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the heritage of the sioux-第14部分

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the heaviness that was in her chest。 It seemed to her that some bad spirit was

driving her forth an exile。 She could not understand。 last night she had been

glad at the thought of going; and if the thought of leaving Wagalexa Conka so

treacherously had hurt like a knife…thrust; still; she had sworn willingly

enough that she would go。

The horse was there; saddled and tied in a tumble…down shed just as Ramon had

promised that it would be。 Annie…Many…Ponies did not mount and ride on

immediately; however。 It was still early in the forenoon; and she was not so

eager in reality as she had been in anticipation。 She sat down beside the well

and stared somberly away to the mountains; and wondered why she was go sad

when she should be happy。 She twisted the ring with the big red stone round

and round her finger; but she got no pleasure from the crimson glow of it。 The

stone looked to her now like a great; frozen drop of blood。 She wondered

grimly whose blood it was; and stared at it strangely before her eyes went

again worshipfully to the mountains which she loved and which she must leave

and perhaps never see again as they looked from there; and from the ranch。

She must ride and ride until she was around on the other side of that last one

that had the funny; pointed cone top like a big stone tepee。 On the other side

was Ramon; and the priest; and the strange new life of which she was beginning

to feel afraid。 There would be no more riding up to camera; laughing or

sighing or frowning as Wagalexa Conka commanded her to do。 There would be no

more shy greetings of the slim young woman in riding skirtthe friendship

scenes and the black…browed anger; while Pete Lowry turned the camera and Luck

stood beside him telling her just what she must do; and smiling at her when

she did it well。

There would be Ramon; and the priest and the wide ring of shiny gold …what

more? The mountains; all pink and violet and smiling green and soft gray …the

mountains hid the new life from her。 And she must ride around that last;

sharp…pointed one; and come into the new life that was on the other sideand

what if it should be bitter? What if Ramon's love did not live beyond the wide

ring of shiny gold? She had seen it so; with other men and other maids。

No matter。 She had sworn the oath that she would go。 But first; there at the

old well where Ramon had taught her the Spanish love words; there where she

had listened shyly and happily to his voice that was so soft and so steeped in

love; Annie…Many…Ponies stood up with her face to the mountains and sorrow in

her eyes; and chanted again the wailing; Omaha mourning…song。 And just behind

her the little black dog; that had followed close to her heels all the way;

sat upon his haunches and pointed his nose to the sky and howled。

For a long time she wailed。 Then to the mountains that she loved she made the

sign of peace…and…farewell; and turned herself stoically to the keeping of her

oath。 Her bundle that was so big and heavy she placed in the saddle and

fastened with the saddle…string and with the red sash that had bound it across

her chest and shoulders。 Then; as her great grandmother had plodded across the

bleak plains of the Dakotas at her master's behest; Annie…Many…Ponies took the

bridle reins and led the horse out of the ruin; and started upon her plodding;

patient journey to what lay beyond the mountains。 Behind her the black horse

walked with drooping head; half asleep in the warm sunlight。 At the heels of

the horse followed the little black dog。


Luck; as explained elsewhere; was sweating and swearing at the heat in Bear

Canon。 The sun had crept around so that it shone full into a certain

bowlder…strewn defile; and up this sunbaked gash old Applehead was toiling;

leading the scrawniest burro which Luck had been able to find in the country。

The burro was packed with a prospector's outfit startlingly real in its

pathetic meagerness。 Old Applehead was picking his way among rocks so hot that

he could hardly bear to lay his bare hand upon them; tough as that hand was

with years of exposure to heat and cold alike。 Beads of perspiration were

standing on his face; which was a deep; apoplectic crimson; and little

trickles of sweat were dropping off his lower jaw。

He was muttering as he climbed; but the camera fortunately failed to record

the language that he used。 Now and then he turned and yanked savagely  at the

lead rope; whereupon the burro would sit down upon its haunches and allow

Applehead to stretch its neck as far as bone and tough hide and tougher sinew

would permit Someone among the group roosting in the shade across the defile

and well out of camera range would laugh; and Luck; standing on a ledge just

behind and above the camera; would shout directions or criticism of the


〃Come on back; Applehead;〃 Luck yelled when the 〃prospectorp〃 had turned a

corner of rock and disappeared from sight of the camera。 〃We'll do that scene

over once more before the sun gets too far around。〃

〃Do it over; will ye?〃 Applehead snarled as he came toiling obediently back

down the gulch。 〃Well; now; I ain't so danged shore about that there doin'

over'nless yuh want to wait and do it after sundown。 Ain't nobody but a

danged fool It would go trailin' up that there gulch this kinda' day。 Them

rocks up there is hot enough to brile a lizardnow; I'm tellin' ye!〃

Luck covered a smile with his moist palm。 He could not afford to be merciful

at the expense of good 〃picture…stuff;〃 however; so he called down grimly:

〃Now you're just about fagged enough for that close…up I want of you;

Applehead。 You went up that gulch a shade too brisk for a fellow that's all in

from traveling; and starved into the bargain。 Come back down here by this sand

bank; and start up towards camera。 Back up a little; Pete; so you can 'pam'

his approach。 I want to get him pulling his burro up past that banksabe? And

the close…up of his face with all those sweat…streaks will prove how far he's

comeand then I want the detail of that burro and his pack which you'll get

as they go by。 You see what I mean。 Let's see。 Will it swing you too far into

the sun; Pete; if you pick him up down there in that dry channel?〃

〃Not if you let me make it right away;〃 Pete replied after a squint or two

through the viewfinder。 〃Sun's getting pretty far over〃

〃Ought to leave a feller time to git his wind;〃 Applehead complained; looking

up at Luck with eyes bloodshot from the heat。 〃I calc'late mebby you think

it's FUN to drag that there burro up over them rocks?〃

〃Sure; it isn't fun。 We didn't come out here for fun。 Go down and wait behind

that bank; and come out into the channel when I give the word。 I want you

coming up all…in; just as you look right now。 Sorry; but I can't let you wait

to cool off; Applehead。〃

〃Well now;〃 Applehead began with shortwinded sarcasm; 〃I'm s'posed to be outa

grub。 Why didn't yuh up In' starve me fer a week or two; so'st I'd be gaunted

up realistic? Why didn't yuh break a laig fer me; sos't I kin show some

five…cent bunch in a pitcher…show how bad I'm off? Danged if I ain't jest

about gettin' my hide full uh this here danged fool REELISM you're hollerin'

fur all the time。 'F you send me down there to come haulin' that there burro

back up here so's the camery kin watch me sweat 'n' puff my danged daylights

outbefore I git a drink uh water; I'll murder ye in cold blood; now I'm

tellin' ye!〃

〃You go on down there and shut up!〃 Luck yelled inexorably。 〃You can drink a

barrel when I'm through with this sceneand not before。 Get that? My Lord! If

you can't lead a burro a hundred yards without setting down and fanning

yourself to sleep; you must be losing your grip for fair。 I'll stake you to a

rocking…chair and let you do old grandpa parts; if you aren't able to〃

〃Dang you; Luck; if you wasn't such a little runt I'd come up there and jest

about lick the pants off you! Talk that way to ME; will ye? I'll have ye know

I kin lead burros with you or any other dang man; heat er no heat Ef yuh ain't

got no more heart'n to AST it of me; I'll haul this here burro up 'n' down

this dang gulch till there ain't nothin' left of 'im but the lead…rope; and

the rocks is all wore down to cobble…stone! Ole grandpa parts; hey? You'll

swaller them words when I git to ye; young fellerand you'll swaller 'em

mighty dang quick; now I'm tellin' ye!〃

He went off down the gulch to the sand bank。 The Happy Family; sprawled at

ease in the shade; took cigarettes from their lips that they might chortle

their amusement at the two。 Like father and son were Applehead and Luck; but

their bickerings certainly would never lead one to suspect their affection。

〃Get that darned burro outa sight; will you? Luck bawled impatiently when

Applehead paused to send a murderous glance back toward camera。 〃What's the

matteryuh PARALYZED down there? Haul him in behind that bank! The moon'll be

up before you get turned around; at that rate!〃

〃You shet yore haid!〃 Applehead retorted at the full capacity of his lungs and

with an absolute disregard for Luck's position as director of the company。

〃Who's leadin' this here burroyou er me? Fer two cents I'd come back and

knock the tar outa you; Luck! Stand up there on a rock and flop your wings and

crow like a danged banty rooster'n' I was leadin' burros 'fore you was born!

I'd like to know who yuh think you BE?〃

Pete Lowry; standing feet…apart and imperturbably focussing the camera while

the two yelled insults at each other; looked up at Luck。

〃Riders in the background;〃 he announced laconically; and returned to his

squinting and fussing。 〃Maybe you can make 'em hear with the megaphone;〃 he

hinted; looking again at Luck。 〃They're riding straight up the canon; in the

middle distance。 They'll register in the scene; if you can't turn 'em。〃

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