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rolf in the woods-第27部分

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and the soggy snow on it was easily packed into a hard; heavy

snowball。  Rolf threw it straight; swift; and by good luck it hit

the panther square on the nose and startled him so that he sprang

right out of the tree and flopped into the snow。

Skookum was on him at once; but got a slap on the ear that

changed his music; and the panther bounded away out of sight with

the valiant Skookum ten feet behind; whooping and yelling like


It was annoyance rather than fear that made that  panther take to

a low tree while Skookum boxed the compass; and made a beaten dog

path all around him。  The hunters approached very carefully now;

making little sound and keeping out of sight。  The panther was

wholly engrossed with observing the astonishing impudence of that

dog; when Quonab came quietly up; leaned his rifle against a tree

and fired。  The smoke cleared to show the panther on his back;

his legs convulsively waving in the air; and Skookum tugging

valiantly at his tail。

〃My panther;〃 he seemed to say; 〃whatever would you do without me?〃

A panther in a deer yard is much like a wolf shut up in a

sheepfold。  He would probably have killed all the deer that

winter; though there were ten times as many as he needed for

food; and getting rid of him was a piece of good luck for hunters

and deer; while his superb hide made a noble trophy that in years

to come had unexpected places of honour。

Chapter 43。 Sunday in the Woods

Rolf still kept to the tradition of Sunday; and Quonab had in a

manner accepted it。  It was a curious fact that the red man had

far more toleration for the white man's religious ideas than the

white man had for the red's。

Quonab's songs to the sun and the spirit; or his burning of a

tobacco pinch; or an animal's whiskers were to Rolf but harmless

nonsense。  Had he given them other names; calling them hymns and

incense; he would have been much nearer respecting them。  He had

forgotten his mother's teaching: 〃If any man do anything

sincerely; believing that thereby he is worshipping God; he is

worshipping God。〃 He disliked seeing Quonab use an axe or a gun

on Sunday; and the Indian; realizing that such action made 〃evil

medicine〃  for Rolf; practically abstained。  But Rolf had not yet

learned to respect the red yarns the Indian hung from a deer's

skull; though he did come to understand that he must let them

alone or produce bad feeling in camp。

Sunday had become a day of rest and Quonab made it also a day of

song and remembrance。

They were sitting one Sunday night by the fire in the cabin;

enjoying the blaze; while a storm rattled on the window and door。

A white…footed mouse; one of a family that lived in the shanty;

was trying how close he could come to Skookum's nose without

being caught; while Rolf looked on。  Quonab was lying back on a

pile of deer skins; with his pipe in his mouth; his head on the

bunk; and his hands clasped back of his neck。

There was an atmosphere of content and brotherly feeling; the

evening was young; when Rolf broke silence:

〃Were you ever married; Quonab?〃

〃Ugh;〃 was the Indian's affirmative。



Rolf did not venture more questions; but left the  influence of

the hour to work。  It was a moment of delicate poise; and Rolf

knew a touch would open the door or double bar it。  He wondered

how he might give that touch as he wished it。  Skookum still

slept。  Both men watched the mouse; as; with quick movements it

crept about。 Presently it approached a long birch stick that

stood up against the wall。  High hanging was the song…drum。  Rolf

wished Quonab would take it and let it open his heart; but he

dared not offer it; that might have the exact wrong effect。  Now

the mouse was behind the birch stick。  Then Rolf noticed that the

stick if it were to fall would strike a drying line; one end of

which was on the song…drum peg。 So he made a dash at the mouse

and displaced the stick; the jerk it gave the line sent the

song…drum with hollow bumping to the ground。  The boy stooped to

replace it; as he did; Quonab grunted and Rolf turned to see his

hand stretched for the drum。  Had Rolf officiously offered it; it

would have been refused; now the Indian took it; tapped and

warmed it at the fire; and sang a song of the Wabanaki。  It was

softly done; and very low; but Rolf was close; for almost the

first time in any long rendition; and he got an entirely new

notion of the red music。  The singer's face brightened as he

tummed and sang with peculiar grace notes and throat warbles of

〃Kaluscap's war with the magi;〃 and the spirit of his people;

rising to the sweet magic of melody; came shining in his eyes。

He sang the lovers' song; 〃The Bark Canoe。〃 (See F。 R。 Burton's

〃American Primitive Music。)

〃While the stars shine and falls the dew; I seek my love in bark canoe。〃

And then the cradle song;

〃The Naked Bear Shall Never Catch Thee。〃

When he stopped; he stared at the fire; and after a long pause

Rolf ventured; 〃My mother would have loved your songs。〃

Whether he heard or not; the warm emanation surely reached the

Indian; and he began to answer the question of an hour before:

〃Her name was Gamowini; for she sang like the sweet night bird at

Asamuk。  I brought her from her father's house at Saugatuck。  We

lived at Myanos。  She made beautiful baskets and moccasins。  I

fished and trapped; we had enough。  Then the baby came。  He had

big round eyes; so we called him Wee…wees; 'our little owl;' and

we were very happy。  When Gamowini sang to her baby; the world

seemed full of sun。  One day when Wee…wees could walk she left

him with me and she went to Stamford with some baskets to sell。

A big ship was in the harbour。  A man from the ship told her that

his sailors would buy all her baskets。 She had no fear。  On the

ship they seized her for a runaway slave; and hid her till they

sailed away。

〃When she did not come back I took Wee…wees on my shoulder and

went quickly to Stamford。  I soon found out a little; but the

people did not know the ship; or whence she came; or where she

went; they said。  They did not seem to care。  My heart grew

hotter and wilder。  I wanted to fight。  I would have killed the

men on the dock; but they were many。  They bound me and put me in

jail for three months。  'When I came out Wee…wees was dead。  They

did not care。  I have heard nothing since。  Then I went to live

under the rock; so I should not see our first home。 I do not

know; she may be alive。  But I think it killed her to lose her baby。〃

The Indian stopped; then rose quickly。  His face was hard set。

He stepped out into the snowstorm and the night。  Rolf was left

alone with Skookum。

Sad; sad; everything seemed sad in his friend's life; and Rolf;

brooding over it with wisdom beyond his years; could not help

asking: 〃Had Quonab and Gamowini been white folk; would it have

happened so?  Would his agony have been received with scornful

indifference?  Alas! he knew it would not。  He realized it would

have been a very different tale; and the sequent questions that

would not down; were; 〃Will this bread cast on the waters return

after many days?〃 〃Is there a God of justice and retribution?〃

〃On whom will the flail of vengeance fall for all these abominations?〃

Two hours later the Indian returned。  No word was spoken as he

entered。  He was not cold。  He must have walked far。  Rolf

prepared for bed。  The Indian stooped; picked up a needle from

the dusty ground; one that had been lost the day before; silently

handed it to his  companion; who gave only a recognizant 〃Hm;〃

and dropped it into the birch…bark box。

Chapter 44。 The Lost Bundle of Furs

There had been a significant cessation of robbery on their trap

line after the inconclusive visit to the enemy's camp。  But a new

and extreme exasperation  arose in the month of March; when the

alternation  of thaw and frost had covered the snow with a hard

crust that rendered snowshoes unnecessary and made it easy to run

anywhere and leave no track。

They had gathered up a fisher and some martens before they

reached the beaver pond。  They had no beaver traps now; but it

was interesting to call and see how many of the beavers were

left; and what they were doing。

Bubbling springs on the bank of the pond had made open water at

several places; now that the winter frost was weakening。  Out of

these the beavers often came; as was plainly seen in the tracks;

so the trappers approached them carefully。

They were scrutinizing one of them from behind a log; Quonab with

ready gun; Rolf holding the unwilling Skookum;  when the familiar

broad; flat head appeared。  A large beaver swam around the hole;

sniffed and looked; then silently climbed the bank; evidently

making for a certain aspen tree that he had already been cutting。

He was in easy range; and the gunner was about to fire when Rolf

pressed his arm and pointed。  Here; wandering through the wood;

came a large lynx。  It had not seen or smelt any of the living

creatures ahead; as yet; but speedily sighted the beaver now

working away to cut down his tree。

As a pelt; the beaver was worth more than the lynx; but the

naturalist is strong in most hunters; and they watched to see

what would happen。

The lynx seemed to sink into the ground; and was lost to sight as

soon as he knew of a possible prey ahead。  And now he began his

stalk。  The hunters sighted him once as he crossed a level

opening in the snow。  He seemed less than four inches high as he

crawled。  Logs; ridges; trees; or twigs; afforded ample

concealment; till his whiskers appeared in a thicket within

fifteen feet of the beaver。

All this was painfully exciting to Skookum; who; though he could

not see; could get some thrilling whiffs; and he strained forward

to improve his opportunities。  The sound
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