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the cruise of the jasper b.-第27部分

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Barnstable's conception of Cleggett。  But Watson Bard; less

facile and less creative; still clung stolidly to the popular

conception of Wilton Barnstable。

But; even as Cleggett looked; this remarkable exhibition ceased;

the Wilton Barnstable look dominated the faces again。  Plump; yet

dignified; smiling easily and kindly; three plain business men

looked at him; respectable citizens; commonplace citizens; a

little smug; faces that spoke of comfort; method; regularity;

eyes that seemed to wink with the pressure of platitudes in the

minds behind them; platitudes that desired to force their way to

the lips and out into the world。

Yes; such was the genius of Wilton Barnstable that he could at

will impose himself upon people as the apotheosis of the

commonplace。  He did it often。  It was almost second nature to

him now。 His urbane smile was the only visible sign of his own

enjoyment of this habitual feat。  He knew his own genius; and

smiled to think how easy it was to pass for an average man!



〃I think;〃 said Wilton Barnstable; when Cleggett had finished;

〃that I may be able to clear up a few points for you。

〃The two men whom you saw me hazing up and down the bank of the

canal; and whom you saw again tonight; followed by the man in the

baby blue silk pajamas; were Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat!〃

〃The wretches!〃 cried Lady Agatha。

〃Wretches indeed;〃 said Wilton Barnstable; Barton Ward; and

Watson Bard; in unison; and with conviction。

〃And the man in the baby blue silk pajamas; was〃 the great

detective paused; as if to make his revelation more effective。 

And while he paused; Miss Genevieve Pringle; with pursed lips and

averted face; signified that the very idea of introducing a man

in baby blue silk pajamas into the conversation was intensely

displeasing to her。

〃The man in pajamas was Reginald Maltravers;〃 finished the great


〃Reginald Maltravers!〃 cried Lady Agatha。

She opened her mouth again as if to say something more; but words

failed her; and she only stared at the detective; with parted

lips and round eyes。

Cleggett went to her and touched her on the arm; and with the

touch she gave a sob of emotion and found her tongue again。

〃Reginald Maltravers;〃 she said; 〃is not dead then!  Not dead

after all!〃

She endeavored to control herself; but for a moment or two she

trembled。  It was evident that it was all she could do to keep

from crying hysterically with relief。  The nightmare that had

haunted her for days had vanished almost too suddenly。 Presently

she began to be herself again。

〃You are sure that he is not dead?〃 she said with a voice that

still shook。

〃Sure;〃 said Wilton Barnstable。

And as if quietly satisfied with the sensation they had produced;

the three detectives smiled at each other urbanely and

contentedly。  Barnstable continued: 

〃Reginald Maltravers came to my agency some days ago and

requested a bodyguard。  Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat had attacked

him; no doubt intending to earn the money which Elmer had

promised them。  He beat them off。  In fact; he caned them

soundly。  But they still continued to dog him。

〃Mr。 Ward here; who handled the case; soon reported to me that he

believed Reginald Maltravers to be insane。〃

〃Insane he was;〃 cried Lady Agatha。  〃I have seen the light of

insanity in his eye; gleaming through his accursed monocle。〃  She

spoke with vehemence。  Now that she knew the man to be alive; her

hatred of him had flared up again。

〃Insane he was;〃 agreed Wilton Barnstable。 〃And shortly after

that discovery was made; he disappeared。  The next day after his

disappearance; Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat were liberally

supplied with money。

〃Of course they got the money; Lady Agatha; through the clever

trick they worked upon you。〃

〃A great many people have got money from me since I have been in

America;〃 said Lady Agatha。

〃Ah! Yes?〃  The great detective went on with his masterly summing

up。  〃Of course they got the money from the trick they worked on

Lady Agatha。 But at the time I thought it possible that they had

robbed Reginald Maltravers and then put him out of the way。  They

are well…known gunmen。

〃I took them into custody and determined to hold them until such

time as Reginald Maltravers would be found; or his fate

discovered。  Eventually I brought them with me on my house boat。

I was really holding them without due legal warrant; but I am

forced to do that; sometimes。  They complained of lack of

exercise; so I gave them exercise in the manner which you saw the

other morning; Mr。 Cleggett。

〃One of my agents; shortly after this; picked up the trail of

Reginald Maltravers again。  When I learned that he was alive my

first impulse was to release Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat。  But I

learned that the two gunmen could; if they would; give me a tip

as to certain of the activities of Logan Black; against whom I

have been collecting evidence for nearly a year。  So I kept them

on my boat。

〃Reginald Maltravers; most of the time that you were riding about

the country; Lady Agatha; with the box that you thought contained

him; was really following you。  He would lose your trail and find

it again; but he was always some hours behind you。 Of course; he

knew nothing of the oblong box。  He thought that you were running

away from him。  And all the time that Reginald Maltravers was

following you; agents of mine were following Reginald


〃Lady Agatha;〃 interrupted Cleggett; 〃was also being pursued by

Miss Pringle here。〃

Wilton Barnstable carefully made a note in a little book which he

drew from his waistcoat pocket。  Barton Ward also made a note in

a little book; Watson Bard started to make a note; and then

paused; in fact; Watson Bard did not complete his note until he

had gotten a peep into the notebook of Barton Ward。  The notes

made; the three detectives once more smiled craftily at each

other; and Wilton Barnstable resumed:

〃We knew; of course; that another lady was also following Lady

Agatha。  But; until the present moment; we had not identified her

with Miss  Pringle。  And I should not be at all surprised; not at

ALL surprised; if still another person had been following Miss


〃With what object?〃 asked Miss Pringle; looking alarmed at the


〃The motive; my dear lady; I must for the present withhold;〃 said

Wilton Barnstable。  And again the three detectives exchanged

knowing glances。

〃Reginald Maltravers' pursuit of you; Lady Agatha; led him to

Fairport;〃 went on the great sleuth。  〃No doubt he met the driver

of the vehicle which brought you hither; and learned that you 

and Elmer had been set down in this neighborhood; just as Miss

Pringle learned it。  No doubt it was well after dark when he

arrived in the vicinity of the Jasper B。  And it is to be

supposed that; once out here; he went to Morris's road house;

thinking it quite likely that you and Elmer would stop there; as

he had been tracking you from road house to road house。  Logan

Black; knowing that the authorities were on his trail; mistook

Reginald Maltravers for a detective; and held him prisoner at

Morris's。  Logan Black's men took away his clothes in order to

minimize the possibility of his escape。〃

〃And the Earl of Claiborne's signet ring〃 began Cleggett。

〃Of course; Reginald Maltravers was wearing it; and of course

they took his valuables from him;〃 said Barnstable。  〃One of the

ruffians was wearing the ring as he approached your vessel with a

bomb。  But; Mr。 Cleggett; there are points about that bomb

explosion which I do not understand。〃

〃Nor I;〃 admitted Cleggett。

〃We will clear them up later;〃 said the great detective; smiling

benignly at his thumbs; which he was revolving slowly about each

other as he reconstructed the case。

〃Later!〃 smiled Barton Ward。  〃Later!〃 murmured Watson Bard。 

With their hands clasped over their stomachs; they; too; benignly

twirled their thumbs。

〃Tonight;〃 pursued Barnstable; 〃having finally got all the

information I wished from Dopey Eddie and Izzy the Cat with

regard to Logan Black; I tossed them the key to their irons and

told them to unlock themselves and clear out。  It was just before

the storm began; and they were sitting on the bank of the canal

at the time。  I allowed them to sit there in the evenings and get

the fresh air。

〃But before they could unlock themselves Reginald Maltravers; who

had; we must suppose; escaped from Morris's through the

carelessness of one of Logan Black's subordinates; crawled up the

bank of the canal; which he had swum; and made for the two

gunmen; with the water dripping from his eyeglass。  He had

recognized them as the men who had dogged and assaulted him; and

every other idea was obliterated in his desire for vengeance。

〃They fled。  He pursued。  He caught them; and they fought。  They

succeeded in dropping one of the iron balls on his footon his

bunion foot; Mr。 Cleggettcrippling him。〃

As this mention of the bunion; Miss Genevive Pringle arose with

dignity; and; flinging a shawl about her shoulders; left the

cabin; chin in air。  She did not vouchsafe so much as one

backward glance at Cleggett or the three detectives or lady

Agatha as she left; but outraged propriety was expressed in every

line of her figure。

〃H'm;〃 mused the detective; flushing slightly; and Watson Bard

and Barton Ward also colored a little; and looked hacked。  They

glanced furtively at Lady Agatha; to see if she too might be


〃Proceed; Mr。 Barnstable;〃 she said a little impatiently。 

〃Bunions don't bother me; either mentally or physically。  I am

familiar with the idea of bunions。  There are many bunions in the

Claiborne family。〃

〃On his bunion foot; crippling 
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