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the red seal-第18部分

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〃I don't know;〃 was the disappointing answer。  〃I reached the door at the same moment you did and passed right around the dining room to get a view of what was going on。  I thought I would take a squint at the tables and see if there was any wine being used;〃 he admitted。 〃But there was nothing doing in that line。  Then Mr。 Clymer offered to bring me down to Headquarters; and I left the club with him。〃

Kent took a turn about the room。  〃Did Mr。 Clymer go to the Cosmos Club?〃 he asked; pausing by the detective。

〃No; I heard him tell his chauffeur to drive to the Saratoga。  Want to use the telephone?〃 observing Kent's glance stray to the instrument。

By way of answer Kent took off the receiver and after giving a number to Central; he recognized Clymer's voice over the telephone。

〃That you; Mr。 Clymer?  Yes; well; this is Kent speaking。  Can you tell me who was the last person to leave the porch when Colonel de Geofroy made his farewell speech to…night at the club?〃

〃I was;〃 came Clymer's surprised answer。

〃I waited for McIntyre to pick up Mrs。 Brewster's fan。〃

〃Did he take my letter off the table also?〃 called Kent。

〃Why; no。〃  Clymer's voice testified to his increased surprise。 〃Mrs。 Brewster dropped her fan right in the doorway just as McIntyre and I approached; we both stooped to get it and; like fools; bumped our heads together in the act。  He got the fan; however; and I waited for him to walk into the dining room before following Mrs。 Brewster。〃

〃As you passed the table; Mr。 Clymer; did you see my letter lying on the table?〃 persisted Kent。

〃Upon my word I never looked at the table;〃 Clymer's hearty tone carried conviction。  〃I walked right along in my hurry to know what the cheering was about。  I am sorry; Kent; have you mislaid your letter?〃

〃Yes;〃 glumly。  〃Sorry to have disturbed you; Mr。 Clymer; good night;〃 and Clymer's echoing; 〃Good night〃 sounded faintly as he hung up the receiver。

〃Drew blank;〃 he announced; turning to Ferguson。  〃Confound you; Ferguson; you bad no right to touch the papers in my safe。  If harm comes from it; I'll make you suffer;〃 and not waiting for the detective's jumbled apologies and explanations; he hurried from the building。  But once on the sidewalk he paused for thought。  McIntyre must have picked up the white envelope; there was no other feasible explanation of its disappearance。  But what had attracted his attention to the envelope … the red seal with the big letter 〃 B〃 was its only identifying mark。  If Helen had only told him the contents of the envelope!

Kent struck his clenched fist in his left hand in wrath; something must be done; he could not stand there all night。  Although it was through no fault of his own that he had lost the envelope entrusted to his care; he was still responsible to Helen for its disappearance。  She must be told that it was gone; however unpleasant the task。

Kent walked hastily along Pennsylvania Avenue until he came to a drug store still open; and entered the telephone booth。  He had recollected that the twins had a branch telephone in their sitting room; he would have to chance their being awake at that hour。

Barbara McIntyre turned on her pillow and rubbed her sleepy eyes; surely she had been mistaken in thinking she heard the telephone bell ringing。  Even as she lay striving to listen; she dozed off again; to be rudely awakened by Helen's voice at her ear。

〃Babs!〃 came the agitated whisper。  〃The envelope's gone。〃

〃Gone!〃 Barbara swung out of bed。

〃Gone where?〃

〃Father has it。〃

Downstairs in the library Mrs。 Brewster paused on her entrance by the side of a piece of carved Venetian furniture and laying her coronation scarf on it; she examined a white envelope … the red seal was intact。

At the sound of approaching footsteps she raised a trap door in the piece of furniture and only her keen ears caught the faint thud of the envelope as it dropped inside; then with a happy; tender smile she turned to meet Colonel McIntyre。



Colonel McIntyre tramped the deserted dining room in exasperation。 Nine o'clock and the twins had not come to breakfast; nor was there any evidence that Mrs。 Brewster intended taking that meal downstairs。

〃Will you wait any longer; sir?〃 inquired Grimes; who hovered solicitously in the background。  〃I'm afraid; sir; your eggs will be over…done。〃

〃Bring them along;〃 directed McIntyre; and flung himself into his chair at the foot of the table。  He had been seated but a few minutes when Barbara appeared and dutifully presented her cheek to be kissed; then she tripped lightly to Helen's place opposite her father; and pressed the electric bell for Grimes。

〃Coffee; please;〃 she said as that worthy appeared; and busied herself in arranging the cups and saucers。  〃Helen is taking her breakfast upstairs;〃 she explained to her father。

〃How about Mrs。 Brewster?〃

〃Still asleep。〃  Barbara poured out her father's coffee with careful attention to detail。  〃I peeked into her room a moment ago and she looked so 'comfy' I hadn't the heart to awaken her。  You must have been very late at the club last night。〃

〃We got home a little after one o'clock。〃

McIntyre helped himself to poached eggs and bacon。  〃What did you do last night?〃

〃Went to bed early;〃 answered Barbara with brevity。  〃Helen wasn't feeling well。〃

McIntyre's handsome face showed concern as he glanced across the table。  〃Have you sent for Dr。 Stone?〃


〃Why not?〃

〃Helen … I … we 〃… Barbara stumbled in her speech。  〃We have taken an aversion to Dr。 Stone。〃

McIntyre set down his coffee cup with unwonted force; thereby spilling some of its contents。

〃What!〃 he exclaimed in complete astonishment; and regarded her fixedly for a moment。  His tolerant manner; which he frequently assumed toward Barbara; grew stern。  〃Dr。 Stone is my personal friend; as well as our family physician …〃

〃And a cousin of Margaret Brewster;〃 put in Barbara mildly。

〃Well; what of it?〃 trenchantly; aware that he had colored at mention of the widow's name。  〃Nothing;〃 Barbara's eyes opened innocently。  〃I only recalled the fact of his relationship as you enumerated his virtues。〃

Colonel McIntyre transferred his regard from her to the butler。 〃You need not wait; Grimes。〃  He remained silent until the servant was safely in the pantry; and then addressed his daughter。  〃None of your tricks; Barbara;〃 he cautioned。  〃If Helen is ill enough to require medical attention; Dr。 Stone is to be sent for; regardless of your sudden dislike to him; for which; by the way; you have given no cause。〃

〃Haven't I?〃  Barbara folded her napkin with neat exactness。  〃It's … it's intangible。〃

〃Pooh!〃 McIntyre gave a short laugh; as he pushed back his chair。 〃I'm going to see Helen。  And Barbara;〃 stopping on his way to the door; 〃don't be a fool。〃

Barbara rubbed the tiny mole under the lobe of her ear; a trick she had when absent…minded or in deep thought。  〃Helen;〃 she announced; unaware that she spoke loud; 〃shall have a physician; but it won't be … why; Grimes;〃 awakening to the servant's noiseless return。  〃You can take the breakfast dishes。  Did Miss Helen eat anything?〃

〃Not very much; miss。〃 Grimes shook a troubled head。  〃But she done better than at dinner last night; so she's picking up; and don't you be worried over her;〃 with emphasis; as he sidled nearer。  〃Tell me; miss; is the colonel courtin' Mrs。 Brewster?〃

〃Ask him;〃 she suggested and smiled at the consternation which spread over the butler's face。

〃Me; miss!〃 he exclaimed in horror。  〃It would be as much as my place is worth; the colonel's that quick…tempered。  Why; miss; just because I tidied up his desk and put his papers to rights he flew into a terrible passion。〃

〃When was that?〃

〃Early this morning; miss; and he so upset Thomas; miss; that he gave notice。〃

〃Oh; that's too bad。〃 Barbara liked the second man。  〃Perhaps father will reconsider and persuade him to stay。〃

The butler looked unconvinced。  〃It was about the police dogs;〃 he confided to her。  〃Thomas told him that Miss Helen wanted them brought back; and the colonel swore at him … 'twas more than Thomas could stand and he ups and goes。〃  Barbara halted half way to the door。  〃Did Thomas get the dogs?〃

〃You wait and see; miss。〃  Grimes was guilty of a most undignified wink。  〃Thomas ain't forgiven himself for not being here Monday night; miss; though it wouldn't a done him any good; he wouldn't a heard Mr。 Turnbull climbing in or his arrest; away upstairs in the servants' quarters。〃

〃Grimes;〃 Barbara retracted her footsteps and placed her lips very close to the old servant's ear。

〃When I came in on Tuesday morning I found the door to the attic stairway standing partly open。。。

〃Did you now; miss?〃  The two regarded each other warily。  〃And what hour may that have been?〃

The butler cocked his ear for her answer … 'he was sometimes a little hard of hearing; but he waited in vain; Barbara had disappeared inside the library。

Colonel McIntyre had not gone at once to see his daughter Helen; as Barbara had supposed from his remark; instead he went down the staircase and into the reception room on the ground floor。  It was generally used as a smoking room and lounge; but when entertaining was done; cloaks and wraps were left there。  McIntyre looked over the prettily upholstered furniture; then strolled to the window and carefully inspected the lock; it appeared in perfect order as he tested it。  Pushing the catch back as far as it would go; he raised the window … the sash moved upward without a sound; and he leaned out and looked up and down the path which ran the depth of the house to the kitchen door and servants' entrance。 There was an iron gate separating the path from the sidewalk; always kept locked at night; and McIntyre had thought that sufficient protection and had not put an iron grille in the window。

McIntyre closed and locked the window; then pulling out the gilt chair which stood in front of the desk; he sat down; selected some monogrammed paper and penned a few lines in his characteristic though legible writing。  Picking up some red sealing wax; he lighted the small candle in its brass holder which matched the rest of the
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