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the heritage of the sioux-第15部分

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middle distance。 They'll register in the scene; if you can't turn 'em。〃

〃Applehead!〃 Luck called through the megaphone to his irritated prospector。

〃Get those riders outa the canonthey're in the scene!〃

Applehead promptly appeared; glaring up at luck。 〃Well; now; if I've got to

haul this here dang jackass up this dang gulch; I cal'clate that'll be about

job enough for one man;〃 he yelled。 〃How yuh expect me t' go two ways 't once?

Hey? Yuh figured that out yit?〃 He turned then for a look at the interrupting

strangers; and immediately they saw his manner change。 He straightened up; and

his right hand crept back significantly toward his hip。 Applehead; I may here

explain; was an ex…sheriff; and what range men call a 〃go…getter。〃 He had

notches on the ivory handle of his gunthree of them。 In fair fights and in

upholding the law he had killed; and he would kill again if the need ever

arose; as those who knew him never doubted。

Luck; seeing that backward movement of the hand; unconsciously hitched his own

gun into position on his hip and came down off his rock ledge with one leap。

Just as instinctively the Happy Family scrambled out of the shade and followed

luck down the gulch to where Applehead stood facing down the canon;

watchfulness in every tense line of his lank figure。 Tommy Johnson; who never

seemed to be greatly interested in anything save his work; got up from where

he lay close beside the camera tripod and went over to the other side of the

gulch where he could see plainer。

Like a hunter poising his shotgun and making ready when his trained bird…dog

points; Luck walked guardedly down the gulch to where Applehead stood watching

the horsemen who had for the moment passed out of sight of those above。

〃Now; what's that danged shurf want; prowlin' up HERE with a couple uh

depittys?〃 Applehead grumbled when he heard Luck's footsteps crunching behind

him。 〃Uh course;〃 he added grimly; 〃he MIGHT be viewin' the scenerybut it's

dang pore weather fur pleasure…ridin'; now I'm tellin' ye! Them a comin' up

here don't look good to ME; Luck'n' if they ain't〃

〃How do you know it's the sheriff?〃 Luck for no reason whatever felt a sudden

heaviness of spirit。

〃Hey? Think my eyes is failin' me?〃 Applehead gave him a sidelong glance of

hasty indignation。 〃I'd know ole Hank Miller a mile off with m' eyes shet。〃

By then the three riders rode out into plain view。 Perhaps the sight of Luck

and Applehead standing there awaiting their arrival; with the whole Happy

Family and Big Aleck Douglas and Lite Avery moving down in a close…bunched;

expectant group behind the two; was construed as hostility rather than

curiosity。 At any rate the sheriff and his deputies shifted meaningly in their

saddles and came up sour…faced and grim; and with their guns out and pointing

at the group。

〃Don't go making any foolish play; boys;〃 the sheriff warned。 〃We don't want

troublewe aren't looking for any。 But we ain't taking any chances。〃

〃Well now; you're takin' a dang long chance; Hank Miller; when yuh come ridin'

up on us fellers like yuh was cornerin' a bunch uh outlaws;〃 Applehead

exploded。 But Luck pushed him aside and stepped to the front。

〃Nobody's making any foolish play but you;〃 he answered the sheriff calmly。

〃You may not know it; but you're blocking my scene and the light's going。 If

you've got any business with me or my company; get it over and then get out so

we aim make this scene。 What d'yuh want?〃

〃You;〃 snapped the sheriff。 〃You and your bunch。〃

〃Me?〃 Luck took a step forward。 〃What for?〃

〃For pulling off that robbery at the bank today。〃 The sheriff could be pretty

blunt; and he shot the charge straight; without any quibbling。

Luck looked a little blank; and old Applehead; shaking with a very real anger

now; shoved Luck away and stepped up where he could shake his fist under the

sheriff's nose。

〃We don't know; and we don't give a cuss; what you're aimin' at;〃 he

thundered。 〃We been out here workin' in this brilin' sun sense nine o'clock

this mornin'。 Luck ain't robbed no bank; ner he ain't the kind that DOES rob

banks; and I'm here to see you swaller them words 'fore I haul ye off'n that

horse and plumb wear ye out! Yuh wanta think twicet 'fore ye come ridin' up

where I kin hear yuh call Luck Lindsay a thief; now I'm tellin' ye! If a bank

was robbed; ye better be gittin' out after them that done it; and git outa the

way uh that camery sos't we can git t' work! Git!〃

The sheriff did not 〃git〃 exactly; but he did look considerably embarrassed。

His eyes went to Luck apologetically。

〃Cashier come to and said you'd called him up on the phone about eleven;

claimin' you wanted to make a movin' pitcher of the bank being robbed;〃 he

explainedthough he was careful not to lower his gun。 〃He swore it was your

men that done the work and took the gold you told him to pile out on the〃

〃_I_ told him?〃 Luck's voice had the sharpened quality that caused laggard

actors to jump。 〃Be a little more exact in the words you use。〃

〃Well…lsomebody on the phone 't he THOUGHT was you;〃 the sheriff amended

obediently。 〃Your menand they sure WAS your men; because three or four

fellers besides the cashier seen 'em goin' in and comin' outthey gagged the

cashier and took his keys away from him and cleaned the safe; besides taking

what gold he'd piled on the counter for yfor 'em。

〃So;〃 he finished vigorously; 〃I an' my men hit the trail fer the ranch and

was told by the women that you was out here。 And here we are; and you might

just as well come along peaceable as to make a fuss〃

〃That thar is shore enough outa YOU; Hank Miller!〃 Applehead exploded again。

〃I calc'late you kin count ME in; when you go mixin' up with Luck; here。 I'm

one of his menand if he was to pull off a bank robbery I calc'late I'd be in

on that there performance too; I'm tellin' you! Luck don't go no whars ner do

nothin' that I AIN'T in on。

〃I've had some considerable experience as shurf myself; if you'll take the

trouble to recolleck; and I calc'late my word'Il go about as fur as the next。

When I tell ye thar ain't goin' to be no arrest made in Bear Canon; and that

you ain't goin' to take luck in fer no bank robbery; you kin be dang shore I

mean every word uh that thar!〃 He moved a step or two nearer the sheriff; and

the sheriff backed his horse away from him。

〃Ef you kin cut out this here accusin' Luck; and talk like a white man;〃

Applehead continued heatedly; 〃we'd like to hear the straight uh this here

robbery。 I would; 'n' I know Luck would; seein' they've gone t' work and mixed

him into it。 His bunch is all here; as you kin see fer yourself。 Now we're

listenin' 's long's you talk polite'n' you kin tell us what men them was

that was seen goin' in and comin' outand all about the hul' dang business。〃

The sheriff had not ridden to Bear Canon expecting to be bullied into civil

speech and lengthy explanations; but he knew Applehead Furrman; and he had

sufficient intelligence to read correctly the character of the group of men

that stood behind Applehead。 Honest men or thieves; they were to; be reckoned

with if any attempt were made to place Luck under arrest; any fool could see

thatand Hank Miller was not a fool。

He proceeded therefore to explain his errand and the robbery as the cashier

had described it to the clerks who returned after lunch to finish their

Saturday's work at the bank。

〃Fifteen thousand they claim is what the fellers got。 And one of your men that

runs the camera was keeping up a bluff of taking a pitcher of it all the time…

…that's why they got away with it。 Nobody suspicioned it was anything more'n

moving…pitcher acting till they found the cashier and brought him toy along

about one o'clock。 It was that Chavez feller that you had working for yuh; and

Luis Rojas that done itthem and a couple fellers stalling outside with the


〃I wonder;〃 hazarded Pete Lowry; who had come down and joined the group; 〃if

that wasn't Bill Holmes with the camera? He was a lot more friendly with Ramon

than he tried to let on。〃

〃The point is;〃 Luck broke in; 〃that they took advantage of my holdup scene to

pull off the robbery。 I can see how the cashier would fall for a retake like

that; especially since he don't know much about picture…making。 Gather up the

props; boys; and let's go home。 I'm going to get the rights of this thing。〃

〃You've got it now;〃 the sheriff informed him huffily。 〃Think I been loading

you up with hot air? I was sent out to round you up〃

〃Forget all that!〃 snapped luck。 〃I don't know as I enjoy having you fellows

jump at the notion I'm a bank…robberor that if I had robbed a bank I would

have come right back here and gone to work。 What kind of a simp do you think I

am; for gosh sake? Can you see where anyone but a lunatic would go like that

in broad daylight and pull off a robbery as raw as that one must have been;

and not even make an attempt at a gateway? I'll gamble Applehead; here;

wouldn't have fallen for a play as coarse as that was if he was sheriff yet。

He'd have seen right away that the camera part was just the coarsest kind of a


〃My Lord! Think of grown menofficers of the law at thatbeing simple…minded

enough to come fogging out here to me; instead of getting on the trail of the

men that were seen on the spot! You say they came in a machine to the bank and

you never so much as tried to trace it; or to get the license number even;

I'll bet a month's salary you didn't! It was a moving…picture stall; and so

you come blundering out here to the only picture company in the country;

thinking; by gravy; that it was all straight goodsoh; can you beat that for

a boob?〃 He shook back his heavy mane of gray hair and turned to his boys


〃Pete and Tommy; you can drive the wagon back all right; can't you? We'll go

on ahead and see what there is a
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