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marie antoinette and her son-第120部分

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veins; and when one finds an inexpressible charm in forgiving。 What;
then; do I wish? What could I have? Why do I incessantly strive?
This is the reason; my friend: I should like; before my death; to
convince all who have disinterestedly believed in me; that it is not
a political adventurer; but the royal 'orphan of the Temple;' who
owes them his friendship; and gives them his gratitude。〃

And this last goal of his life was within his reach。 The friends and
legitimists who surrounded him believed in him; and when he died his
dependants and servants mourned for him as for a departed king。 They
bore him with solemn pomp to his grave; at the dead of night。

Some fifty persons followed his coffin; and a priest went before it。
He was buried in the churchyard of Villefranche; and his tombstone
bears the following inscription:

Here rests Louis Charles of France Born at Versailles; March 27;
1785。 Died in the Chateau of Vaux…Renaud; August 10; 1858。

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