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cyprus, as i saw it in 1879-第23部分

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sedimentary rock are so general。 The presence of these hollows; and the
soft nature of the calcareous stone; has suggested artificial caves to
the ancients; both for tombs and for places of refuge。 Before the
invention of gunpowder it would have been impossible to reduce a fort
such as I have described; except by starvation。 A mine sunk vertically
from above would in the present day destroy the subterranean stronghold
at the first explosion。

It rained more or less every day during our stay at Gallibornu; and
thunder rolled heavily in the neighbourhood; but in the narrow valley
between lofty hills the sky view was so limited that it was impossible
to judge of the impending weather。 The earth was too slippery for
camels; which I had engaged with an excellent Turk; who for some years
had been a zaphtieh; therefore it was necessary to wait patiently until
the surface should become dry。 I amused myself with wandering over the
hills with my dogs; examining the rocks; and shooting sufficient game
for our own use。 I could generally bag enough for my lad to carry home
conveniently over this rugged country; and a hare or two in addition to
partridges were more appreciated when stewed than when carried up the
precipitous hills。 I never tasted any game so delicious as the Cyprian
hares; they are not quite so red or curly as the European species; but
the flesh is exceedingly rich; and possesses a peculiarly gamey flavour;
owing to the aromatic food upon which they live。 It is difficult to
obtain a shot in the thick coverts of mastic bush; and without dogs I do
not think I should have shot one; as they were generally in dense
thickets upon the mountain sides; through which beaters could have
hardly moved。

The high cliffs above us formed an excellent example of an old
sea…bottom; showingthe various strata of sedimentary deposits at
different periods。 I made a collection of fossil shells; which were in
great numbers but in limited variety; and chiefly bivalves。

Although the village of Gallibornu was more important in size than many
we had passed; there was a total lack of supplies。 It was impossible to
purchase bread; and we were obliged to send messengers to considerable
distances to procure flour; which we subsequently employed a woman to
bake。 The people generally were very poor throughout the country; and
the cultivated area appeared insufficient for the support of the
population。 Every yard of land was ploughed; but the entire valley of
Gallibornu was fallowed; and did not possess one blade of corn; as the
soil required rest after the yield of the previous season。 None of these
people have an idea respecting a succession of crops in scientific
rotation; therefore a loss is sustained by the impoverishment of the
ground; which must occasionally lie inactive to recover its fertility。
There is absolutely no provision whatever for the cattle in the shape of
root…crops or hay; but they trust entirely to the bruised barley…straw
and such seeds as the cotton and lentil。 At this season the Carpas
district possessed an important advantage in the variety of wild
vegetables which afforded nourishment for man and beast; the valleys
teemed with wild artichokes and with a variety of thistles; whose
succulent stems were a favourite food for both oxen and camels。

The leaf…stems of the artichokes were peeled and eaten raw by the
inhabitants; but as these people are accustomed to consume all kinds of
uncooked vegetables and unripe fruits few civilised persons would
indulge in the Cypriote tastes。 We found the artichoke stems uneatable
in a raw state; but remarkably good when peeled and stewed; with a sauce
of yolk of egg beaten up with oil; salt; pepper; and lemon…juice; they
were then quite equal to sea…kale。 There is a general neglect in the
cultivation of vegetables which I cannot understand; as agriculture is
the Cypriote's vocation; it can hardly be called laziness; as they are
most industrious in their fields; and expend an immense amount of labour
in erecting stone walls to retain a small amount of soil wherever the
water…wash from a higher elevation brings with it a deposit。 The
insignificant terraces thus formed by earth caught in its descent while
in solution appear disproportioned to the labour of their construction;
and the laborious system would suggest an extreme scarcity of land
suitable for agricultural operations。 I believe this to be the case; and
that a serious mistake has been made in assuming that the Crown
possesses large areas of land that may eventually become of great value。
There are government lands; doubtless; of considerable extent; but I
question their agricultural importance; and whenever the ordnance…map of
the island shall be completed a wild confusion will be discovered in the
discrepancy of title…deeds with the amount of land in possession of the
owners。 I have; whilst shooting in the wild tracts of scrub…covered
hills and mountains; frequently emerged upon clearings of considerable
extent; where the natives have captured a fertile plot and cleared it
for cultivation; far away from the eyes of all authorities。

I believe that squatting has been carried on for many years; as during
the Turkish administration a trifling annual present would have closed
the eyes of the never…too…zealous official who by such an oversight
could annually improve his pay。 Land suitable for cultivation cannot
possibly be in excess of the demand; when plots of only a few yards
square are carefully formed by the erection of stone walls to retain the
torrent…collected soil。

We were pestered with beggars throughout this district; and even the
blind saw their opportunity; their number was distressing; and they
could not account in any way for the prevalence of ophthalmia。 Some
endeavoured to explain the cause by referring it to the bright
reflection from the sea; to which they were so frequently exposed; I
assured them that sailors were seldom blind; and they proved the rule。
Dirty habits; dwellings unwashed; heaps of filth lying around their
houses and rotting in their streets; all of which during the hot dry
summer is converted into poisonous dust; and; driven by the wind; fills
the eyes; which are seldom cleansedthese are the natural causes which
result in ophthalmia。

The new camels were ready; and with six of these animals we left
Gallibornu and felt relieved to have parted with the carts; as for
several marches they had caused great delay and inconvenience。 Although
Theodori had deceived me by agreeing to conduct us direct to Cape St。
Andrea I did not like to discharge the thick…headed but innocent Georgi;
therefore I offered to pay them a certain sum which they themselves
named; per day; for the keep of their oxen; provided they should return
with their empty carts to Lithrankomi (one march) and await my return
there; after which; we would resume the original contract; and their
oxen would once more draw the vans from their station at Kuklia。

This was an extra expense; as the camels were now engaged in lieu of
carts; notwithstanding that I should have to pay for the oxen; on the
other hand; these animals were beautiful specimens of their kind; and
were thoroughly accustomed to the gipsy…van; therefore it was advisable
to retain them。 The two owners were delighted with the arrangement; and
we started for Cape St。 Andrea; while they were to return to

The country was now thoroughly enjoyable; the recent daily showers had
freshened all vegetation; and the earth was a carpet of wild flowers;
including scarlet ranunculus; poppies; a very pretty dwarf yellow cistus
resembling bunches of primroses; cyclamen; narcissus; anemonespurple;
white; and a peculiarly bright yellow variety。

The route from Gallibornu was extremely wild and picturesque; combining
hills; glens; and occasional short glimpses of the sea between the
gorges which cleft the precipitous range upon our right。 The rounded and
sparkling tops of gypsum hills were common for the first few miles;
emerging from these; we threaded a ravine; and arrived upon the sea
beach; and continued for a considerable distance upon the margin of the
shore; the animals scrambling over fallen rocks and alternately
struggling through the deep sand and banks of sea…weed piled by a
recent gale。 We now entered upon the first pure sandstone that I had
seen; this was a coffee…brown; and formed the substratum of the usual
sedimentary limestone which capped the surface of the hill…tops。 The
appearance was peculiar; as the cliffs of brown sandstone were crusted
for a depth of about eight or ten feet by the white rock abounding with
fossil shells; while the substratum of hard sand was perfectly devoid of
all traces of organic matter。 The upheaval of a sea…bottom was clearly
demonstrated。 As the sandstone had decayed; vast fragments of the
surface rock had broken down when undermined and had fallen to the base
of the steep inclines; from the interstices of which a dense growth of
evergreens produced an agreeable harmony of colouring; combining various
shades of green with brown cliffs and white masses of disjointed
limestone。 The deep blue of the sea was a beautiful addition to this
wild scenery; and after threading our way sometimes between narrow
gorges; at other places along sequestered glens which exhibited young
crops of cereals and cultivated olive…trees; we at length arrived at a
halting…place upon the seashore; where a well of excellent water about
ten feet from the surface had been sunk upon the sea…beach within fifty
yards of the waves。

This was the best camping…ground we had had in Cyprus; for the first
time we stood upon real turf; green with recent showers; and firmly
rooted upon a rich sandy loam。 A cultivated valley lay a few hundred
yards beyond us; completely walled in by high hills covered with wild
olives; arbutus; and dwarf…cypress; and fronted by the sea。 Some fine
specimens of the broad…headed and shady caroub…trees gave a park…like
appearance to the valley; through which a running stream entered from a
ravine among the hills; and; winding through deep banks covered with
myrtles and oleanders; expended itself upon the shingly beach in t
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