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marie antoinette and her son-第17部分

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his array。 While entering; he raised his hands and gave his priestly
blessing to those who should judge him; and perhaps condemn him。 He
then; in simple and dignified words; spoke as follows:

A relative of his; Madame de Boulainvillier; had; three years
before; brought a young woman to him; and requested him to maintain
her。 She was of the most exalted lineage; the last in descent from
the earlier kings of France; of the family of Valois。 She called
herself the Countess of Lamotte…Valois; her husband; the Count
Lamotte; was the royal sub…lieutenant in some little garrison city;
and his salary was not able to support them except meagrely。 The
young lady was beautiful; intellectual; of noble manners; and it was
natural that the cardinal should interest himself in behalf of the
unfortunate daughter of the kings of France。 He supported her for a
while; and after many exertions succeeded in obtaining a pension of
fifteen hundred francs from King Louis XVI。; in behalf of the last
descendant of the Valois family。 Upon this the countess went herself
to Versailles; in order to render thanks in person for this favor。
She returned the next day to Paris; beaming with joy; and told the
cardinal that she had not only been received by the queen; but that
Marie Antoinette had been exceedingly gracious to her; and had
requested her to visit her often。 From this day on; the countess had
naturally gained new favor in the eyes of the cardinal; for she
often went to Versailles; and from the accounts of her visits there;
when she returned; it was clear that she stood in high favor with
the queen。 But now; unfortunately; the cardinal found himself in
precisely the opposite situation。 He stood in extreme disfavor with
the queen。 She never condescended to bestow a glance upon him; nor a
word。 The cardinal was for a long time inconsolable on account of
this; and sought in vain to regain the favor of the queen。 This he
intrusted with the deepest confidence to the Countess Lamotte…
Valois; and she; full of friendly zeal; had undertaken to speak to
the queen in his behalf。 Some days later she told the cardinal that
she had fulfilled her promise; she had painted his sadness in such
moving words that the queen appeared to be very much affected; and
had told the countess that she would pardon all; if the cardinal
would send her in writing an apology for the mortifications which he
had inflicted upon herself and her mother Maria Theresa。 The
cardinal; of course; joyfully consented to this。 He sent to the
countess a document in which he humbly begged pardon for asking the
Empress Maria Theresa; years before; when Marie Antoinette was yet
Dauphiness of France; and he; the cardinal; was French ambassador in
Vienna; to chide her daughter on account of her light and haughty
behavior; and to charge herself with seeing it bettered。 This was
the only offence against the queen of which he felt himself guilty;
and for this he humbly implored forgiveness。 He had; at the same
time; begged the queen for an audience; that he might pay his
respects to her; and on bended knee ask her pardon。 Some days after;
the Countess Lamotte…Valois had handed him a paper; written with the
queen's hand; as an answer to his letter。

The president here interrupted the cardinal: 〃Are you still in
possession of this document; your eminence?〃

The cardinal bowed。 〃I have always; since I had the fortune to
receive them; carried with me the dear; and to me invaluable;
letters of the queen。 On the day when I was arrested in Versailles;
they lay in my breast coat…pocket。 It was my fortune; and the
misfortune of those who; after I had been carried to the Bastile;
burst into my palace; sealed my papers; and at once burned what
displeased them。 In this way these letters escaped the auto…da…fe。
Here is the first letter of the queen。〃

He drew a pocket…book from his robe; took from it a small folded
paper; and laid it upon the table before the president。

The president opened it and read: 〃I have received your brief; and
am delighted to find you no longer culpable; in the mean while; I am
sorry not to be able to give you the audience which you ask。 As
soon; however; as circumstances allow me; I shall inform you; till
then; silence。 Marie Antoinette of France。〃 'Footnote: Goncourt。
〃Histoire de Marie Antoinette;〃 p。 143。'

A murmur of astonishment arose among the judges after this reading;
and all looks were directed with deep sympathy to the cardinal; who;
with a quiet; modest bearing; stood over against them。 The glances
of the president of the high court; directed themselves; after he
had read the letter and laid it upon the green table; to the great
dignitary of the Church; and then he seemed to notice for the first
time that the cardinal; a prince and grand almoner of the King of
Prance; was standing like a common criminal。

〃Give the lord cardinal an arm…chair;〃 he ordered; with a loud
voice; and one of the guards ran to bring one of the broad;
comfortable chairs of the judges; which was just then unoccupied;
and carried it to the cardinal。

Prince Rohan thanked the judges with a slight inclination of his
proud head; and sank into the arm…chair。 The accused and the judges
now sat on the same seats; and one would almost have suspected that
the cardinal; in his magnificent costume; with his noble; lofty
bearing; his peaceful; passionless face; and sitting in his arm…
chair; alone and separated from all others; was himself the judge of
those who; in their dark garments and troubled and oppressed
spirits; and restless mien; were sitting opposite him。

〃Will your eminence have the goodness to proceed?〃 humbly asked the
president of the court; after a pause。 The cardinal nodded as the
sign of assent; and continued his narrative。

This letter of the queen naturally filled him with great delight;
particularly as he had a personal interview with her majesty in
prospect; and he had implored the Countess Valois all the more to
procure this meeting; because; in spite of the forgiveness which the
queen had given to the cardinal; she continued on all occasions;
where he had the happiness to be in her presence; to treat him with
extreme disdain。 On one Sunday; when he was reading mass before
their majesties; he took the liberty to enter the audience…room and
to address the queen。 Marie Antoinette bestowed upon him only an
annihilating look of anger and scorn; and turned her back upon him;
saying; at the same time; with a loud voice; to the Duchess of
Polignac: 〃What a shameless act! These people believe they may do
any thing if they wear the purple。 They believe they may rank with
kings; and even address them。〃

These proud and cutting words had naturally deeply wounded the
cardinal; and; for the first time; the doubt was suggested to him
whether; in the end; all the communications of the Countess Valois;
even the letter of the queen; might not prove to be false; for it
appeared to him impossible that the queen could be secretly;
favorably inclined to a man whom she openly scorned。 In his anger he
said so to the Countess Lamotte; and told her that he should hold
all that she had brought him from the queen to be false; unless;
within a very short time; she could procure what he had so long and
so urgently besought; namely; an audience with the queen。 He desired
this audience as a proof that Marie Antoinette was really changed;
and; at the same time; as a proof that the Countess Lamotte…Valois
had told him the truth。 The countess laughed at his distrust; and
promised to try all the arts of address with the queen; in order to
gain for the cardinal the desired audience。 The latter; who thought
he recognized in the beautiful and expressive countenance of the
lady innocence and honorableness; now regretted his hasty words; and
said to Madame Lamotte; that in case the queen would really grant
him a private audience; he would give her (the countess) fifty
thousand francs as a sign of his gratitude。

A murmur of applause and of astonishment rose at these words from
the spectators; comprising some of the greatest noble families of
France; the Rohans; the Guemenes; the Count de Vergennes; and all
the most powerful enemies of the queen; who had taken advantage of
this occasion in order to avenge themselves on the Austrian; who had
dared to choose her friends and select her society; not in
accordance with lineage; but as her own pleasure dictated。

The president of the court did not consider this murmur of applause
marked enough to be reprimanded; and let it be continued。

〃And did the Countess Lamotte…Valois procure for you this audience?〃
he then asked。

Prince Rohan was silent a moment; his face grew pale; his features
assumed for the first time a troubled expression; and the painful
struggles which disturbed his soul could be seen working within him。

〃May it please this noble court;〃 he replied; after a pause; with
feeling; trembling voice; 〃I feel at this moment that; beneath the
robe of the priest; the heart of the man beats yet。 It is; however;
for every man a wrong; an unpardonable wrong; to disclose the
confidence of a lady; and to reveal to the open light of day the
favors which have been granted by her。 But I must take this crime
upon myself; because I have to defend the honor of a priest; even of
a dignitary in the Church; and also because I do not dare to suffer
my purple to be soiled with even the suspicion of a lie; or an act
of falsehood。 It may beand I fear it even myselfit may be; that
in this matter; I myself was the deceived one; but I dare not bring
suspicion upon my tiara that I was the deceiver; and; therefore; I
have to meet the stern necessity of disclosing the secret of a lady
and a queen。〃

〃Besides this;〃 said the president; solemnly〃besides this; your
eminence may graciously consider; in presence of the authority given
you by God; all the tender thoughts of the cardinal must be silent。
The duty of a dignitary of the Church commands you to go before all
other men in setting them a noble example; and one worthy of
imitation。 It is your sacred duty; in accordance with the demands of
truth; to give the most detailed information regarding ever
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