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the heritage of the sioux-第34部分

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they might have been of stone; the pine above was more unquiet than they。

Ramon; watching her while he smoked many cigarettes; became filled with a

vague uneasiness What was she thinking? What did she mean to do? He began to

have faint doubts of her coming down to him。 He began to be aware of something

in her nature that was unlike those other women; something more inflexible;

more silent; something that troubled him even while he told himself that she

was like all the rest and he would be her master。

〃Bah! She thinks to play with me; Ramon! Then I will go up and I will show

hershe will follow weeping at my heelslike that dog of hers that some day

I shall kill!〃

He got up and threw away his cigarette; glanced within and saw that Bill and

Luis still slept; and started up the hill to where that motionless figure sat

beneath the pine and kept her face turned from him。 It would be better;

thought Ramon; to come upon her unawares; and so he went softly and very

slowly; placing each foot as carefully as though he were stalking a wild thing

of the woods。

Annie…Many…Ponies did not hear him coming。 All her heart was yearning toward

that far away mesa。 〃Wagalexa Conkacola!〃 she whispered; for 〃cola〃 is the

Sioux word for friend。 Aloud she dared not speak the word; lest some tricksy

breeze carry it to him and fill him with; anger because she had betrayed his

friendship。 〃Wagalexa Conkacola! cola!〃

Friendship that was deadbut she yearned for it the more。 And it seemed to

her as she whispered; that Wagalexa Conka was very; very near。 Her heart felt

his nearness; and her eyes softened。 The Indian lookthe look of her fighting

forefathersdrifted slowly from her face as fog; drifts away before the sun。

He was nearperhaps he was dead and his spirit had come to take her spirit by

the hand and call her colafriend。 If that were so; then she wished that her

spirit might go with his spirit; up through all that limitless blue; away and

away and away; and never stop; and never tire and never feel anything but

friendship like warm; bright sunshine!

Down at the cabin a sounda cry; a shoutstartled her。 She brushed her hand

across her eyes and looked down。 There; surrounding the cabin; were the Happy

Family; and old Applehead whom she hated because he hated her。 And in their

midst stood Bill Holmes and Luis; and the setting sun shone on something

brightlike great silver ringsthat clasped their wrists。

Coming up the hill toward her was Wagalexa Conka; climbing swiftly; looking up

as he came。 Annie…Many…Ponies sprang to her feet; startling the little black

dog that gave a yelp of astonishment。 Came he in peace? She hesitated;

watching him unwinkingly。 Something swelled in her chest until she could

hardly breathe; and then fluttered there like a prisoned bird。 〃COLA!〃 she

gasped; just under her breath; and raised her hand in the outward; sweeping

gesture that spoke peace。

〃You theenk to fix trap; you!〃

She whirled and faced Ramon; whose eyes blazed bate and murder and whose

tongue spoke the foulness of his soul。 He flung out his arm fiercely and

thrust her aside。 〃Me; I kill that dam〃

He did not say any more; and the six…shooter he had levelled at Luck dropped

from his nerveless hand like a coiled adder; Annie…Many…Ponies had struck。

Like an avenging spirit she pulled the knife free and held it high over her

head; facing Luck who stared up at her from below。 He thought the look in her

eyes was fear of him and of the law; and he lifted his hand and gave back the

peace…sign。 It was for him she had killed and she should not be punished if he

could save her。 But Luck failed to read her look aright; it was not fear he

saw; but farewell。

For with her free hand she made the sign of peace and farewelland then the

knife descended straight as a plummet to her heart。 But even as she fell she

spurned the dead Ramon with her feet; so that he rolled a little way while the

black dog growled at him with bared teeth; even in death she would not touch

him who had been so foul。

Luck ran the last few; steep steps; and took her in his arms。 His eyes were

blurred so that he could not see her face; and his voice shook so that he

could scarcely form the words that brushed back death from her soul and

brought a smile to her eyes。

〃Annielittle sister!〃

Annie…Many…Ponies raised one creeping hand; groping until her fingers touched

his face。

〃Wagalexa Conkacola!〃

He took her fingers and for an instant; while she yet could feel; he laid them

against his lips。

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