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the heritage of the sioux-第7部分

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swift answer。 He had seen her always eager to do Luck's biddinghad seen her

anticipate his wants and minister to them as though it was her duty and her

pleasure to do so。 It was vital that he should know; and it was certain that

he could not question Luck upon the subjectfor Ramon Chavez was no fool。

〃Long time agowhen I was papoose with no shoes;〃 she began with seeming

irrelevance; her eyes turning instinctively toward the white tents of the

Flying U camp gleaming in the distance; 〃my people go for work in Buffalo Bill

show。 My father go; my mother go; I go。 All time we dance for show; make

Indian fight with cowboysall them act for Buffalo Bill…Pawnee Bill show。

That time Wagalexa Conka boss of Indians。 He Indian Agent。 He take care whole

bunch。 He make peace when fights; he give med'cine when somebody sick。 He

awful good to them Indians。 He give me candy; always stop to talk me。 I like

him。 My father like him。 All them Indians like him plenty much。 My father

awful sick one time; he no let doctor come。 Leg broke all in pieces。 He say

die plenty if Wagalexa Conka no make well。 I go ticket wagon; tell Wagalexa

Conka; he come quick; fix up leg all right。

〃All them Indians like to make him〃 She stopped; searching her mind for the

elusive; little…used word which she  had learned in the mission school。 Make

him adop';〃 she finished triumphantly。 〃Indians make much dance; plenty music;

lots speeches make him Indian man。 My father big chief; he make Wagalexa Conka

him son。 Make him my brother。 Give him Indian name Wagalexa Conka。 All Indians

call that name for him。

〃Pretty soon show stop; all them Indians go home by reservation。 long time we

don't see Wagalexa Conka no more。 I get big girl; go school little bit。 Pretty

soon Wagalexa Conka come back; for wants them Indians for work in pictures。 My

father go; my mother go; all us go。 We work long time。 I;〃 she added with

naive pride in her comeliness; 〃awful good looking。 I do lots of foreground

stuff。 Pretty soon hard times come。 Indians go home by reservation。 I goI

don't like them reservations no more。 Too lonesome。 I like for work all time

in pictures。 I come; tell Wagalexa Conka I be Indian girl for pictures。 He

write letter for agent; write letter for my father。 They writes letter for say

yes; I stay。 I stay and do plenty more foreground stuff。〃

〃I don't see you do moch foreground work since that white girl come;〃 Ramon

observed; hitting what he instinctively knew was a tender point。

Had he seen her face; he must have been satisfied that the chance shot struck

home。 But in the shadow hate blazed unseen from her eyes。 She did not speak;

and so he went back to his first charge。

〃All this don't tell me moch;〃 he complained。 〃Yoh lov' him; maybe? That's 

what I ask。〃

〃Wagalexa Conka my brother; my father; my friend;〃 she replied calmly; and let

him interpret it as he would。

〃He treats yoh like a dog。 He crazee 'bout that Jean。 He gives her all smiles;

all what yoh call foreground stuff。 I knowI got eyes。 Me; it makes me mad

for see how he treat yohand yoh so trying hard always to Please。 He got no

heart for yohme; I see that。〃 He moved a step closer; hesitating; wanting

yet not quite daring to touch her。 〃Me; I lov' yoh; little Annie;〃 he

murmured。 〃Yoh lov' me little bit; eh? Jus' little bit! Jus' for say; 'Ramon;

I go weeth yoh; I be yoh woman'〃

Annie…Many…Ponies widened the distance between them。 〃Why you not say wife?〃

she queried suspiciously。

〃Woman; wife; sweetheartall same;〃 he assured her with his voice like a

caress。 〃All words mean I lov' yoh jus' same。 Now yoh say yoh lov' me; say yoh

go weeth me; I be one happy man。 I go back on camp and my heart she's  singing

lov' song。 My girl weeth eyes that shine so bright; she lov' me moch as I lov'

her。 That what my heart she  sing。 Yoh not be so cruel like stoneyoh say;

'Ramon; I lov' yoh。' Jus' like that! So easy to say!〃 

〃Not easy;〃 she denied; moved to save her freedom yet a while longer。 〃I say

them words; then Ithen I not be same girl like now。 Maybe much troubles

come。 Maybe much happyI dunno。 Lots time I see plenty trouble come for girl

that say them words for man。 Some time plenty happyI think trouble comes

most many times。 I think  Wagalexa Conka he be awful mad。 I not like for hims

be mad。〃

〃Now you make ME madRamon what loves yoh! Yoh like for Ramon be mad;

perhaps?   Always yoh 'fraid Luck Lindsay this; 'fraid Luck that other。 Me; I

gets damn' sick hear that talk all time。 Bimeby he marree som'  girl; then

what for you? He don' maree yoh; eh? He don' lov' yoh; he think too good for

maree Indian girl。  Me; I not think like that。 I; Ramon Chavez; I think proud

to lov; yoh。 Ramon〃 

〃I not think Wagalexa Conka marry me。〃 The girl was turning stubborn under his

importunities。 〃Wagalexa Conka my brothermy friend。 I tell you plenty time。

Now I tell no more。〃

〃Ramon loves yoh so moch;〃 he pleaded; and smiled to himself when he saw her

turn toward toward him again。 The love…talkthat was what a woman likes best

to hear! 〃Yoh say yoh lov' Ramon jus' little bit!〃

〃I not say now。 When I say I be sure I say truth。〃

〃All right; then I be sad till yoh lov' me。 Yoh maybe be happy; yoh know

Ramon's got heavy heart for yoh。〃

〃I plenty sorry; you be sad  for me;〃 she confessed demurely。  〃I lov' yoh so

moch! I think nothing but how beautiful my sweetheart is。 I not tease yoh no

more。 Tell me; how long Luck says he stay out here? Maybe yoh hear sometimes

he's going for taking pictures in town?〃

〃I not hear。〃

〃Going home; maybe? You mus' hear little bit。 Yoh tell me; sweetheart; what's

he gone do when roundup's all finish? Me; I know she's finish las' week。 Looks

like he's taking pictures out here all summer! You hear him say something;


〃I not hear。〃

〃Them vaquerosbah! They don't bear nothings either。 What's matter over

there; nobody hear nothing? Luck; he got no tongue when camera's shut up;


〃NahI dunno。〃

Ramon looked at her for a minute in mute rage。 It was not the first time he

had found himself hard against the immutable reticence of the Indian in her


〃Why you snapping teeth like a wolf?〃 she asked him slyly。

〃Me? I don' snap my teeth; sweetheart。〃 It cost Ramon some effort to keep his

voice softened to the love key。

〃Why you not ask Wagalexa Conka what he do?〃

〃I don' care; that's why I don' ask。 Me; it's' no matter。〃

He hesitated a moment; evidently weighing a matter of more importance to him

than he would have Annie…Many…Ponies suspect。 〃Sweetheart; yoh do one thing

for Ramon?〃 His voice might almost be called wheedling。 〃Me; I'm awful busy

tomorrow。 I got long ride away off …to my rancho。 I got to see my brother

Tomas。 I be back here not before night。 Yoh tell Bill Holmes he come here by

this rockyoh say midnight that's good timeI sure be here that time。 Yoh

say I got something I wan' tell him。 Yoh do that for Ramon; sweetheart?〃

He waited; trying to hide the fact that he was anxious。

〃I not like Bill Holmes。〃 Annie…Many…Ponies spoke with an air of finality。

〃Bill Holmes comes close; I feel snakes。 Him not friend to Wagalexa Conkasay

nothingalways go around still; like fox watching for rabbit。 You not friend

to Bill Holmes?〃

〃Me? NoI not friend; querida mia。 I got business。 I sell Bill Holmes one

silver bridle; perhaps。 I don' knowmus' talk about it。 Yoh tell him come

here by big rock; sweetheart?〃

Annie…Many…Ponies took a minute for deliberationwhich is the Indian way。

Ramon; having learned patience; said no more but watched her slant…eyed。

〃I tell;〃 she promised at last; and added; 〃I go now。〃 Then she slipped away。

And Ramon; though he stood for several minutes by the rock smiling queerly and

staring down the arroyo; caught not the slightest glimpse of her after she

left him。 He knew that she would deliver faithfully his message to Bill

Holmes; she had given her word。 That was one great advantage; considered

Ramon; in dealing with those direct; uncompromising natures。 She might torment

him with her aloofness and her reticence; but once he had won her to a full

confidence and submission he need not trouble himself further about her

loyalty。 She would tell Bill Holmesand; what was vastly more important; she

would do it secretly; he had not dared to speak of that; but he thought he

might safely trust to her natural wariness。 So Ramon; after a little; stole

away to his own camp quite satisfied。

The next night; when he stood in the shadow of the rock ledge and waited; he

was not startled by the unexpected presence of the person he wanted to see。

For although Bill Holmes came as cautiously as he knew how; and avoided the

wide; bright…lighted stretches of arroyo where he would have been plainly

visible; Ramon both saw and heard him before he reached the ledge。 What Ramon

did not see or hear was Annie…Many…Ponies; who did not quite believe that

those two wished merely to talk about a silver bridle; and who meant to listen

and find out why it was that they could not talk openly before all the boys。

Annie…Many…Ponies had ways of her own。 She did not tell Ramon that she doubted

his word; nor did she refuse to deliver the message。 She waited calmly until

Bill Holmes left camp stealthily that night; and she followed him。 It was

perfectly simple and sensible and the right thing to do; if you wanted to know

for sure whether a person lied to you; you had but to watch and listen and let

your own eyes and ears prove guilt or innocence。

So Annie…Many…Ponies stood by the rock and listened and watched。 She did not

see any silver bridle。 She heard many words; but the two were speaking in that

strange Spanish talk which she did not know at all; save 〃Querida mia;〃 which

Ramon had told her meant sweetheart。

The two talked; low…voiced and earnest; Bill was telling 
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