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the cruise of the jasper b.-第36部分

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promise you this: if I should change my mind and decide to become

a member of any aristocracy at all; it will be the English


The Duke thanked Cleggett for the compliment; and Cleggett

thought he had heard the end of it。

He was; therefore; surprised; a few weeks later; as he was

conversing with the King at Buckingham Palace; when His Majesty

himself; laying his hand familiarly on Cleggett's shoulder;

renewed the petition in person。  It is hard to refuse things

continually without seeming unappreciative。  In fact; Cleggett

felt trapped; if the truth must be known; he was a little angry。

〃Come; come; Cleggett;〃 said the King; 〃lay aside your prejudices

and oblige me。  After all; it is not the sort of thing I run

about offering to every American in London!〃

〃Your Majesty;〃 said Cleggett; politely but with a note of

firmness and finality in his voice; 〃since you mention the word

American you force me to speak plainly。  I would not willingly

wound your sensibilities in any particular; butpardon me if I

am directyou have been very persistent。  I AM an American; your

Majesty; and I consider the honor of being an American citizen

far above any that it is within your power to bestow。  If I have

not mentioned this before; it was because I did not wish to hurt

you。  I hope our friendship will not cease; but I must tell you

flatly that I desire to hear no more of this。  You will oblige me

by not mentioning it again; Your Majesty。〃

The King begged Cleggett's pardon with a becoming sincerity; and

was about to withdraw。  Cleggett; who liked him immensely; was

sudden smitten with a regret that it had been so impossible to

oblige him。

〃Your Majesty;〃 he cried impulsively; 〃I BEG of you not to get

the idea that there is anything personal in this refusal。〃

〃I respect principle;〃 said the King gravely。  But he WAS hurt

and could not help showing it; and he was a little stiff。

〃We will compromise;〃 said Cleggett; with a flash of inspiration。

〃I will let you have my second son; Athos Cleggett。  You may make

him Earl of Claiborne; if you choose。  After all; HE is half


〃That is like your generosity; Cleggett;〃 said the King; smiling;

and giving Cleggett his hand。

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