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the red seal-第4部分

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elf for others。〃

〃By becoming a burglar。〃 McIntyre laughed shortly。  〃Don't talk arrant nonsense; Helen。〃

The girl flushed at his tone; and Dr。 Stone; an interested onlooker; marveled at the fleeting flash of disdain which lighted her dark eyes。  Stone's interest grew。  The McIntyre family had always been particularly congenial; and the devotion of Colonel McIntyre (left a widower when the twins were in short frocks) to his daughters had been commented on frequently by their wide circle of friends in Washington and by acquaintances made in their travels abroad。

Colonel McIntyre had married when quite a young man。  Frugality and industry and a brilliant mind had reaped their reward; and; wiser than the majority of Americans; he retired early from business and devoted himself to a life of leisure and the education of his daughters。  Their debut the previous autumn had been one of the social events of the Washington season; and the instant popularity the girls had attained proved a source of pride to Colonel McIntyre。 His chief pleasure consisted in gratifying their every whim; and Dr。 Stone; knowing the family as he did; wondered at the faintly discernible air of constraint in the girl's manner。  Usually frank to a sometimes embarrassing degree; she appeared to some disadvantage as she sat gazing moodily at the tips of her patent…leather pumps。 Dr。 Stone's attention shifted to Colonel McIntyre and lastly to the pretty widow at his elbow。  Had Dame Rumor spoken truly in the report; widely circulated; that the colonel had fallen a victim to the charms of Margaret Brewster; his daughters' guest?  If so; it might account for the young girl's manner … however devoted McIntyre's daughters might be to Mrs。 Brewster as a friend and companion; they might resent having so young a woman for their step…mother。

Not receiving any reply to his remarks; McIntyre was about to address his daughter again when she spoke。

〃Jimmie will be justified;〃 she declared stoutly。  〃Has the coroner held the autopsy yet; Dr。 Stone?〃

〃Autopsy!〃 McIntyre spoke with sharp abruptness。  〃I thought it was clearly established that Jimmie died from angina pectoris?〃

〃It is so believed;〃 responded Stone。  His mystification was growing; had not Helen informed her father of the scene which had transpired at the police court; and of her request to the coroner?  〃I understand the post…mortem examination will be made this afternoon; Helen。〃

A heavy paper knife; nicely balanced between McIntyre's well manicured fingers; dropped to the floor as a step sounded behind him and the butler; Grimes; stopped by his side。

〃Mr。 Rochester just telephoned that his partner; Mr。 Harry Kent; is out of town; Miss〃 … bowing to the silent girl。  Grimes always contented himself with addressing his 〃young ladies〃 by the simple prefix 〃Miss;〃 and never added their given names; because; as he expressed it; 〃them twins are alike as two peas; and which is which; I dunno。〃  Considering himself one of the family from his long service with Colonel McIntyre; he kept a watchful eye on the twins; but their pranks in childhood had often exasperated him into giving notice; which he generally found it convenient to forget when the first of a new month came around。

〃Mr。 Kent will be back to…morrow;〃 added the butler; as silence followed the delivery of his message。  〃Mr。 Rochester wishes to know if he can transact any business for you。〃

〃Please thank him and say no。〃  The girl's color rose as she caught her father's disapproving look。  The colonel waited until the butler had disappeared before addressing her。

〃Why did you send for Harry Kent?〃 he questioned。  〃You know I do not approve of his attentions to Barbara。  Rochester is well enough …〃

〃Speaking of Rochester 〃… Mrs。 Brewster saw the gathering storm clouds in the girl's expressive eyes; and broke hastily into the conversation。  〃I see by the paper; Cousin Amos〃 … she turned so as to face Dr。 Stone …〃 that Mr。 Rochester declared positively that Jimmie Turnbull died from angina pectoris。〃

〃What's Philip's opinion worth?〃  The young girl smiled disdainfully。 〃Philip seems to think that having shared an apartment with Jimmie; gives him intimate knowledge of Jimmie's health。  Philip is not a medical man。〃

〃No;〃 acknowledged her father。  〃But here is a medical man who was on the spot when Jimmie died。  What's your opinion; Stone?〃

Stone; suddenly conscious of the keen attention of his companions; spoke slowly as was his wont when making a serious statement。

〃Rochester's contention that Jimmie died from angina pectoris would seem borne out by what transpired;〃 he said。  〃Undoubtedly Jimmie felt an attack coming on and used the customary remedy to relieve it …〃

〃And what was that remedy?〃 questioned Mrs。 Brewster swiftly。

〃Amy1 nitrite。〃 Stone spoke with decision。  〃I could detect its presence by the fruity; pleasant odor which always accompanies the drug's use。〃

〃Ah!〃 The exclamation slipped from Mrs。 Brewster。  〃Is the drug administered in water?〃

〃No; it is inhaled … take care; you have dropped your handkerchief。〃 Stone pulled himself up short in his speech; and bent over but the young girl was too quick for him; and stooped first to pick up her handkerchief。

As she raised her head Stone caught sight of the tiny mole under the lobe of her left ear。  It was the one mark which distinguished Barbara from her twin sister。  Colonel McIntyre had addressed his daughter as Helen; and she had not undeceived him … Why?  The perplexed physician gave up the problem。

〃The drug;〃 he went on to explain; 〃amyl nitrite comes in pearl capsules and is crushed in a handkerchief and the fumes inhaled。〃

Mrs。 Brewster leaned forward suddenly。  〃Would that cause death?〃 she asked。

Stone shook his head in denial。  〃Not the customary dose of three minims;〃 he answered; and turning; found that Barbara had stolen from the room。   



Bidding a hasty good morning to the elevator girl; Harry Kent; suit…case in hand; entered the cage and was carried up to the fourth floor of the Wilkins Building。  Several business acquaintances stopped to chat with him as he walked down the corridor to his office; and it was fully fifteen minutes before he turned the knob of the door bearing the firm name … ROCHESTER AND KENT; ATTORNEYS … on its glass panel。  As he stepped inside the anteroom which separated the two offices occupied respectively by him and his senior partner; Philip Rochester; a stranger rose from the clerk's desk。

〃Yes; sir?〃 he asked interrogatively。

Kent eyed him in surprise。  〃Mr。 Rochester here? 〃 he inquired。

〃No; sir。  It am in charge of the office。〃

〃You are!〃 Kent's surprise increased。  〃I happen to be Mr。 Kent; junior partner in this firm。〃

〃I beg your pardon; sir。〃 The dapper clerk bowed and hurrying to his desk took up a letter。  〃Mr。 Rochester left this for you; Mr。 Kent; before his departure last night。〃

〃His departure!〃  Kent deposited his suit…case on one of the chairs and tore open the envelope。  The note was a scrawl; which he had some difficulty in deciphering。

〃Dear Kent;〃 it ran。  〃Am called out of town; will be back Saturday。 Saunders gave me some of his cheek this afternoon; so I fired him。 I engaged John Sylvester to fill his place; who comes highly recommended。  He will report for work to…morrow。 Ta…ta … PHIL。〃

Kent thrust the note into his pocket and picked up his suit…case。

〃Mr。 Rochester states that he has engaged you;〃 he said。  〃Your references …?〃

〃Here; sir。〃 The clerk handed him a folded paper; and Kent ran his eyes down the sheet from the sentence: 〃To whom it may concern〃 to the signature; Clark Hildebrand。  The statement spoke in high terms of John Sylvester; confidential clerk。

〃I can refer you to my other employers; Mr。 Kent;〃 Sylvester volunteered as the young lawyer stood regarding the paper。  〃If you; desire further information there is Mr。 Clymer and …〃

〃No; Judge Hildebrand'S recommendation is sufficient。〃 And at Kent's smile the clerk's anxious expression vanished。  〃Did Mr。 Rochester give you any outline of the work?〃

〃Yes; sir; he told me to file the papers in the Hitchcock case; and attend to the morning correspondence。〃

〃Very good。  Has any one called this morning?〃

〃No; sir。  These letters were addressed to you personally; and I have not opened them;〃  Sylvester handed a neatly arranged package to Kent。  〃These;〃 indicating several letters lying open on his desk; 〃are to the firm。〃

〃Bring them to me in half an hour;〃 and Kent walked into his private office; carefully closing the door behind him。  Opening his suit…case he took out his brief bag and laid it on the desk in front of him together with the package of letters。  Instead of opening the letters immediately; he tilted back in his chair and regarded the opposite wall in deep thought。  Philip Rochester could not have selected a worse time to absent himself; three important cases were on the calendar for immediate trial and much depended on the firm's successful handling of them。  Kent swore softly under his breath; his last warning to Rochester; that he would dissolve their partnership if the older man continued to neglect his practice; had been given only a month before and upon Kent's return from eight months' service in the Judge Advocate General's Department in France。 Apparently his warning had fallen on deaf ears and Rochester was indulging in another periodic spree; for so Kent concluded; recalling the unsteady penmanship of the note handed to him by the new clerk; John Sylvester。

Kent was still frowning at the opposite wall when a faint knock sounded; and at his call Sylvester entered。

〃Here are the letters received this morning; sir; and type…written copies of the answers to yesterday's correspondence which Mr。 Rochester dictated before leaving;〃 Sylvester explained as he placed the papers on Kent's desk。  〃If you will o。k。 them; I will mail them at once。〃

Kent went through the letters with care; and the new clerk rose in his estimation as he read the excellent dictation of the clearly typed answers。

〃These will do admirably;〃 he announced。  〃Sit down and I will reply to the other letters。〃

At the end of an hour S
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