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the heritage of the sioux-第6部分

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confusion Luck set down to a becoming modesty。 He went on planning and

perfecting details。 Standing as he did on the threshold of a career to which

his one big success had opened the door; he was wholly absorbed in making


There was nothing now to balk his progress; he told himself。 He had his

company; he had the location for his big range stuff; he bad all the financial

backing any reasonable man could want。 He had a salary that in itself gauged

the prestige he had gained among producers; and as an added incentive to do

the biggest work of his life he had a contract giving him a royalty on all

prints of his pictures in excess of a fixed number。 Better than all this; he

had big ideals and an enthusiasm for the work that knew no limitations。

Perhaps he was inclined to dream too big; per…haps he assumed too great an

enthusiasm on the part of those who worked with himI don't know just where

he did place the boundary line。 I do  know that he never once suspected the

Happy Family of any meditated truancy from the ranch and his parting

instructions to 〃sit tight。〃 I also know that the Happy Family was not at all

likely to volunteer information of their lapse。 And as for Applehead; the

money burned his soul deep with remorse; so deep that he went around with an

abject eagerness to serve Luck that touched that young man as a rare example

of a bone…deep loyalty that knows no deceit。 Which proves once more how

fortunate it is that we cannot always see too deeply into the thoughts and

motives of our friends。 


In Tijeras Arroyo the moon made black shadows where stood the tiny knolls here

and there;  marking frequently the windings of dry washes where bushes grew in

ragged patches and where tall weeds of mid…May tangled in the wind。 The

roundup tents of the Flying U Feature Film Company stood white as new snow in

the moonlight; though daylight showed them an odd; light…blue tint for

photographic purposes。 On a farther slope cunningly placed by the scenic

artist to catch the full sunlight of midday; the camp of the Chavez brothers

gleamed softly in the magic light。

So far had spring roundup progressed that Luck was holding the camp in Tijeras

Arroyo for picture…making only。 Applehead's calves were branded; to the

youngest pair of knock…kneed twins which Happy Jack found curled up together

cunningly hidden in a thicket。 They had been honored with a 〃close…up〃 scene;

those two spotted calves; and were destined to further honors which they did

not suspect and could not appreciate。

They slept now; as slept the two camps upon the two slopes that lay

moon…bathed at midnight。 Back where the moon was making the barren mountains a

wonderland of deep purple and black and silvery gray and brown; a coyote

yapped a falsetto message and was answered by one nearer at handhis mate; it

might be。 In a bush under the bank that made of it a black blot in the

unearthly whiteness of the sand; a little bird fluttered un;easily and sent a

small; inquiring chirp into the stillness。 From somewhere farther up the

arroyo drifted a faint; aromatic odor of cigarette smoke。

Had you been there by the bush you could not have told when Annie…Many…Ponies

passed by; you would not have seen hercertainly you could not have heard the

soft tread of her slim; moccasined feet。 Yet she passed the bush and the bank

and went away up the arroyo; silent as the shadows themselves; swift as the

coyote that trotted over a nearby ridge to meet her mate nearer the mountains。

Sol following much the same instinct in much the same way; Annie…Many…Ponies

stole out to meet the man her heart timidly yearned for a possible mate。

She reached the rock…ledge where the smoke odor was strongest; and she

stopped。 She saw Ramon Chavez; younger of the Chavez brothers who were

ten…mile…off neighbors of Applehead; and who owned many cattle and much land

by right of an old Spanish grant。 He was standing in the shadow of the ledge;

leaning against it as they of sun…saturated New Mexico always lean against

anything perpendicular and solid near which they happen to stand。 He was

watching the white…lighted arroyo while he smoked; waiting for her;

unconscious of her near presence。

Annie…Many…Ponies stood almost within reach of him; but she did not make her

presence known。 With the infinite wariness of her race she waited to see what

he would do; to read; if she might; what were his thoughtshis attitude

toward her in his unguarded moments。 That little; inscrutable smile which so

exasperated Applehead was on her lips while she watched him。

Ramon finished that cigarette; threw away the stab and rolled and lighted

another。 Still Annie…Many…Ponies gave no little sign of her presence。 He

watched the arroyo; and once he leaned to one side and stared back at his own

quiet camp on the slope that had the biggest and the wildest mountain of that

locality for its background。 He settled himself anew with his other shoulder

against the rock; and muttered something in Spanishthat strange; musical

talk which Annie…Many…Ponies could not understand。 And still she watched him;

and exulted in his impatience for her coming; and wondered if it would always

be lovelight which she would see in his eyes。

He was not of her race; though in her pride she thought him favored when she

named him akin to the Sioux。 He was not of her race; but he was tall and he

was straight; he was dark as she; he was strong and brave and he bad many

cattle and much broad acreage。 Annie…Many…Ponies smiled upon him in the dark

and was glad that she; the daughter of a chief of the Sioux; had been found

good in his sight。

Five minutes; ten minutes。 The coyote; yap…yap…yapping in the broken land

beyond them; found his mate and was silent。 Ramon Chavez; waiting in the

shadow of the ledge; muttered a Mexican oath and stepped out into the

moonlight and stood there; tempted to return to his campfor he; also; had

pride that would not bear much bruising。

Annie…Many…Ponies waited。 When he muttered again and threw his cigarette from

him as though it had been something venomous; when he turned his face toward

his own tents and took a step forward; she laughed softly; a mere whisper of

amusement that might have been a sleepy breeze stirring the bushes somewhere

near。 Ramon started and turned his face her way; in the moonlight his eyes

shone with a certain love…hunger which Annie…Many…Ponies exulted to

seebecause she did not understand。

〃You not let moon look on you;〃 she chided in an undertone; her sentences

clipped of superfluous words as is the Indian way; her voice that pure;

throaty melody that is a gift which nature gives lavishly to the women of

savage people。 〃Moon see; men see。〃

Ramon swung back into the shadow; reached out his two arms to fold her close

and got nothing more substantial than another whispery laugh。

〃Where are yoh;sweetheart?〃 He peered into the shadow where she had been; and

saw the place empty。 He laughed; chagrined by her elusiveness; yet hungering

for her the more。

〃You not touch;〃 she warned。 〃Till priest say marriage prayers; no man touch。〃

He called her a devil in Spanish; and she thought it a love…word and laughed

and came nearer。 He did not attempt to touch her; and so; reassured; she stood

close so that he could see the pure; Indian profile of her face when she

raised it to the sky in a mute invocation; it might be; of her gods。   

〃When yoh come?〃 he asked swiftly; his race betrayed in tone and accent。 〃I

look and lookI no see yoh。〃

〃I come;〃 she stated with a quiet meaning。 〃I not like cow; for make plenty

noise。 I stand here; you smoke two times; I look。〃

〃You mus' be moonbeam;〃 he told her; reaching out again; only to lay hold upon

nothing。 〃Come back; sweetheart。 I be good。〃

〃I not like you touch;〃 she repeated。 〃I good girl。 I mind priest; I read

prayers; I mind Wagalexa Conka〃 There she faltered; for the last boast was

no longer the truth。

Ramon was quick to seize upon the one weak point of her armor。 〃So? He send

yoh then to talk with Ramon at midnight? Yoh come to please yoh boss?〃

Annie…Many…Ponies turned her troubled face his way。 〃Wagalexa Conka sleep

plenty。 I not ask;〃 she confessed。 〃You tell me come here you tell me must

talk when no one hear。 I come。 I no ask Wagalexa Conkahim say good girl stay

by camp。 Him say not walk in night…time; say me not talk you。 I no ask; I just


〃Yoh lov' him; perhaps? More as yoh lov' me? Always I see yoh look at

himalways watch; watch。 Always I see yoh jomp when he snap the finger;

always yoh run like train dog。 Yoh lov' him; perhaps? Bah! Yoh dirt onder his

feet。〃 Ramon did not seriously consider that any woman whom he favored could

sanely love another man more than himself; but to his nature jealousy was a

necessary adjunct of lovemaking; not to have displayed jealousy would have

been to betray indifference; as he interpreted the tender passion。

Annie…Many…Ponies; woman…wily though she was by nature; had little learning in

the devious ways of lovemaking。 Eyes might speak; smiles might half reveal;

half hide her thoughts; but the tongue; as her tribe had taught her sternly;

must speak the truth or keep silent。 Now she bent her head; puzzling how best

to put her feelings toward Luck Lindsay into honest words which Ramon would


〃Yoh lov' him; perhapssince yoh all time afraid he be mad。〃 Ramon persisted;

beating against the wall of her Indian taciturnity which always acted as a

spur upon his impetuosity。 Besides; it was important to him that he should

know just what was the tie between these two。 He had heard Luck Lindsay speak

to the girl in the Sioux tongue。 He had seen her eyes lighten as she made

swift answer。 He had seen her always eager to do Luck's biddinghad seen her

anticipate his wants and minister to them as though 
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