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rolf in the woods-第4部分

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All other doors were closed now; and each day that drifted by

made it the more clear that Rolf and Quonab were to continue

together。  What boy would not exult at the thought of it?  Here

was freedom from a brutal tyranny that was crushing out his young

life; here was a dream of the wild world coming true; with

gratification of all the hunter instincts that he had held in his

heart for years; and nurtured in that single; ragged volume of

〃Robinson Crusoe。〃 The plunge was not a plunge; except it be one

when an eagle; pinion…bound; is freed and springs from a cliff of

the mountain to ride the mountain wind。

The memory of that fateful cooning day was deep and lasting。

Never afterward did smell of coon fail to bring it back; in spite

of the many evil incidents it was a smell of joy。

〃Where are you going; Quonab?〃 he asked one morning; as he saw

the Indian rise at dawn and go forth with his song drum; after

warming it at the fire。  He pointed up to the rock; and for the

first time Rolf heard the chant for the sunrise。  Later he heard

the Indian's song for 〃Good Hunting;〃 and another for 〃When His

Heart Was Bad。〃 They were prayers or praise; all addressed to the

Great Spirit; or the Great Father; and it gave Rolf an entirely

new idea of the red man; and a startling light on himself。 Here

was the Indian; whom no one considered anything but a hopeless

pagan; praying to God for guidance at each step in life; while he

himself; supposed to be a Christian; had not prayed regularly for

months  was in danger of forgetting how。

Yet there was one religious observance that Rolf never forgot 

that was to keep the Sabbath; and on that day each week he did

occasionally say a little prayer his mother had taught him。  He

avoided being seen at such times and did not speak of kindred

doings。  Whereas Quonab neither hid nor advertised his religious

practices; and it was only after many Sundays had gone that

Quonab remarked:

〃Does your God come only one day of the week?  Does He sneak in

after dark?  Why is He ashamed that you only whisper to Him?

Mine is here all the time。 I can always reach Him with my song;

all days are my Sunday。〃

The evil memories of his late life were dimming quickly; and the

joys of the new one growing。  Rolf learned early that; although

one may talk of the hardy savage; no Indian seeks for hardship。

Everything is done that he knows to make life pleasant; and of

nothing is he more careful than the comfort of his couch。  On the

second day; under guidance of his host; Rolf set about making his

own bed。  Two logs; each four inches thick and three feet long;

were cut。  Then two strong poles; each six feet long; were laid

into notches at the ends of the short logs。  About seventy…five

straight sticks of willow were cut and woven with willow bark

into a lattice; three feet wide and six feet long。  This; laid on

the poles; furnished a spring mattress; on which a couple of

blankets made a most comfortable couch; dry; warm; and off the

ground。  In addition to the lodge cover; each bed had a dew cloth

which gave perfect protection; no matter how the storm might rage

outdoors。  There was no hardship in it; only a new…found

pleasure; to sleep and breathe the pure night air of the woods。

The Grass Moon … April … had passed; and the Song Moon was

waxing; with its hosts of small birds; and one of Rolf's early

discoveries was that many of these love to sing by night。  Again

and again the familiar voice of the song sparrow came from the

dark shore of Asamuk; or the field sparrow trilled from the top

of some cedar; occasionally the painted one; Aunakeu; the

partridge; drummed in the upper woods; and nightly there was the

persistent chant of Muckawis; the whippoorwill; the myriad voices

of the little frogs called spring…peepers; and the peculiar;

〃peent; peent;〃 from the sky; followed by a twittering; that

Quonab told him was the love song of the swamp bird  the big

snipe; with the fantail and long; soft bill; and eyes like a


〃Do you mean the woodcock?〃   

〃Ugh; that's the name; Pah…dash…ka…anja we call it。〃

The waning of the moon brought new songsters; with many a

nightingale among them。  A low bush near the plain was vocal

during the full moon with the sweet but disconnected music of the

yellow…breasted chat。  The forest rang again and again with a

wild; torrential strain of music that seemed to come from the

stars。  It sent peculiar thrill into Rolf's heart; and gave him a

lump his throat as he listened。

〃What is that; Quonab?〃

〃The Indian shook his head。  Then; later; when it ended; he said:

〃That is the mystery song of some one I never saw him。〃

There was a long silence; then the lad began; 〃There's no good

hunting here now; Quonab。  Why don't you go to the north woods;

where deer are plentiful?〃

The Indian gave a short shake of his head; and then to prevent

further talk; 〃Put up your dew cloth; the sea wind blows


He finished; both stood for a moment gazing into the fire。  Then

Rolf felt something wet and cold thrust into his hand。  It was

Skookum's nose。  At last the little dog had made up his mind to

accept the white boy as a friend。

Chapter 7。 Rolf Works Out with Many Results

He is the dumbest kind of a dumb fool that ain't king in

some little corner。  Sayings of Si Sylvanne

The man who has wronged you will never forgive you;

and he who has helped you will be forever grateful。

Yes; there is nothing that draws you to a man so much

as the knowledge that you have helped him。

Quonab helped Rolf; and so was more drawn to him

than to many of the neighbours that he had known for

years; he was ready to like him。  Their coming together

was accidental; but it was soon very clear that a friendship

was springing up between them。  Rolf was too much

of a child to think about the remote future; and so was

Quonab。  Most Indians are merely tall children。

But there was one thing that Rolf did think of  he

had no right to live in Quonab's lodge without contributing

a fair share of the things needful。  Quonab got his living

partly by hunting; partly by fishing; partly by selling

baskets; and partly by doing odd jobs for the neighbours。

Rolf's training as a loafer had been wholly neglected; and

when he realized that he might be all summer with Quonab

he said bluntly:

〃You let me stay here a couple of months。  I'll work

out odd days; and buy enough stuff to keep myself any

way。〃  Quonab said nothing; but their eyes met; and the

boy knew it was agreed to。

Rolf went that very day to the farm of Obadiah Timpany;

and offered to work by the day; hoeing corn and root

crops。  What farmer is not glad of help in planting time

or in harvest?  It was only a question of what did he know

and how much did he want?  The first was soon made

clear; two dollars a week was the usual thing for boys in

those times; and when he offered to take it half in trade;

he was really getting three dollars a week and his board。

Food was as low as wages; and at the end of a week; Rolf

brought back to camp a sack of oatmeal; a sack of cornmeal;

a bushel of potatoes; a lot of apples; and one dollar

cash。  The dollar went for tea and sugar; and the total

product was enough to last them both a month; so Rolf

could share the wigwam with a good conscience。

Of course; it was impossible to keep the gossipy little

town of Myanos from knowing; first; that the Indian had

a white boy for partner; and; later; that that boy was Rolf。

This gave rise to great diversity of opinion in the

neighbourhood。  Some thought it should not be allowed; but

Horton; who owned the land on which Quonab was camped; could

not see any reason for interfering。

Ketchura Peck; spinster; however; did see many most

excellent reasons。  She was a maid with a mission; and

maintained it to be an outrage that a Christian boy should

be brought up by a godless pagan。  She worried over it

almost as much as she did over the heathen in Central

Africa; where there are no Sunday schools; and clothes

are as scarce as churches。  Failing to move Parson Peck

and Elder Knapp in the matter; and despairing of an early

answer to her personal prayers; she resolved on a bold move;

〃An' it was only after many a sleepless; prayerful night;〃

namely; to carry the Bible into the heathen's stronghold。

Thus it was that one bright morning in June she might

have been seen; prim and proper  almost glorified; she

felt; as she set her lips just right in the mirror  making

for the Pipestave Pond; Bible in hand and spectacles clean

wiped; ready to read appropriate selections to the unregenerate。

She was full of the missionary spirit when she left Myanos;

and partly full when she reached the Orchard Street Trail;

but the spirit was leaking badly; and the woods did appear

so wild and lonely that she wondered if women had any

right to be missionaries。  When she came in sight of the

pond; the place seemed unpleasantly different from Myanos

and where was the Indian camp?   She did not dare to

shout; indeed; she began to wish she were home again;

but the sense of duty carried her fully fifty yards along the

pond; and then she came to an impassable rock; a sheer

bank that plainly said; 〃Stop!〃  Now she must go back

or up the bank。  Her Yankee pertinacity said; 〃Try first

up the bank;〃 and she began a long; toilsome ascent;

that did not end until she came out on a bigh; open rock

which; on its farther side; had a sheer drop and gave a

view of the village and of the sea。

Whatever joy she had on again seeing her bome was

speedily queued in the fearsome discovery that she was

right over the Indian camp; and the two inmates looked so

utterly; dreadfully savage that she was thankful they had

not seen her。  At once she shrank back; but on recovering

sufficiently to
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