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rolf in the woods-第45部分

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had come now to offer all his furs for sale。

Quonab shook his head; but Rolf said; 〃We'll come over and see


A two…hours' tramp in the morning brought them to the Frenchman's

cabin。 He opened out his furs; several otter; many sable; some

lynx; over thirty beaver  the whole lot for two hundred

dollars。 At Lyons Falls they were worth double that。

Rolf saw a chance for a bargain。 He whispered; 〃We can double our

money on it; Quonab。 What do ye say?〃

The reply was simply; 〃Ugh! you are Nibowaka。〃

〃We'll take your offer; if we can fix it up about payment; for I

have no money with me and barely two hundred dollars at the


〃You half tabac and grosairs? 〃

〃Yes; plenty。〃

〃You can go 'get 'em ? Si?〃

Rolf paused; looked down; then straight at the Frenchman。

〃Will you trust me to take half the fur now; when I come back

with the pay I can get the rest。〃

The Frenchman looked puzzled; then; 〃By Gar you look de good

look。 I let um go。 I tink you pretty good fellow; parbleu!〃

So Rolf marched away with half the furs and four days later he

was back and paid the pale…faced but happy Frenchman the one

hundred and fifty dollars he had received from Van Cortlandt;

with other bills making one hundred and ninety…five dollars and

with groceries and tobacco enough to satisfy the trapper。 The

Frenchman proved a most amiable character。 He and Rolf took to

each other greatly; and when they shook hands at parting; it was

in the hope of an early and happier meeting。

Francois la Colle turned bravely for the ninety…mile tramp over

the snow to his home; while Rolf went south with the furs that

were to prove a most profitable investment; shaping his life in

several ways; and indirectly indeed of saving it on one occasion。

Chapter 68。 War

Eighteen hundred and twelve had passed away。 President Madison;

driven by wrongs to his countrymen and indignities that no nation

should meekly accept; had in the midsummer declared war on Great

Britain。 Unfitted to cope with the situation and surrounded by

unfit counsellors; his little army of heroic men led by unfit

commanders had suffered one reverse after another。

The loss of Fort Mackinaw; Chicago; Detroit; Brownstown; and the

total destruction of the American army that attacked Queenstown

were but poorly offset by the victory at Niagara and the

successful defence of Ogdensburg。

Rolf and Quonab had repaired to Albany as arranged; but they left

it as United States scouts; not as guides to the four young

sportsmen who wished to hark back to the primitive。

Their first commission had been the bearing of despatches to


With a selected light canoe and a minimum of baggage they reached

Ticonderoga in two days; and there renewed their acquaintance

with General Hampton; who was fussing about; and digging useless

entrenchments as though he expected a mighty siege。 Rolf was

called before him to receive other despatches for Colonel Pike at

Plattsburg。 He got the papers and learned their destination; then

immediately made a sad mistake。 〃 Excuse me; sir;〃 he began; 〃if

I meet with  〃

〃Young man;〃 said the general; severely; 〃I don't want any of

your 'ifs' or 'buts'; your orders are 'go。' 'How' and 'if' are

matters for you to find out; that's what you are paid for。〃

Rolf bowed; his cheeks were tingling。 He was very angry at what

he thought a most uncalled for rebuke; but he got over it; and he

never forgot the lesson。 It was Si Sylvanne that put it into

rememberable form。

〃A fool horse kin follow a turnpike; but it takes a man with wits

to climb; swim; boat; skate; run; hide; go it blind; pick a lock;

take the long way; round; when it's the short way across; run

away at the right time; or fight when it's wise  all in one

afternoon。〃 Rolf set out for the north carrying a bombastic

(meant to be reassuring) message from Hampton that he would

annihilate any enemy who dared to desecrate the waters of the lake。

It was on this trip that Rolf learned from Quonab the details of

the latter's visit to his people on the St。 Regis。 Apparently the

joy of meeting a few of his own kin; with whom he could talk his

own language; was offset by meeting with a large number of his

ancient enemies the Mohawks。 There had been much discussion of

the possible war between the British and the Yankees。 The Mohawks

announced their intention to fight for the British; which was a

sufficient reason for Quonab as a Sinawa remaining with the

Americans; and when he left the St。 Regis reserve the Indian was

without any desire to reenter it。

At Plattsburg Rolf and Quonab met with another Albany

acquaintance in General Wilkinson; and from him received

despatches which they brought back to Albany; having covered the

whole distance in eight days。

When 1812 was gone Rolf had done little but carry despatches up

and down Lake Champlain。 Next season found the Americans still

under command of Generals Wilkinson and Hampton; whose utter

incompetence was becoming daily more evident。

The year 1813 saw Rolf; eighteen years old and six feet one in

his socks; a trained scout and despatch bearer。

By a flying trip on snowshoes in January he took letters; from

General Hampton at Ticonderoga to Sackett's Harbour and back in

eight days; nearly three hundred miles。 It made him famous as a

runner; but the tidings that he brought were sad。 Through him

they learned in detail of the total defeat and capture of the

American army at Frenchtown。 After a brief rest he was sent

across country on snowshoes to bear a reassuring message to

Ogdensburg。 The weather was much colder now; and the single

blanket bed was dangerously slight; so 〃Flying Kittering;〃 as

they named him; took a toboggan and secured Quonab as his running

mate。 Skookum was given into safe keeping。 Blankets; pots; cups;

food; guns; and despatches were strapped on the toboggan; and

they sped away at dawn from Ticonderoga on the I8th of February

1813; headed northwestward; guided by little but the compass。

Thirty miles that day they made in spite of piercing blasts and

driving snow。 But with the night there began a terrible storm

with winds of zero chill。 The air was filled with stinging;

cutting snow。 When they rose at daylight they were nearly buried

in drifts; although their camp was in a dense; sheltered thicket。

Guided wholly by the compass they travelled again; but blinded by

the whirling white they stumbled and blundered into endless

difficulties and made but poor headway。 After dragging the

toboggan for three hours; taking turns at breaking the way; they

were changing places when Rolf noticed a large gray patch on

Quonab's cheek and nose。

〃Quonab; your face is frozen;〃 he said。

〃So is yours;〃 was the reply。

Now they turned aside; followed a hollow until they reached a

spruce grove; where they camped and took an observation; to learn

that the compass and they held widely different views about the

direction of travel。 It was obviously useless to face the storm。

They rubbed out their frozen features with dry snow and rested by

the fire。

No good scout seeks for hardship; he avoids the unnecessary trial

of strength and saves himself for the unavoidable。 With zero

weather about them and twenty…four hours to wait in the storm;

the scouts set about making themselves thoroughly comfortable。

With their snowshoes they dug away the snow in a circle a dozen

feet across; piling it up on the outside so as to make that as

high as possible。 When they were

down to the ground; the wall of snow around them was five feet

high。 Now they went forth with the hatchets; cut many small

spruces; and piled them against the living spruces about the camp

till there was a dense mass of evergreen foliage ten feet high

around them; open only at the top; where was a space five feet

across。 With abundance of dry spruce wood; a thick bed of balsam

boughs; and plenty of blankets they were in what most woodmen

consider comfort complete。

They had nothing to do now but wait。 Quonab sat placidly smoking;

Rolf was sewing a rent in his coat; the storm hissed; and the

wind…driven ice needles rattled through the trees to vary the

crackle of the fire with a 〃siss〃 as they fell on the embers。 The

low monotony of sound was lulling in its evenness; when a faint

crunch of a foot on the snow was heard。 Rolf reached for his gun;

the fir tree screen was shaken a little; and a minute later there

bounded in upon them the snow covered form of little dog Skookum;

expressing his good…will by excessive sign talk in which every

limb and member had a part。 They had left him behind; indeed; but

not with his consent; so the bargain was incomplete。

There was no need to ask now; What shall we do with him? Skookum

had settled that; and why or how he never attempted to explain。

He was wise who made it law that 〃as was his share who went forth

to battle; so shall his be that abode with the stuff;〃 for the

hardest of all is the waiting。 In the morning there was less

doing in the elemental strife。 There were even occasional periods

of calm and at length it grew so light that surely the veil was


Quonab returned from a brief reconnoitre to say; 〃 Ugh!  good


The clouds were broken and flying; the sun came out at times; but

the wind was high; the cold intense; and the snow still drifting。

Poor Skookum had it harder than the men; for they wore snowshoes;

but he kept his troubles to himself and bravely trudged along

behind。 Had he been capable of such reflection he might have

said; 〃What delightful weather; it keeps the fleas so quiet。〃

That day there was little to note but the intense cold; and again

both men had their cheeks frost…bitten on the north side。 A nook

under an overhanging rock gave a good camp that night。 Next d
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