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the wars of the jews-第47部分

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ey should keep it; but that in case the citizens should perceive they were coming to attack them; that they then should stay for him; and for the rest of the army。 So some of them made a brisk march by the sea…side; and some by land; and so coming upon them on both sides; they took the city with ease; and as the inhabitants had made no provision beforehand for a flight; nor had gotten any thing ready for fighting; the soldiers fell upon them; and slew them all; with their families; and then plundered and burnt the city。 The number of the slain was eight thousand four hundred。 In like manner; Cestius sent also a considerable body of horsemen to the toparchy of Narbatene; that adjoined to Cesarea; who destroyed the country; and slew a great multitude of its people; they also plundered what they had; and burnt their villages。

11。 But Cestius sent Gallus; the commander of the twelfth legion; into Galilee; and delivered to him as many of his forces as he supposed sufficient to subdue that nation。 He was received by the strongest city of Galilee; which was Sepphoris; with acclamations of joy; which wise conduct of that city occasioned the rest of the cities to be in quiet; while the seditious part and the robbers ran away to that mountain which lies in the very middle of Galilee; and is situated over against Sepphoris; it is called Asamon。 So Gallus brought his forces against them; but while those men were in the superior parts above the Romans; they easily threw their darts upon the Romans; as they made their approaches; and slew about two hundred of them。 But when the Romans had gone round the mountains; and were gotten into the parts above their enemies; the others were soon beaten; nor could they who had only light armor on sustain the force of them that fought them armed all over; nor when they were beaten could they escape the enemies' horsemen; insomuch that only some few concealed themselves in certain places hard to be come at; among the mountains; while the rest; above two thousand in number; were slain。


What Cestius Did Against The Jews; And How; Upon His Besieging Jerusalem; He Retreated From The City Without Any Just Occasion In The World。 As Also What Severe Calamities He Under Went From The Jews In His Retreat。

1。 And now Gallus; seeing nothing more that looked towards an innovation in Galilee; returned with his army to Cesarea: but Cestius removed with his whole army; and marched to Antipatris; and when he was informed that there was a great body of Jewish forces gotten together in a certain tower called Aphek; he sent a party before to fight them; but this party dispersed the Jews by affrighting them before it came to a battle: so they came; and finding their camp deserted; they burnt it; as well as the villages that lay about it。 But when Cestius had marched from Antipatris to Lydda; he found the city empty of its men; for the whole multitude (28) were gone up to Jerusalem to the feast of tabernacles; yet did he destroy fifty of those that showed themselves; and burnt the city; and so marched forwards; and ascending by Betboron; he pitched his camp at a certain place called Gabao; fifty furlongs distant from Jerusalem。

2。 But as for the Jews; when they saw the war approaching to their metropolis; they left the feast; and betook themselves to their arms; and taking courage greatly from their multitude; went in a sudden and disorderly manner to the fight; with a great noise; and without any consideration had of the rest of the seventh day; although the Sabbath (29) was the day to which they had the greatest regard; but that rage which made them forget the religious observation 'of the sabbath' made them too hard for their enemies in the fight: with such violence therefore did they fall upon the Romans; as to break into their ranks; and to march through the midst of them; making a great slaughter as they went; insomuch that unless the horsemen; and such part of the footmen as were not yet tired in the action; had wheeled round; and succored that part of the army which was not yet broken; Cestius; with his whole army; had been in danger: however; five hundred and fifteen of the Romans were slain; of which number four hundred were footmen; and the rest horsemen; while the Jews lost only twenty…two; of whom the most valiant were the kinsmen of Monobazus; king of Adiabene; and their names were Monobazus and Kenedeus; and next to them were Niger of Perea; and Silas of Babylon; who had deserted from king Agrippa to the Jews; for he had formerly served in his army。 When the front of the Jewish army had been cut off; the Jews retired into the city; but still Simon; the son of Giora; fell upon the backs of the Romans; as they were ascending up Bethoron; and put the hindmost of the army into disorder; and carried off many of the beasts that carded the weapons of war; and led Shem into the city。 But as Cestius tarried there three days; the Jews seized upon the elevated parts of the city; and set watches at the entrances into the city; and appeared openly resolved not to rest when once the Romans should begin to march。

3。 And now when Agrippa observed that even the affairs of the Romans were likely to be in danger; while such an immense multitude of their enemies had seized upon the mountains round about; he determined to try what the Jews would agree to by words; as thinking that he should either persuade them all to desist from fighting; or; however; that he should cause the sober part of them to separate themselves from the opposite party。 So he sent Borceus and Phebus; the persons of his party that were the best known to them; and promised them that Cestius should give them his right hand; to secure them of the Romans' entire forgiveness of what they had done amiss; if they would throw away their arms; and come over to them; but the seditious; fearing lest the whole multitude; in hopes of security to themselves; should go over to Agrippa; resolved immediately to fall upon and kill the ambassadors; accordingly they slew Phebus before he said a word; but Borceus was only wounded; and so prevented his fate by flying away。 And when the people were very angry at this; they had the seditious beaten with stones and clubs; and drove them before them into the city。

4。 But now Cestius; observing that the disturbances that were begun among the Jews afforded him a proper opportunity to attack them; took his whole army along with him; and put the Jews to flight; and pursued them to Jerusalem。 He then pitched his camp upon the elevation called Scopus; 'or watch…tower;' which was distant seven furlongs from the city; yet did not he assault them in three days' time; out of expectation that those within might perhaps yield a little; and in the mean time he sent out a great many of his soldiers into neighboring villages; to seize upon their corn。 And on the fourth day; which was the thirtieth of the month Hyperbereteus; 'Tisri;' when he had put his army in array; he brought it into the city。 Now for the people; they were kept under by the seditious; but the seditious themselves were greatly affrighted at the good order of the Romans; and retired from the suburbs; and retreated into the inner part of the city; and into the temple。 But when Cestius was come into the city; he set the part called Bezetha; which is called Cenopolis; 'or the new city;' on fire; as he did also to the timber market; after which he came into the upper city; and pitched his camp over against the royal palace; and had he but at this very time attempted to get within the walls by force; he had won the city presently; and the war had been put an end to at once; but Tyrannius Priseus; the muster…master of the army; and a great number of the officers of the horse; had been corrupted by Florus; and diverted him from that his attempt; and that was the occasion that this war lasted so very long; and thereby the Jews were involved in such incurable calamities。

5。 In the mean time; many of the principal men of the city were persuaded by Ananus; the son of Jonathan; and invited Cestius into the city; and were about to open the gates for him; but he overlooked this offer; partly out of his anger at the Jews; and partly because he did not thoroughly believe they were in earnest; whence it was that he delayed the matter so long; that the seditious perceived the treachery; and threw Ananus and those of his party down from the wall; and; pelting them with stones; drove them into their houses; but they stood themselves at proper distances in the towers; and threw their darts at those that were getting over the wall。 Thus did the Romans make their attack against the wall for five days; but to no purpose。 But on the next day Cestius took a great many of his choicest men; and with them the archers; and attempted to break into the temple at the northern quarter of it; but the Jews beat them off from the cloisters; and repulsed them several times when they were gotten near to the wall; till at length the multitude of the darts cut them off; and made them retire; but the first rank of the Romans rested their shields upon the wall; and so did those that were behind them; and the like did those that were still more backward; and guarded themselves with what they call Testudo; 'the back of' a tortoise; upon which the darts that were thrown fell; and slided off without doing them any harm; so the soldiers undermined the wall; without being themselves hurt; and got all things ready for setting fire to the gate of the temple。

6。 And now it was that a horrible fear seized upon the seditious; insomuch that many of them ran out of the city; as though it were to be taken immediately; but the people upon this took courage; and where the wicked part of the city gave ground; thither did they come; in order to set open the gates; and to admit Cestius (30) as their benefactor; who; had he but continued the siege a little longer; had certainly taken the city; but it was; I suppose; owing to the aversion God had already at the city and the sanctuary; that he was hindered from putting an end to the war that very day。

7。 It then happened that Cestius was not conscious either how the besieged despaired of success; nor how courageous the people were for him; and so he recalled his soldie
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