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the story of mankind-第51部分

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and the great work of exploration of Cartier; Champlain; La

Salle; Marquette and a score of others was lost to France。

Only a very small part of this vast domain was inhabited。

From Massachusetts in the north; where the Pilgrims (a sect

of Puritans who were very intolerant and who therefore had

found no happiness either in Anglican England or Calvinist

Holland) had landed in the year 1620; to the Carolinas and

Virginia (the tobacco…raising provinces which had been founded

entirely for the sake of profit); stretched a thin line of

sparsely populated territory。 But the men who lived in this

new land of fresh air and high skies were very different from

their brethren of the mother country。 In the wilderness they

had learned independence and self…reliance。 They were the

sons of hardy and energetic ancestors。 Lazy and timourous

people did not cross the ocean in those days。 The American

colonists hated the restraint and the lack of breathing space

which had made their lives in the old country so very unhappy。

They meant to be their own masters。 This the ruling classes

of England did not seem to understand。 The government annoyed

the colonists and the colonists; who hated to be bothered

in this way; began to annoy the British government。

Bad feeling caused more bad feeling。 It is not necessary

to repeat here in detail what actually happened and what might

have been avoided if the British king had been more intelligent

than George III or less given to drowsiness and indifference

than his minister; Lord North。 The British colonists;

when they understood that peaceful arguments would not

settle the difficulties; took to arms。 From being loyal subjects;

they turned rebels; who exposed themselves to the punishment

of death when they were captured by the German

soldiers; whom George hired to do his fighting after the pleasant

custom of that day; when Teutonic princes sold whole

regiments to the highest bidder。

The war between England and her American colonies

lasted seven years。 During most of that time; the final success

of the rebels seemed very doubtful。 A great number of

the people; especially in the cities; had remained loyal to their

king。 They were in favour of a compromise; and would have

been willing to sue for peace。 But the great figure of Washington

stood guard over the cause of the colonists。

Ably assisted by a handful of brave men; he used his steadfast

but badly equipped armies to weaken the forces of the king。

Time and again when defeat seemed unavoidable; his strategy

turned the tide of battle。 Often his men were ill…fed。 During

the winter they lacked shoes and coats and were forced to live

in unhealthy dug…outs。 But their trust in their great leader

was absolute and they stuck it out until the final hour of victory。

But more interesting than the campaigns of Washington

or the diplomatic triumphs of Benjamin Franklin who was

in Europe getting money from the French government and

the Amsterdam bankers; was an event which occurred early in

the revolution。 The representatives of the different colonies

had gathered in Philadelphia to discuss matters of common

importance。 It was the first year of the Revolution。 Most

of the big towns of the sea coast were still in the hands of the

British。 Reinforcements from England were arriving by the

ship load。 Only men who were deeply convinced of the righteousness

of their cause would have found the courage to take

the momentous decision of the months of June and July of

the year 1776。

In June; Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a motion

to the Continental Congress that ‘‘these united colonies

are; and of right ought to be; free and independent states; that

they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown; and

that all political connection between them and the state of

Great Britain is and ought to be; totally dissolved。''

The motion was seconded by John Adams of Massachusetts。

It was carried on July the second and on July fourth;

it was followed by an official Declaration of Independence;

which was the work of Thomas Jefferson; a serious and exceedingly

capable student of both politics and government and

destined to be one of the most famous of out American presidents。

When news of this event reached Europe; and was followed

by the final victory of the colonists and the adoption of

the famous Constitution of the year 1787 (the first of all written

constitutions) it caused great interest。 The dynastic system

of the highly centralised states which had been developed

after the great religious wars of the seventeenth century had

reached the height of its power。 Everywhere the palace of

the king had grown to enormous proportions; while the cities

of the royal realm were being surrounded by rapidly growing

acres of slums。 The inhabitants of those slums were showing

signs of restlessness。 They were quite helpless。 But the

higher classes; the nobles and the professional men; they too

were beginning to have certain doubts about the economic and

political conditions under which they lived。 The success of

the American colonists showed them that many things were

possible which had been held impossible only a short time


According to the poet; the shot which opened the battle

of Lexington was ‘‘heard around the world。'' That was a bit

of an exaggeration。 The Chinese and the Japanese and the

Russians (not to speak of the Australians; who had just been

re…discovered by Captain Cook; whom they killed for his

trouble;) never heard of it at all。 But it carried across the

Atlantic Ocean。 It landed in the powder house of European

discontent and in France it caused an explosion which rocked

the entire continent from Petrograd to Madrid and buried the

representatives of the old statecraft and the old diplomacy

under several tons of democratic bricks。






BEFORE we talk about a revolution it is just as well that

we explain just what this word means。 In the terms of a

great Russian writer (and Russians ought to know what they

are talking about in this field) a revolution is ‘‘a swift overthrow;

in a few years; of institutions which have taken centuries

to root in the soil; and seem so fixed and immovable that

even the most ardent reformers hardly dare to attack them in

their writings。 It is the fall; the crumbling away in a brief

period; of all that up to that time has composed the essence

of social; religious; political and economic life in a nation。''

Such a revolution took place in France in the eighteenth

century when the old civilisation of the country had grown

stale。 The king in the days of Louis XIV had become

EVERYTHING and was the state。 The Nobility; formerly

the civil servant of the federal state; found itself without any

duties and became a social ornament of the royal court。

This French state of the eighteenth century; however; cost

incredible sums of money。 This money had to be produced

in the form of taxes。 Unfortunately the kings of France had

not been strong enough to force the nobility and the clergy

to pay their share of these taxes。 Hence the taxes were paid

entirely by the agricultural population。 But the peasants

living in dreary hovels; no longer in intimate contact with their

former landlords; but victims of cruel and incompetent land

agents; were going from bad to worse。 Why should they

work and exert themselves? Increased returns upon their

land merely meant more taxes and nothing for themselves

and therefore they neglected their fields as much as they dared。

Hence we have a king who wanders in empty splendour

through the vast halls of his palaces; habitually followed by

hungry office seekers; all of whom live upon the revenue obtained

from peasants who are no better than the beasts of the

fields。 It is not a pleasant picture; but it is not exaggerated。

There was; however; another side to the so…called ‘‘Ancien

Regime'' which we must keep in mind。

A wealthy middle class; closely connected with the nobility

(by the usual process of the rich banker's daughter marrying

the poor baron's son) and a court composed of all the most

entertaining people of France; had brought the polite art of

graceful living to its highest development。 As the best brains

of the country were not allowed to occupy themselves with

questions of political economics; they spent their idle hours

upon the discussion of abstract ideas。

As fashions in modes of thought and personal behaviour

are quite as likely to run to extremes as fashion in dress; it

was natural that the most artificial society of that day should

take a tremendous interest in what they considered ‘‘the simple

life。'' The king and the queen; the absolute and unquestioned

proprietors of this country galled France; together with all its

colonies and dependencies; went to live in funny little country

houses all dressed up as milk…maids and stable…boys and played

at being shepherds in a happy vale of ancient Hellas。 Around

them; their courtiers danced attendance; their court…musicians

composed lovely minuets; their court barbers devised more

and more elaborate and costly headgear; until from sheer boredom

and lack of real jobs; this whole artificial world of Versailles

(the great show place which Louis XIV had built far

away from his noisy and restless city) talked of nothing but

those subjects which were furthest removed from their own

lives; just as a man who is starving will talk of nothing except


When Voltaire; the courageous old philosopher; playwright;

historian and novelist; and the great enemy of all

religious and political tyranny; began to throw his bombs of

criticism at everything connected with the Established Orde
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