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rolf in the woods-第9部分

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'yap;' they carried the victim's body to camp; the head; still

dutching the stick; was decorated with three feathers; then set

on a pole near the wigwam。  And the burden of the red man's song

when next he sang was:

〃Bosikado; mine enemy was mighty; But I went into his country And

made him afraid!〃

Chapter 14。 Selectman Horton Appears at the Rock

Summer was at its height on the Asamuk。  The woodthrush was

nearing the end of its song; a vast concourse of young robins in

their speckled plumage joined chattering every night in the

thickest cedars; and one or two broods of young ducks were seen

on the Pipestave Pond。

Rolf had grown wonderfully well into his wigwam life。 He knew now

exactly how to set the flap so as to draw out all the smoke; no

matter which way the wind blew; he had learned the sunset signs;

which tell what change of wind the night might bring。  He knew

without going to the shore whether the tide was a little ebb;

with poor chances; or a mighty outflow that would expose the

fattest oyster beds。  His practiced fingers told at a touch

whether it was a turtle or a big fish on his night line; and by

the tone of the tom…tom he knew when a rainstorm was at hand。

Being trained in industry; he had made many improvements in their

camp; not the least of which was to clean up and burn all the

rubbish and garbage that attracted hordes of flies。  He had

fitted into the camp partly by changing it to fit himself; and he

no longer felt that his stay there was a temporary shift。  When

it was to end; he neither knew nor cared。  He realized only that

he was enjoying life as he never had done before。  His canoe had

passed a lot of rapids and was now in a steady; unbroken stream

 but it was the swift shoot before the fall。 A lull in the

clamour does not mean the end of war; but a new onset preparing;

and; of course; it came in the way least looked for。

Selectman Horton stood well with the community; he was a man of

good judgment; good position; and kind heart。  He was owner of

all the woods along the Asamuk; and thus the Indian's landlord on

the Indian's ancestral land。  Both Rolf and Quonab had worked for

Horton; and so they knew him well; and liked him for his


It was Wednesday morning; late in July; when Selectman Horton;

clean…shaven and large; appeared at the wigwam under the rock。

〃Good morrow to ye both!〃 Then without wasting time he plunged

in。  〃There's been some controversy and much criticism of the

selectmen for allowing a white lad; the child of Christian

parents; the grandson of a clergyman; to leave all Christian folk

and folds; and herd with a pagan; to become; as it were; a mere

barbarian。  I hold not; indeed; with those that out of hand would

condemn as godless a good fellow like Quonab; who; in my certain

knowledge and according to his poor light; doth indeed maintain

in some kind a daily worship of a sort。  Nevertheless; the

selectmen; the magistrates; the clergy; the people generally; and

above all the Missionary Society; are deeply moved in the matter。

It hath even been made a personal charge against myself; and with

much bitterness I am held up as unzealous for allowing such a

nefarious stronghold of Satan to continue on mine own demesne;

and harbour one; escaped; as it were; from grace。  Acting;

therefore; not according to my heart; but as spokesman of the

Town Council; the Synod of Elders; and the Society for the

Promulgation of Godliness among the Heathen; I am to state that

you; Rolf Kittering; being without kinsfolk and under age; are in

verity a ward of the parish; and as such; it hath been arranged

that you become a member of the household of the most worthy

Elder Ezekiel Peck; a household filled with the spirit of

estimable piety and true doctrine; a man; indeed; who;

notwithstanding his exterior coldness and severity; is very sound

in all matters regarding the Communion of Saints; and; I may even

say in a measure a man of fame for some most excellent remarks he

hath passed on the shorter catechism; beside which he hath gained

much approval for having pointed out two hidden meanings in the

27th verse of the 12th chapter of Hebrews; one whose very

presence; therefore; is a guarantee against levity; laxity; and

false preachment。

〃There; now; my good lad; look not so like a colt that feels the

whip for the first time。  You will have a good home; imbued with

the spirit of a most excellent piety that will be ever about


〃Like a colt feeling the whip;〃 indeed!  Rolf reeled like a

stricken deer。  To go back as a chore…boy drudge was possible;

but not alluring; to leave Quonab; just as the wood world was

opening to him; was devastating; but to exchange it all for

bondage in the pious household of Old Peck; whose cold cruelty

had driven off all his own children; was an accumulation of

disasters that aroused him。

〃I won't go!〃 he blurted out; and gazed defiantly at the broad

and benevolent selectman。

〃Come now; Rolf; such language is unbecoming。  Let not a hasty

tongue betray you into sin。  This is what your mother would have

wished。  Be sensible; you will soon find it was all for the best。

I have ever liked you; and will ever be a friend you can count


〃Acting; not according to my instructions; but according to my

heart; I will say further that you need not come now; you need

not even give answer now; but think it over。  Nevertheless;

remember that on or before Monday morning next; you will be

expected to appear at Elder Peck's; and I fear that; in case you

fail; the messenger next arriving will be one much less friendly

than myself。 Come now; Rolf; be a good lad; and remember that in

your new home you will at least be living for the glory of God。〃

Then; with a friendly nod; but an expression of sorrow; the

large; black messenger turned and tramped away。

Rolf slowly; limply; sank down on a rock and stared at the fire。

After awhile Quonab got up and began to prepare the mid…day meal。

Usually Rolf helped him。  Now he did nothing but sullenly glare

at the glowing coals。  In half an hour the food was ready。  He

ate little; then went away in the woods by himself。  Quonab saw

him lying on a flat rock; looking at the pond; and throwing

pebbles into it。  Later Quonab went to Myanos。  On his return he

found that Rolf had cut up a great pile of wood; but not a word

passed between them。  The look of sullen anger and rebellion on

Rolf's face was changing to one of stony despair。  What was

passing in each mind the other could not divine。

The evening meal was eaten in silence; then Quonab smoked for an

hour; both staring into the fire。  A barred owl hooted and

laughed over their heads; causing the dog to jump up and bark at

the sound that ordinarily he would have heeded not at all。  Then

silence was restored; and the red man's hidden train of thought

was in a flash revealed。

〃Rolf; let's go to the North Woods!〃

It was another astounding idea。  Rolf had realized more and more

how much this valley meant to Quonab; who worshipped the memory

of his people。

〃And leave all this?〃 he replied; making a sweep with his hand

toward the rock; the Indian trail; the site of bygone Petuquapen;

and the graves of the tribe。

For reply their eyes met; and from the Indian's deep chest came

the single word; 〃Ugh。〃  One syllable; deep and descending; but

what a tale it told of the slowly engendered and strong…grown

partiality; of a struggle that had continued since the morning

when the selectman came with words of doom; and of friendship's

victory won。

Rolf realized this; and it gave him a momentary choking in his

throat; and; 〃I'm ready if you really mean it。〃

〃Ugh I go; but some day come back。〃

There was a long silence; then Rolf; 〃When shall we start?〃 and

the answer; 〃To…morrow night;〃

Chapter 15。 Bound for the North Woods

When Quonab left camp in the morning he went heavy laden; and the

trail he took led to Myanos。 There was nothing surprising in it

when he appeared at Silas Peck's counter and offered for sale a

pair of snowshoes; a bundle of traps; some dishes of birch bark

and basswood; and a tom…tom; receiving in exchange some tea;

tobacco; gunpowder; and two dollars in cash。 He turned without

comment; and soon was back in camp。 He now took the kettle into

the woods and brought it back filled with bark; fresh chipped

from a butternut tree。  Water was added; and the whole boiled

till it made a deep brown liquid。  When this was cooled he poured

it into a flat dish; then said to Rolf: 〃Come now; I make you a


With a soft rag the colour was laid on。  Face; head; neck; and

hands were all at first intended; but Rolf said; 〃May as well do

the whole thing。〃 So he stripped off; the yellow brown juice on

his white skin turned it a rich copper colour; and he was changed

into an Indian lad that none would have taken for Rolf Kittering。

The stains soon dried; and Rolf; re…clothed; felt that already he

had burned a bridge。

Two portions of the wigwam cover were taken off; and two packs

were made of the bedding。  The tomahawk; bows; arrows; and gun;

with the few precious food pounds in the copper pot; were divided

between them and arranged into packs with shoulder straps; then

all was ready。 But there was one thing more for Quonab; he went

up alone to the rock。  Rolf knew what he went for; and judged it

best not to follow。

The Indian lighted his pipe; blew the four smokes to the four

winds; beginning with the west; then he sat in silence for a

time。  Presently the prayer for good hunting came from the rock:

〃Father lead us!

Father; help us!

Father; guide us to the good hunting。〃

And when that ceased a barred owl hooted in the woods;

away to the north。

〃Ugh! good;〃 was all he said as he rejoined Rolf; and they set
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