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rolf in the woods-第29部分

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And yet; 〃Woof; woof; woof;〃 said Skookum; and ran ahead。

〃Come back; you little fool!〃 cried Rolf。

But Skookum had a mind of his own。  He trotted ahead; then

stopped; paused; and sniffed at something in the snow。  The

Indian picked it up。  It was the pocket jackscrew  that every

bear trapper carries to set the powerful trap; and without which;

indeed; one man cannot manage the springs。

He held it up with 〃Ugh! Hoag in trouble now。〃  Clearly the rival

trapper had lost this necessary tool。

But the finding was an accident。  Skookum pushed on。 They came

along a draw to a little hollow。  The dog; far forward; began

barking and angrily baying at something。   The men hurried to the

scene to find on the snow; fast held in one of those devilish

engines called a bear trap  the body of their enemy  Hoag;

the trapper; held by a leg; and a hand in the gin he himself had

been setting。

A fierce light played on the Indian's face。  Rolf was stricken

with horror。  But even while they contemplated the body; the

faint cry was heard again coming from it。

〃He's alive; hurry!〃 cried Rolf。  The Indian did not hurry; but he came。

He had vowed vengeance at sight; why should he haste to help?

The implacable iron jaws had clutched the trapper by one knee and

the right hand。  The first thing was to free him。  How?  No man

has power enough to force that spring。  But the jackscrew!

〃Quonab; help him!  For God's sake; come!〃 cried Rolf in agony;

forgetting their feud and seeing only tortured; dying man。

The Indian gazed a moment; then rose quickly; and put on the

jackscrew。  Under his deft fingers the first spring went down;

but what about the other?  They had no other screw。  The long

buckskin line they always carried was quickly lashed round and

round the down spring to hold it。  Then the screw was removed and

put on the other spring; it bent; and the jaws hung loose。  The

Indian forced them wide open; drew out the mangled limbs; a the

trapper was free; but so near death; it seemed they were too


Rolf spread his coat。  The Indian made a fire。  In fifteen

minutes they were pouring hot tea between victim's lips。  Even as

they did; his feeble throat gave out again the long; low moan。

The weather was mild now。  The prisoner was not actually frozen;

but numbed and racked。  Heat; hot tea; kindly rubbing; and he

revived a little。

At first they thought him dying; but in an hour recovered enough

to talk。  In feeble accents and broken phrases they learned the


〃Yest  m…m…m。  Yesterday  no; two or three days back 

m…m…m…m…m  I dunno; I was a goin'  roun' me traps  me bear

traps。  Didn't have no luck m…m…m (yes; I'd like another sip; ye

ain't got no whiskey no?) m…m…m。  Nothing in any trap; and when I

come to this un  oh…h … m…m; I seen … the bait was stole by

birds; an' the pan  m…m…m; an' the pan; m…m…m … (yes; that's

better)  an' the pan laid bare。  So I starts to cover it with

 ce…ce…dar; the ony thing I c'd get  m…m…m…w…  wuz leanin'

over  to fix tother side  me foot slipped on  the  ice 

ev'rytbing was icy  an' m…m…m…m  I lost  me balance  me

knee the pan  O Lord  how I suffer!  m…m…m it grabbed me 

knee an' h…h…hand …〃  His voice died to a whisper and ceased;

he seemed sinking。

Quonab got up to hold him。  Then; looking at Rolf; Indian shook

his head as though to say all was over; the poor wretch had a

woodman's constitution; and in spite of a mangled; dying body; he

revived again。  They gave him more hot tea; and again he began in

a whisper:

〃I hed one arm free an'  an'  an'  I might  a  got out

 m…m  but I hed no wrench  I lost it some place  m…m…m…m。

〃Then  I yelled  I dun  no … maybe some un might hear  it

kin…kin…kinder eased me  to yell m…m…m。

〃Say  make that yer dog keep  away  will yer I dunno  it

seems like a week  must a fainted some M…m…m  I yelled 

when I could。〃

There was a long pause。  Rolf said; 〃Seems to me I heard you last

night; when we were up there。  And dog heard you; too。  Do you

want me to move that leg around?〃

〃M…m…m  yeh  that's better  say; you air white  ain't ye?

Ye won't leave me  cos  I done some mean things  m…m…m。  Ye

won't; will ye?〃

〃No; you needn't worry  we'll stay by ye。〃

Then he muttered; they could not tell what。  He closed his eyes。

After long silence he looked around wildly and began again:

〃Say  I done you dirt  but don't leave me  don't leave me。〃

Tears ran down his face and he moaned piteously。  〃I'll  make

it  right  you're white; ain't ye?〃

Quonab rose and went for more firewood。  The trapper whispered;

〃I'm scared o' him  now  he'll do me  say; I'm jest a poor

ole man。  If I do live  through  this  m…m…m…m  I'll

never walk again。  I'm crippled sure。〃

It was long before he resumed。  Then he began: 〃Say; what day is

it  Friday!  I must  been two days in there  m…m…m  I

reckoned it was a week。  When  the  dog came I thought it was

wolves。  Oh  ah; didn't care much  m…m…m。  Say; ye won't

leave me  coz  coz  I treated  ye mean。  I  ain't had

no l…l…luck。〃  He went off into a stupor; but presently let out a

long; startling cry; the same as that they had heard in the

night。  The dog growled; the men stared。  The wretch's eyes were

rolling again。  He seemed delirious。

Quonab pointed to the east; made the sun…up sign; and shook his

head at the victim。  And Rolf understood it to mean that he would

never see the sunrise。  But they were wrong。

The long night passed in a struggle between heath and the tough

make…up of a mountaineer。  The waiting light of dawn saw death

defeated; retiring from the scene。 As the sun rose high; the

victim seemed to gain  considerably in strength。  There was no

immediate danger of an end。

Rolf said to Quonab: 〃Where shall we take him? Guess you better

go home for the toboggan; and we'll fetch him to the shanty。〃

But the invalid was able to take part in the conversation。 〃Say;

don't take me there。  Ah  want to go home。 'Pears like  I'd

be better at home。  My folks is out Moose River way。  I'd never

get out if I went in there;〃 and by 〃there〃 he seemed to mean the

Indian's lake; and glanced furtively at the unchanging

countenance of the red man。

〃Have you a toboggan at your shanty?〃 asked Rolf。

〃Yes  good enough  it's on the roof  say;〃 and he beckoned

feebly to Rolf; 〃let him go after it  don't leave me  he'll

kill me;〃 and he wept feebly in his self pity。

So Quonab started down the mountain … a sinewy man  a striding

form; a speck in the melting distance。

Chapter 46。 Nursing Hoag

In two hours the red man reached the trapper's shanty; and at

once; without hesitation or delicacy; set about a thorough

examination of its contents。 Of course there was the toboggan on

the roof; and in fairly good condition for such a shiftless


There were bunches of furs hanging from the rafters; but not

many; for fur taking is hard work; and Quonab; looking

suspiciously over them; was 'not surprised to see the lynx skin

he had lost; easily known by the absence of wound and the fur

still in points as it had dried from the wetting。  In another

bundle; he discovered the beaver that had killed itself; for

there was the dark band across its back。

The martens he could not be sure of; but he had a strong

suspicion that most of this fur came out of his own traps。

He tied Hoag's blankets on the toboggan; and hastened back to

where he left the two on the mountain。

Skookum met him long before he was near。  Skookum did not enjoy

Hoag's company。

The cripple had been talking freely to Rolf; but the  arrival of

the Indian seemed to suppress him。

With the wounded man on the toboggan; they set out; The ground

was bare in many places; so that the going was hard; but;

fortunately; it was all down hill; and four hours' toil brought

them to the cabin。

They put the sick man in his bunk; then Rolf set about preparing

a meal; while Quonab cut wood。

After the usual tea; bacon; and flour cakes; all were feeling

refreshed。  Hoag seemed much more like himself。 He talked freely;

almost cheerfully; while Quonab; with Skookum at his feet; sat

silently smoking and staring into the fire。

After a long silence; the Indian turned; looked straight at the

trapper; and; pointing with his pipestem to the furs; said; 〃How

many is ours?〃

Hoag looked scared; then sulky; and said; 〃I dunno what ye mean。

I'm a awful sick man。  You get me out to Lyons Falls all right;

and ye can have the hull lot;〃 and he wept。

Rolf shook his head at Quonab; then turned to the sufferer and

said: 〃Don't you worry; we'll get you out all right。  Have you a

good canoe?〃

〃Pretty fair; needs a little fixing。〃

The night passed with one or two breaks; when the invalid asked

for a drink of water。  In the morning he was evidently

recovering; and they began to plan for the future。

He took the first chance of wispering to Rolf; 〃Can't you send

him away?  I'll be all right with you。〃  Rolf said nothing。

〃Say;〃 he continued; 〃say; young feller; what's yer name?〃

〃Rolf Kittering。〃

〃Say; Rolf; you wait a week or ten days; and the ice 'll be out;

then I'll be fit to travel。  There ain't on'y a few carries

between here an' Lyons Falls。〃

After a long pause; due to Quonab's entry; he continued again:

〃Moose River's good canoeing; ye can get me out in five days; me

folks is at Lyons Falls。〃  He did not say that his folks

consisted of a wife and boy that he neglected; but whom he

counted on to nurse him now。

Rolf was puzzled by the situation。

〃Say!  I'll give ye all them furs if ye git me out。〃 Rolf gave

him a curious look  as much as to say; 〃Ye mean our furs。〃

Again the conversation was ended by the entry of Quonab。

Rolf stepped out; tak
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