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rolf in the woods-第28部分

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not see; could get some thrilling whiffs; and he strained forward

to improve his opportunities。  The sound of this slight struggle

caught the beaver's ear。  It stopped work; wheeled; and made for

the water hole。  The lynx sprang from his ambush; seized the

beaver by the back; and held on; but the beaver was double the

lynx's weight; the bank was steep and slippery; the struggling

animals kept rolling down hill; nearer and nearer the hole。

Then; on the very edge; the beaver gave a great plunge; and

splashed into the water with the lynx clinging to its back。 At

once they disappeared; and the hunters rushed to the place;

expecting them to float up and be an easy prey; but they did not

float。  At length it was clear that the pair had gone under the

ice; for in water the beaver was master。

After five minutes it was certain that the lynx must be dead。

Quonab cut a sapling and made a grappler。  He poked this way and

that way under the ice; until at length he felt something soft。

With the hatchet they cut a hole over the place and then dragged

out the body of the lynx。 The beaver; of course; escaped and was

probably little the worse。

While Quonab skinned the catch; Rolf prowled around the pond and

soon came running back to tell of a remarkable happening。

At another open hole a beaver had come out; wandered twenty yards

to a mound which he had castorized; then passed several hard wood

trees to find a large poplar or aspen; the favourite food tree。

This he had begun to fell with considerable skill; but for some

strange reason; perhaps because alone; he had made a

miscalculation; and when the tree came crashing down; it had

fallen across his back; killed him; and pinned him to the ground。

It was an easy matter for the hunters to remove the log and

secure his pelt; so they left the beaver pond; richer than they

had expected。

Next night; when they reached their half…way shanty; they had the

best haul they had taken on this line since the memorable day

wben they got six beavers。

The morning dawned clear and bright。  As they breakfasted;  they

noticed an extraordinary gathering of ravens far away to the

north; beyond any country they had visited。  At least twenty or

thirty of the birds were sailing  in great circles high above a

certain place; uttering a deep; sonorous croak; from time to

time。  Occasionally one of the ravens would dive down out of sight。

〃Why do they fly above that way?〃

〃That is to let other ravens know there is food here。 Their eyes

are very good。  They can see the signal ten miles away; so all

come to the place。  My father told me that you can gather all the

ravens for twenty miles by leaving a carcass so they can see it

and signal each other。  〃

〃Seems as if we should look into that。  Maybe another panther;〃

was Rolf's remark。

The Indian nodded; so leaving the bundle of furs in a safe place

with the snowshoes; that they carried on a chance; they set out

over the hard crust。  It was two or three miles to the ravens'

gathering; and; as before; it proved to be over a cedar brake

where was a deer yard。

Skookum knew all about it。  He rushed into the woods; filled with

the joy of martial glory。  But speedily came running out again as

hard as he could; yelling 〃yow; yow; yowl〃 for help; while

swiftly following; behind him were a couple of gray wolves。

Quonab waited till they were within forty yards; then; seeing the

men; the wolves slowed up and veered; Quonab fired; one of the

wolves gave a little; doglike yelp。  Then they leaped into the

bushes and were lost to view。

A careful study of the snow showed one or two triffing traces of

blood。  In the deer yard they found at least a dozen carcasses of

deer killed by the wolves; but none very recent。  They saw but

few deer and nothing more of the wolves; for the crust had made

all the country easy; and both kinds fled before the hunters。

Exploring a lower level of willow country in hopes of finding

beaver delayed them; and it was afternoon when they returned to

the half…way shanty; to find everything as they left it; except

that their Pack of furs had totally  disappeared。

Of course; the hard crust gave no sign of track。  Their first

thought was of the old enemy; but; seeking far and near for

evidence; they found pieces of an ermine skin; and a quarter mile

farther; the rest of it; then; at another place; fragments of a

muskrat's skin。  Those made it look like the work of the

trapper's enemy; the wolverine; which; though rare; was surely

found in these hills。  Yes! there was a wolverine scratch mark;

and here another piece of the rat skin。  It was very clear who

was the thief。

〃He tore up the cheapest ones of the lot anyway;〃 said Rolf。

Then the trappers stared at each other significantly  only the

cheap ones destroyed; why should a wolverine show such

discrimination?  There was no positive sign of wolverine;  in

fact; the icy snow gave no sign of anything。  There was little

doubt that the tom furs and the scratch marks were there to

mislead; that this was the work of a human robber; almost

certainly Hoag。

He had doubtless seen them leave in the morning; and it was

equally sure; since he had had hours of start; he would now be

far away。

〃Ugh!  Give him few days to think he safe; then I follow and

settle all;〃 and this time the Indian clearly meant to end the


Chapter 45。 The Subjugation of Hoag

A feller as weeps for pity and never does a finger…tap to  help

is 'bout as much use as an overcoat on a drowning man。  Sayings

of Si Sylvanne。

SOME remarkable changes of weather made some remarkable changes

in their plan and saved their enemy from immediate molestation。

For two weeks it was a succession of thaws and there was much

rain。  The lake was covered with six inches of water; the river

had a current above the ice; that was rapidly eating; the latter

away。  Everywhere there were slush and wet snow that put an end

to travel and brought on the spring with a rush。

Each night there was; indeed; a trifling frost; but each day's

sun seemed stronger; and broad; bare patches of ground appeared

on all sunny slopes。

On the first crisp day the trappers set out to go the rounds;

knowing full well that this was the end of the season。

Henceforth for six months deadfall and snare would lie idle and


They went their accustomed line; carrying their snowshoes;  but

rarely needing them。  Then they crossed a large track to which

Quonab pointed; and grunted  affirmatively as Rolf said 〃Bear?〃

Yes! the bears were about once more; their winter sleep was over。

Now they were fat and the fur was yet prime; in a month they

would be thin and shedding。  Now is the time for bear hunting

with either trap or dog。

Doubtless Skookum thought the party most fortunately equipped in

the latter respect; but no single dog is enough to bay a bear。

There must be three or four to bother him behind; to make him

face about and fight; one dog merely makes him run faster。

They had no traps; and knowing that a spring bear is a far

traveller; they made no attempt to follow。

The deadfalls yielded two martens; but one of them was spoiled by

the warm weather。  They learned at last that the enemy had a

trap…line; for part of which he used their deadfalls。  He had

been the rounds lately and had profited at least a little by

their labours。

The track; though two days old; was not hard to follow; either on

snow or ground。  Quonab looked to the lock of his gun; his lower

lip tightened and he strode along。

〃What are you going to do; Quonab?  Not shoot?〃

〃When I get near enough;〃 and the dangerous look in the red man's

eye told Rolf to be quiet and follow。

In three miles they passed but three of his marten traps  very

lazy trapping  and then found a great triangle of logs by a

tree with a bait and signs enough to tell the experienced eye

that; in that corner; was hidden a huge steel trap for bear。

They were almost too late in restraining the knowledge… hunger of

Skookum。  They went on a mile or two and realized in so doing

that; however poor a trapper the enemy might be; he was a good

tramper and knew the country。

At sundown they came to their half…way shelter and put up there

for the night。  Once when Rolf went out to glimpse the skies

before turning in; he heard a far tree creaking and wondered; for

it was dead calm。  Even Skookum noticed it。  But it was not

repeated。  Next morning they went on。

There are many quaint sounds in the woods at all times; the

rasping of trees; at least a dozen different calls by jays; twice

as many by ravens; and occasional notes from chicadees; grouse;

and owls。  The quadrupeds in general are more silent; but the red

squirrel is ever about and noisy; as well as busy。

Far…reaching sounds are these echoes of the woods  some of them

very far。  Probably there were not five minutes of the day or

night when some weird; woodland chatter; scrape; crack; screech;

or whistle did not reach the keen ears of that ever…alert dog。

That is; three hundred times a day his outer ear submitted to his

inner ear some  report of things a…doing; which same report was

as often for many days disregarded as of no interest or value。

But this did not mean that he missed anything; the steady tramp;

tramp of their feet; while it dulled all sounds for the hunter;

seemed to have no effect on Skookum。  Again the raspy squeal of

some far tree reached his inmost brain; and his hair rose as he

stopped and gave a low 〃woof。〃

The hunters held still; the wise ones always do; when a dog says

〃Stop!〃 They waited。  After a few minutes it came again  merely

the long…drawn creak of a tree bough; wind…rubbed on its


And yet; 〃Woof; woof; woof;〃 said Skookum; and ran ahead。

〃Come back; you l
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