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rolf in the woods-第53部分

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opportunity; the hunter has the advantage over the farmer。 He has

less self…consciousness; more calm poise。 He is not troubled

about what to do with his feet and hands; and is more convinced

of his native dignity and claims to respect。 In the drawin…room

Rolf was a hunter: the leading inhabitants of the region around

received him gladly and honoured him。 He was guest at Judge

Hubbell's in Chazy; in September of 1814。 Every day he scouted in

the neighbourhood and at night returned to the hospitable home of

the judge。

On the 12th of September; from the top of a tall tree on a

distant wooded hill; he estimated the force at Champlain to be

10;000 to 15;000 men。 Already their bodyguard was advancing on


Judge Hubbell and anxious neighbours hastily assembled now;

discussed with Rolf the situation and above all; 〃What shall we

do with our families?〃 One man broke into a storm of hate and

vituperation against the British。 〃Remember the burning of

Washington and the way they treated the women at Bladensburg。〃

〃All of which about the women was utterly disproved; except in

one case; and in that the criminal was shot by order of his own

commander;〃 retorted Hubbell。

At Plattsburg others maintained that the British had harmed no

one。 Colonel Murray had given strict orders that all private

property be absolutely respected。 Nothing but government property

was destroyed and only that which could be construed into war

stores and buildings。 What further damage was done was the result

of accident or error。 Officers were indeed quartered on the

inhabitants; but they paid for what they got; and even a carpet

destroyed by accident was replaced months afterward by a British

officer who had not the means at the time。

So it was agreed that Hubbell with Rolf and the village fathers

and brothers should join their country's army; leaving wives and

children behind。

There were wet bearded cheeks among the strong; rugged men as

they kissed their wives and little ones and prepared to go; then

stopped; as horrible misgivings rose within。 〃This was war; and

yet again; 'We have had proofs that the British harmed no woman

or child'。〃 So they dashed away the tears; suppressed the choking

in their throats; shouldered their guns; and marched away to the

front; commending their dear ones to the mercy of God and the

British invaders。

None had any cause to regret this trust。 Under pain of death; Sir

George Prevost enforced his order that the persons of women and

children and all private property be held inviolate。 As on the

previous raid; no damage was done to non…combatants; and the only

hardships endured were by the few who; knowing nothing; feared

much; and sought the precarious safety of life among the hills。

Sir George Prevost and his staff of ten officers were quartered

in Judge Hubbell's house。 Mrs。 Hubbell was hard put to furnish

them with meals; but they treated her with perfect respect; and

every night; not knowing how long they might stay; they left on

the table the price of their board and lodging。

For three days they waited; then all was ready for the advance。

〃Now for Plattsburg this week and Albany next; so good…bye;

madam〃 they said politely; and turned to ride away。 a gay and

splendid group。

〃Good…bye; sirs; for a very little while; but I know you'll soon

be back and hanging your heads as you come;〃 was the retort。

Sir George replied: 〃If a man had said that; I would call him

out; but since it is a fair lady that has been our charming

hostess; I reply that when your prophecy comes true; every

officer here shall throw his purse on your door step as he


So they rode away; 13;000 trained men with nothing between them

and Albany but 2000 troops; double as many raw militia; and 

MacDonough of the Lake。

Ten times did Rolf cover that highway north of Plattsburg in the

week that followed; and each day his tidings were the same  the

British steadily advance。

Chapter 79。 McGlassin's Exploit

There was a wonderful spirit on everything in Plattsburg; and the

earthly tabernacle in which it dwelt; was the tall; grave young

man who had protested against Hampton's behaviour at Burlington

 Captain; now General Macomb。 Nothing was neglected; every

emergency was planned for; every available man was under arms。

Personally tireless; he was ever alert and seemed to know every

man in his command and every man of it had implicit confidence in

the leader。 We have heard of soldiers escaping from a besieged

fortress by night; but such was the inspiring power of this

commander that there was a steady leaking in of men from the

hills; undrilled and raw; but of superb physique and dead shots

with the ride。

A typical case was that of a sturdy old farmer who was marching

through the woods that morning to take his place with those who

manned the breastworks and was overheard to address his visibly

trembling legs: 〃Shake; damn you; shake; and if ye knew where I

was leading you; you'd be ten times worse。〃

His mind was more valiant than his body; and his mind kept

control  this is true courage。

No one had a better comprehension of all this than Macomb。 He

knew that all these men needed was a little training to make of

them the best soldiers on earth。 To supply that training he mixed

them with veterans; and arranged a series of unimportant

skirmishes as coolly and easily as though he were laying out a

programme for an evening's entertainment。

The first of these was at Culver's Hill。 Here a barricade was

thrown up along the highway; a gun was mounted; and several

hundred riflemen were posted under leaders skilled in the arts of

harrying a foe and giving him no chance to strike back。

Among the men appointed for the barricade's defence was Rolf and

near him Quonab。 The latter had been seasoned in the Revolution;

but it was the former's first experience at the battle front; and

he felt as most men do when the enemy in brave array comes

marching up。 As soon as they were within long range; his leader

gave the order 〃Fire!〃 The rifles rattled and the return fire

came at once。 Balls pattered on the barricade or whistled above。

The man next to him was struck and dropped with a groan; another

fell back dead。 The horror and roar were overmuch。 Rolf was

nervous enough when he entered the fight。 Now he was unstrung;

almost stunned; his hands and knees were shaking; he was nearly

panic…stricken and could not resist the temptation to duck; as

the balls hissed murder over his head。 He was blazing away;

without aiming; when an old soldier; noting his white face and

shaking form; laid a hand on his shoulder and; in kindly tones;

said: 〃Steady; boy; steady; yer losing yer head; see; this is

how;〃 and he calmly took aim; then; without firing; moved the gun

again and put a little stick to raise the muzzle and make a

better rest; then fired as though at target practice。 〃Now rest

for a minute。 Look at Quonab there; you can see he's been through

it before。 He is making a hit with every shot。〃

Rolf did as he was told; and in a few minutes his colour came

back; his hand was steady; and thenceforth he began to forget the

danger and thought only of doing his work。

When at length it was seen that the British were preparing to

charge; the Americans withdrew quickly and safely to Halsey's

Corner; where was another barricade and a fresh lot of recruits

awaiting to receive their baptism of fire。 And the scene was

repeated。 Little damage was done to the foe but enormous benefit

was gained by the Americans; because it took only one or two of

these skirmishes to turn a lot of shaky…kneed volunteers into a

band of steady soldiers  for they had it all inside。 Thus their

powder terror died。

That night the British occupied the part of the town that was

north of the Saranac; and began a desultory bombardment of the

fortification opposite。 Not a very serious one; for they

considered they could take the town at any time; but preferred to

await the arrival of their fleet under Downie。

The fight for the northern half of the town was not serious;

merely part of Macomb's prearranged training course; but when the

Americans retired across the Saranac; the planks of the bridges

were torn up; loop…holed barricades were built along the southern

bank; and no effort spared to prepare for a desperate resistance。

Every man that could hold up a gun was posted on the lines of

Plattsburg。 The school…boys; even; to the number of five hundred

formed a brigade; and were assigned to places where their

squirrel…hunting experiences could be made of service to their


Meanwhile the British had established a battery opposite Fort

Brown。 It was in a position to do some material and enormous

moral damage。 On the ninth it was nearly ready for bloody work;

and would probably begin next morning。 That night; however; an

extraordinary event took place; and showed how far from

terror…palsy were the motley troops in Plattsburg。 A sturdy

Vermonter; named Captain McGlassin; got permission of Ma。 comb to

attempt a very Spartan sortie。

He called for fifty volunteers to go on a most hazardous

enterprise。 He got one thousand at once。 Then he ordered all over

twenty…five and under eighteen to retire。 This reduced the number

to three hundred。 Then; all married men were retired; and thus

again they were halved。 Next he ordered away all who smoked 

Ah; deep philosopher that he was!  and from the remnant he

selected his fifty。 Among them was Rolf。 Then he divulged his

plan。 It was nothing less than a dash on the new…made fort to

spike those awful guns  fifty men to dash into a camp of

thirteen thousand。

Again he announced; 〃Any who wish to withdraw now may do so。〃 Not

a man stirred。

Twenty of those known to be expert with tools were provided with

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