day we came to a little spring far up upon the side of a

lofty mountain range。  In this little spring our river is born。

The next day we crossed over the top of the mountain; and

upon the other side we came to a tiny rivulet which we

followed down into a great forest。  For many days we

traveled along the winding banks of the rivulet that had now

become a river; until we came to a greater river; into which

it emptied; and which ran down the center of a mighty valley。

〃Then we followed this large river toward its source; hoping

to come to more open land。  After twenty days of marching

from the time we had crossed the mountains and passed out of

our own country we came again to another range of mountains。

Up their side we followed the great river; that had now

dwindled to a tiny rivulet; until we came to a little cave

near the mountain…top。  In this cave was the mother of the river。

〃I remember that we camped there that night; and that it

was very cold; for the mountains were high。  The next day

we decided to ascend to the top of the mountains; and see

what the country upon the other side looked like; and if

it seemed no better than that which we had so far traversed

we would return to our village and tell them that they had

already found the best place in all the world to live。

〃And so we clambered up the face of the rocky cliffs

until we reached the summit; and there from a flat

mountain…top we saw; not far beneath us; a shallow valley;

very narrow; and upon the far side of it was a great village

of stone; much of which had fallen and crumbled into decay。〃

The balance of Waziri's story was practically the same as

that which Busuli had told。

〃I should like to go there and see this strange city;〃 said

Tarzan; 〃and get some of their yellow metal from its fierce


〃It is a long march;〃 replied Waziri; 〃and I am an old

man; but if you will wait until the rainy season is over and

the rivers have gone down I will take some of my warriors

and go with you。〃

And Tarzan had to be contented with that arrangement;

though he would have liked it well enough to have set off the

next morninghe was as impatient as a child。  Really Tarzan

of the Apes was but a child; or a primeval man; which is

the same thing in a way。

The next day but one a small party of hunters returned to

the village from the south to report a large herd of elephant

some miles away。  By climbing trees they had had a fairly

good view of the herd; which they described as numbering

several large tuskers; a great many cows and calves;

and full…grown bulls whose ivory would be worth having。

The balance of the day and evening was filled with preparation

for a great huntspears were overhauled; quivers were

replenished; bows were restrung; and all the while the

village witch doctor passed through the busy throngs disposing

of various charms and amulets designed to protect the possessor

from hurt; or bring him good fortune in the morrow's hunt。

At dawn the hunters were off。  There were fifty sleek; black

warriors; and in their midst; lithe and active as a young

forest god; strode Tarzan of the Apes; his brown skin

contrasting oddly with the ebony of his companions。  Except for

color he was one of them。  His ornaments and weapons were

the same as theirshe spoke their languagehe laughed

and joked with them; and leaped and shouted in the brief

wild dance that preceded their departure from the village; to

all intent and purpose a savage among savages。  Nor; had he

questioned himself; is it to be doubted that he would have

admitted that he was far more closely allied to these people

and their life than to the Parisian friends whose ways;

apelike; he had successfully mimicked for a few short months。

But he did think of D'Arnot; and a grin of amusement

showed his strong white teeth as he pictured the immaculate

Frenchman's expression could he by some means see Tarzan

as he was that minute。  Poor Paul; who had prided himself on

having eradicated from his friend the last traces of wild savagery。

〃How quickly have I fallen!〃 thought Tarzan; but in his heart

he did not consider it a fallrather; he pitied the poor

creatures of Paris; penned up like prisoners in their silly

clothes; and watched by policemen all their poor lives;

that they might do nothing that was not entirely artificial

and tiresome。

A two hours' march brought them close to the vicinity in

which the elephants had been seen the previous day。

From there on they moved very quietly indeed searching for

the spoor of the great beasts。  At length they found the

well…marked trail along which the herd had passed not many

hours before。  In single file they followed it for about half

an hour。  It was Tarzan who first raised his hand in signal

that the quarry was at handhis sensitive nose had warned

him that the elephants were not far ahead of them。

The blacks were skeptical when he told them how he knew。

〃Come with me;〃 said Tarzan; 〃and we shall see。〃

With the agility of a squirrel he sprang into a tree and ran

nimbly to the top。  One of the blacks followed more slowly

and carefully。  When he had reached a lofty limb beside the

ape…man the latter pointed to the south; and there; some few

hundred yards away; the black saw a number of huge black

backs swaying back and forth above the top of the lofty

jungle grasses。
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