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the return of tarzan-第43部分

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shelter among the branches of their tree of refuge。

Clayton had been into the jungle a few hundred yards

in search of food。  As he returned Jane Porter walked

to meet him。  Behind the man; cunning and crafty;

crept an old and mangy lion。  For three days his ancient

thews and sinews had proved insufficient for the task of

providing his cavernous belly with meat。  For months he

had eaten less and less frequently; and farther and farther

had he roamed from his accustomed haunts in search of

easier prey。  At last he had found nature's weakest and

most defenseless creaturein a moment more Numa would dine。

Clayton; all unconscious of the lurking death behind him;

strode out into the open toward Jane。  He had reached her

side; a hundred feet from the tangled edge of jungle when

past his shoulder the girl saw the tawny head and the

wicked yellow eyes as the grasses parted; and the huge

beast; nose to ground; stepped softly into view。

So frozen with horror was she that she could utter no

sound; but the fixed and terrified gaze of her fear…widened

eyes spoke as plainly to Clayton as words。  A quick glance

behind him revealed the hopelessness of their situation。

The lion was scarce thirty paces from them; and they were

equally as far from the shelter。  The man was armed with

a stout stickas efficacious against a hungry lion;

he realized; as a toy pop…gun charged with a tethered cork。

Numa; ravenous with hunger; had long since learned the

futility of roaring and moaning as he searched for prey;

but now that it was as surely his as though already he had

felt the soft flesh beneath his still mighty paw; he opened his

huge jaws; and gave vent to his long…pent rage in a series of

deafening roars that made the air tremble。

〃Run; Jane!〃 cried Clayton。  〃Quick!  Run for the shelter!〃

But her paralyzed muscles refused to respond; and she stood

mute and rigid; staring with ghastly countenance at the

living death creeping toward them。

Thuran; at the sound of that awful roar; had come to

the opening of the shelter; and as he saw the tableau below

him he hopped up and down; shrieking to them in Russian。

〃Run!  Run!〃 he cried。  〃Run; or I shall be left all alone in

this horrible place;〃 and then he broke down and commenced to weep。

For a moment this new voice distracted the attention of the

lion; who halted to cast an inquiring glance in the direction

of the tree。  Clayton could endure the strain no longer。

Turning his back upon the beast; he buried his head in

his arms and waited。

The girl looked at him in horror。  Why did he not do

something?  If he must die; why not die like a manbravely;

beating at that terrible face with his puny stick; no matter how

futile it might be。  Would Tarzan of the Apes have done thus?

Would he not at least have gone down to his death fighting

heroically to the last?

Now the lion was crouching for the spring that would end

their young lives beneath cruel; rending; yellow fangs。

Jane Porter sank to her knees in prayer; closing her eyes

to shut out the last hideous instant。  Thuran; weak

from fever; fainted。

Seconds dragged into minutes; long minutes into an eternity;

and yet the beast did not spring。  Clayton was almost

unconscious from the prolonged agony of frighthis

knees trembleda moment more and he would collapse。

Jane Porter could endure it no longer。  She opened her eyes。

Could she be dreaming?

〃William;〃 she whispered; 〃look!〃

Clayton mastered himself sufficiently to raise his head and

turn toward the lion。  An ejaculation of surprise burst from

his lips。  At their very feet the beast lay crumpled in death。

A heavy war spear protruded from the tawny hide。  It had

entered the great back above the right shoulder; and; passing

entirely through the body; had pierced the savage heart。

Jane Porter had risen to her feet; as Clayton turned back

to her she staggered in weakness。  He put out his arms to

save her from falling; and then drew her close to

himpressing her head against his shoulder; he stooped

to kiss her in thanksgiving。

Gently the girl pushed him away。

〃Please do not do that; William;〃 she said。  〃I have lived a

thousand years in the past brief moments。  I have learned in

the face of death how to live。  I do not wish to hurt you more

than is necessary; but I can no longer bear to live out the

impossible position I have attempted because of a false sense

of loyalty to an impulsive promise I made you。

〃The last few seconds of my life have taught me that it

would be hideous to attempt further to deceive myself and

you; or to entertain for an instant longer the possibility of

ever becoming your wife; should we regain civilization。〃

〃Why; Jane;〃 he cried; 〃what do you mean?  What has our

providential rescue to do with altering your feelings toward me?

You are but unstrungtomorrow you will be yourself again。〃

〃I am more nearly myself this minute than I have been for

over a year;〃 she replied。  〃The thing that has just happened

has again forced to my memory the fact that the bravest man

that ever lived honored me with his love。  Until it was too

late I did not realize that I returned it; and so I sent him away。

He is dead now; and I shall never marry。  I certainly could

not wed another less brave than he without harboring constantly

a feeling of contempt for the relative cowardice of my husband。

Do you understand me?〃

〃Yes;〃 he answered; with bowed head; his face mantling

with the flush of shame。

And it was the next day that the great calamity befell。

Chapter 22

The Treasure Vaults of Opar

It was quite dark before La; the high priestess; returned to

the Chamber of the Dead with food and drink for Tarzan。

She bore no light; feeling with her hands along the

crumbling walls until she gained the chamber。  Through the

stone grating above; a tropic moon served dimly to illuminate

the interior。

Tarzan; crouching in the shadows at the far side of the

room as the first sound of approaching footsteps reached him;

came forth to meet the girl as he recognized that it was she。

〃They are furious;〃 were her first words。  〃Never before

has a human sacrifice escaped the altar。  Already fifty have

gone forth to track you down。  They have searched the

templeall save this single room。〃

〃Why do they fear to come here?〃 he asked。

〃It is the Chamber of the Dead。  Here the dead return to worship。

See this ancient altar?  It is here that the dead sacrifice the

livingif they find a victim here。  That is the reason

our people shun this chamber。  Were one to enter he knows

that the waiting dead would seize him for their sacrifice。〃

〃But you?〃 he asked。

〃I am high priestessI alone am safe from the dead。

It is I who at rare intervals bring them a human sacrifice

from the world above。  I alone may enter here in safety。〃

〃Why have they not seized me?〃 he asked; humoring her

grotesque belief。

She looked at him quizzically for a moment。  Then she replied:

〃It is the duty of a high priestess to instruct; to interpret

according to the creed that others; wiser than herself; have

laid down; but there is nothing in the creed which says that

she must believe。  The more one knows of one's religion the

less one believesno one living knows more of mine than I。〃

〃Then your only fear in aiding me to escape is that your

fellow mortals may discover your duplicity?〃

〃That is allthe dead are dead; they cannot harmor help。

We must therefore depend entirely upon ourselves; and the

sooner we act the better it will be。  I had difficulty in

eluding their vigilance but now in bringing you this morsel

of food。  To attempt to repeat the thing daily would be the

height of folly。  Come; let us see how far we may go toward

liberty before I must return。〃

She led him back to the chamber beneath the altar room。

Here she turned into one of the several corridors leading

from it。  In the darkness Tarzan could not see which one。

For ten minutes they groped slowly along a winding passage;

until at length they came to a closed door。  Here he heard

her fumbling with a key; and presently came the sound of a

metal bolt grating against metal。  The door swung in on

scraping hinges; and they entered。

〃You will be safe here until tomorrow night;〃 she said。

Then she went out; and; closing the door; locked it behind her。

Where Tarzan stood it was dark as Erebus。  Not even his

trained eyes could penetrate the utter blackness。

Cautiously he moved forward until his out…stretched hand

touched a wall; then very slowly he traveled around the

four walls of the chamber。

Apparently it was about twenty feet square。  The floor

was of concrete; the walls of the dry masonry that marked

the method of construction above ground。  Small pieces of

granite of various sizes were ingeniously laid together

without mortar to construct these ancient foundations。

The first time around the walls Tarzan thought he detected

a strange phenomenon for a room with no windows but a

single door。  Again he crept carefully around close to

the wall。  No; he could not be mistaken!  He paused before

the center of the wall opposite the door。  For a moment he

stood quite motionless; then he moved a few feet to one side。

Again he returned; only to move a few feet to the other side。

Once more he made the entire circuit of the room; feeling

carefully every foot of the walls。  Finally he stopped again

before the particular section that had aroused his curiosity。

There was no doubt of it!  A distinct draft of fresh air was

blowing into the chamber through the intersection of the

masonry at that particular pointand nowhere else。

Tarzan tested several pieces of the granite which made up

the wall at this spot; and finally was rewarded by finding

one whic
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