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the story of mankind-第69部分

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first of all had proved that the sun was the centre of the universe;

did not publish his work until the day of his death。 Galileo

spent the greater part of his life under the supervision of the

clerical authorities; but he continued to use his telescope and

provided Isaac Newton with a mass of practical observations;

which greatly helped the English mathematician when he dis…

covered the existence of that interesting habit of falling objects

which came to be known as the Law of Gravitation。

That; for the moment at least; exhausted the interest in the

Heavens; and man began to study the earth。 The invention

of a workable microscope; (a strange and clumsy little thing;)

by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek during the last half of the 17th

century; gave man a chance to study the ‘‘microscopic'' creatures

who are responsible for so many of his ailments。 It laid

the foundations of the science of ‘‘bacteriology'' which in the

last forty years has delivered the world from a great number of

diseases by discovering the tiny organisms which cause the

complaint。 It also allowed the geologists to make a more

careful study of different rocks and of the fossils (the petrified

prehistoric plants) which they found deep below the surface of

the earth。 These investigations convinced them that the earth

must be a great deal older than was stated in the book of

Genesis and in the year 1830; Sir Charles Lyell published his

‘‘Principles of Geology'' which denied the story of creation as

related in the Bible and gave a far more wonderful description

of slow growth and gradual development。

At the same time; the Marquis de Laplace was working on

a new theory of creation; which made the earth a little blotch

in the nebulous sea out of which the planetary system had

been formed and Bunsen and Kirchhoff; by the use of the

spectroscope; were investigating the chemical composition of the

stars and of our good neighbour; the sun; whose curious spots

had first been noticed by Galileo。

Meanwhile after a most bitter and relentless warfare with

the clerical authorities of Catholic and Protestant lands; the

anatomists and physiologists had at last obtained permission

to dissect bodies and to substitute a positive knowledge of our

organs and their habits for the guesswork of the mediaeval


Within a single generation (between 1810 and 1840) more

progress was made in every branch of science than in all the

hundreds of thousands of years that had passed since man first

looked at the stars and wondered why they were there。 It

must have been a very sad age for the people who had been

educated under the old system。 And we can understand their

feeling of hatred for such men as Lamarck and Darwin; who

did not exactly tell them that they were ‘‘descended from

monkeys;'' (an accusation which our grandfathers seemed to

regard as a personal insult;) but who suggested that the proud

human race had evolved from a long series of ancestors who

could trace the family…tree back to the little jelly…fishes who

were the first inhabitants of our planet。

The dignified world of the well…to…do middle class; which

dominated the nineteenth century; was willing to make use

of the gas or the electric light; of all the many practical applications

of the great scientific discoveries; but the mere investigator;

the man of the ‘‘scientific theory'' without whom no

progress would be possible; continued to be distrusted until

very recently。 Then; at last; his services were recognised。 Today

the rich people who in past ages donated their wealth for

the building of a cathedral; construct vast laboratories where

silent men do battle upon the hidden enemies of mankind and

often sacrifice their lives that coming generations may enjoy

greater happiness and health。

Indeed it has come to pass that many of the ills of this

world; which our ancestors regarded as inevitable ‘‘acts of

God;'' have been exposed as manifestations of our own ignorance

and neglect。 Every child nowadays knows that he can

keep from getting typhoid fever by a little care in the choice of

his drinking water。 But it took years and years of hard

work before the doctors could convince the people of this fact。

Few of us now fear the dentist chair。 A study of the microbes

that live in our mouth has made it possible to keep our

teeth from decay。 Must perchance a tooth be pulled; then we

take a sniff of gas; and go our way rejoicing。 When the newspapers

of the year 1846 brought the story of the ‘‘painless

operation'' which had been performed in America with the help

of ether; the good people of Europe shook their heads。 To

them it seemed against the will of God that man should escape

the pain which was the share of all mortals; and it took a long

time before the practice of taking ether and chloroform for

operations became general。

But the battle of progress had been won。 The breach in the

old walls of prejudice was growing larger and larger; and as

time went by; the ancient stones of ignorance came crumbling

down。 The eager crusaders of a new and happier social order

rushed forward。 Suddenly they found themselves facing a new

obstacle。 Out of the ruins of a long…gone past; another citadel

of reaction had been erected; and millions of men had to give

their lives before this last bulwark was destroyed。



WHEN a baby is perfectly healthy and has had enough to eat

and has slept all it wants; then it hums a little tune to show how

happy it is。 To grown…ups this humming means nothing。 It

sounds like ‘‘goo…zum; goo…zum; goo…o…o…o…o;'' but to the baby

it is perfect music。 It is his first contribution to art。

As soon as he (or she) gets a little older and is able to sit

up; the period of mud…pie making begins。 These mud…pies do

not interest the outside world。 There are too many million

babies; making too many million mud…pies at the same time。

But to the small infant they represent another expedition into

the pleasant realm of art。 The baby is now a sculptor。

At the age of three or four; when the hands begin to obey

the brain; the child becomes a painter。 His fond mother gives

him a box of coloured chalks and every loose bit of paper is

rapidly covered with strange pothooks and scrawls which represent

houses and horses and terrible naval battles。

Soon however this happiness of just ‘‘making things''

comes to an end。 School begins and the greater part of the

day is filled up with work。 The business of living; or rather

the business of ‘‘making a living;'' becomes the most important

event in the life of every boy and girl。 There is little time left

for ‘‘art'' between learning the tables of multiplication and the

past participles of the irregular French verbs。 And unless

the desire for making certain things for the mere pleasure of

creating them without any hope of a practical return be very

strong; the child grows into manhood and forgets that the

first five years of his life were mainly devoted to art。

Nations are not different from children。 As soon as the

cave…man had escaped the threatening dangers of the long and

shivering ice…period; and had put his house in order; he began

to make certain things which he thought beautiful; although

they were of no earthly use to him in his fight with the wild

animals of the jungle。 He covered the walls of his grotto with

pictures of the elephants and the deer which he hunted; and

out of a piece of stone; he hacked the rough figures of those

women he thought most attractive。

As soon as the Egyptians and the Babylonians and the

Persians and all the other people of the east had founded

their little countries along the Nile and the Euphrates; they

began to build magnificent palaces for their kings; invented

bright pieces of jewellery for their women and planted gardens

which sang happy songs of colour with their many bright flowers。

Our own ancestors; the wandering nomads from the distant

Asiatic prairies; enjoying a free and easy existence as

fighters and hunters; composed songs which celebrated the

mighty deeds of their great leaders and invented a form of

poetry which has survived until our own day。 A thousand years

later; when they had established themselves on the Greek mainland;

and had built their ‘‘city…states;'' they expressed their

joy (and their sorrows) in magnificent temples; in statues; in

comedies and in tragedies; and in every conceivable form of


The Romans; like their Carthaginian rivals; were too busy

administering other people and making money to have much

love for ‘‘useless and unprofitable'' adventures of the spirit。

They conquered the world and built roads and bridges but they

borrowed their art wholesale from the Greeks。 They invented

certain practical forms of architecture which answered the

demands of their day and age。 But their statues and their histories

and their mosaics and their poems were mere Latin imi…

tations of Greek originals。 Without that vague and hard…to…

define something which the world calls ‘‘personality;'' there can

be no art and the Roman world distrusted that particular sort

of personality。 The Empire needed efficient soldiers and

tradesmen。 The business of writing poetry or making pictures

was left to foreigners。

Then came the Dark Ages。 The barbarian was the proverbial

bull in the china…shop of western Europe。 He had no use

for what he did not understand。 Speaking in terms of the year

1921; he liked the magazine covers of pretty ladies; but threw

the Rembrandt etchings which he had inherited into the ash…

can。 Soon he came to learn better。 Then he tried to undo the

damage which he had created a few years before。 But the ash…

cans were gone and so were the pictures。

But by this time; his own art; which he had brought with

him from the east; had developed into something very beautiful
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