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marie antoinette and her son-第33部分

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〃What is it?〃 cried the queen; springing up。 〃You come to announce
misfortune to me; duchess。 It concerns the dauphin; does it not? His
illness has increased?〃

〃Yes; your majesty; cramps have set in; and the physicians fear the

〃O God! O God!〃 cried the queen; raising both her hands to heaven;
〃is every misfortune to beat down upon me? I shall lose my son; my
dear child! Here I sit weeping pitiful tears about the malice of my
enemies; and all this while my child is wrestling in the pains of
death! Farewell; sir; I must go to my child。〃

And the queen; forgetting every thing else; thinking only of her
childthe sick; dying dauphinhurried forward; dashing through the
room with such quick step that the duchess could scarcely follow

〃Is he dead?〃 cried Marie Antoinette to the servant standing in the
antechamber of the dauphin。 She did not await the reply; but burst
forward; hastily opened the door of the sick…room; and entered。

There upon the bed; beneath the gold…fringed canopy; lay the pale;
motionless boy; with open; staring eyes; with parched lips; and
wandering mindand it was her child; it was the Dauphin of France。

Around his bed stood the physicians; the quickly…summoned priests;
and the servants; looking with sorrowful eyes at the poor; deathly…
pale creature that was now no more than a withered flower; a son of
dust that must return to dust; then they looked sadly at the pale;
trembling wife who crouched before the bed; and who now was nothing
more than a sorrow…stricken mother; who must bow before the hand of
Fate; and feel that she had no more power over life and death than
the meanest of her subjects。

She bent over the bed; she put her arms tenderly around the little
shrunken form of the poor child that had long been sick; and that
was now confronting death。 She covered the pale face of her son with
kisses; and watered it with her tears。

And these kisses; these tears of his mother; awakened the child out
of his stupor; and called him back to life。 The Dauphin Louis roused
up once more; raised his great eyes; and; when he saw the
countenance of his mother above him bathed in tears; he smiled and
sought to raise his head and move his hand to greet her。 But Death
had already laid his iron bands upon him; and held him back upon the
couch of his last sufferings。

〃Are you in pain; my child?〃 whispered Marie Antoinette; kissing him
affectionately。 〃Are you suffering?〃

The boy looked at her tenderly。 〃I do not suffer;〃 he whispered so
softly that it sounded like the last breath of a departing spirit。
〃I only suffer if I see you weep; mamma。〃 'Footnote: The very words
of the dying dauphin。See Weber; 〃Memoires;〃 vol。 L; p。 209。'

Marie Antoinette quickly dried her tears; and; kneeling near the
bed; found power in her motherly love to summon a smile to her lips;
in order that the dauphin; whose eyes remained fixed upon her; might
not see that she was suffering。

A deep silence prevailed now in the apartment; nothing was heard but
the gently…whispered prayers of the spectators; and the slow;
labored breathing of the dying child。

Once the door was lightly opened; and a man's figure stole lightly
in; advanced on tiptoe to the bed; and sank on his knees close by
Marie Antoinette。 It was the king; who had just been summoned from
the council…room to see his son die。

And now with a loud voice the priest began the prayers for the
dying; and all present softly repeated them。 Only the queen could
not; her eyes were fastened upon her son; who now saw her no more;
for his eyes were fixed in the last death…struggle。

Still one last gasp; one last breath; then came a cry from Marie
Antoinette's lips; and her head sank upon the hand of her son; which
rested in her own; and which was now stiff。 A few tears coursed
slowly over the cheeks of the king; and his hands; folded in prayer;

The priest raised his arms; and with a loud; solemn voice cried:
〃The Lord gave; the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the
Lord。 Amen。〃

〃Amen; amen;〃 whispered all present。

〃Amen;〃 said the king; closing with gentle pressure the open eyes of
his son。 〃God has taken you to Himself; my son; perhaps because He
wanted to preserve you from much trouble and sorrow。 Blessed be His

But the queen still bowed over the cold face of the child; and
kissed his lips。 〃Farewell; my son;〃 she whispered; 〃farewell! Ah!;
why could I not die with youwith you fly from this pitiful;
sorrow…stricken world?〃

Then; as if the queen regretted the words which the mother had
spoken with sighs; Marie Antoinette rose from her knees and turned
to the priest; who was sprinkling the corpse of the dauphin with
holy water。

〃Father;〃 said she; 〃the children of poor parents; who may be born
to…day in Versailles; are each to receive from me the sum of a
thousand francs。 I wish that the death…bed of my son may be a day of
joy for the poor who have not; like me; lost a child; but gained
one; and that the lips of happy mothers may bless the day on which
my boy died。 Have the goodness to bring me to…morrow morning a list
of the children born to…day。〃

〃Come; Marie;〃 said the king; 〃the body of our son belongs no more
to the living; but to the grave of out ancestors in St。 Denis; his
soul to God。 The dauphin is dead! Long live the dauphin! Madame de
Polignac; conduct the dauphin to us in the cabinet of his mother。〃

And with the proud and dignified bearing which was peculiar to the
king in great and momentous epochs; he extended his arm to the queen
and conducted her out of the death…chamber; and through the adjacent
apartments; to her cabinet。

〃Ah!〃 cried the queen; 〃here we are alone; here I can weep for my
poor lost child。〃

And she threw her arms around the neck of her husband; and; leaning
her head upon his breast; wept aloud。

The king pressed her closely to his heart; and the tears which
flowed from his own eyes fell in hot drops upon the head of the

Neither saw the door beyond lightly open; and the Duchess de
Polignac appear there。 But when she saw the royal pair in close
embrace; when she heard their loud weeping; she drew back; stooped
down to the little boy who stood by her side; whispered a few words
to him; and; while gently pushing him forward; drew back herself;
and gently closed the door behind them。 The little fellow stood a
moment irresolutely at the door; fixing his eyes now upon his father
and mother; now upon the nosegay of violets and roses which he
carried in his hand。 The little Louis Charles was of that sweet and
touching beauty that brings tears into one's eyes; and fills the
heart with sadness; because the thought cannot be suppressed; that
life; with its rough; wintry storms; will have no pity on this
tender blossom of innocence; and that the beaming; angel…face of the
child must one day be changed into the clouded; weather…beaten;
furrowed face of the man。 A cheering sight to look upon was the
little; delicate figure of the four…year…old boy; pleasing in his
whole appearance。 Morocco boots; with red tips; covered his little
feet; broad trousers; of dark…blue velvet; came to his knees; and
were held together at the waist by a blue silk sash; whose lace…
tipped ends fell at his left side。 He wore a blue velvet jacket;
with a tastefully embroidered lace ruffle around the neck。 The
round; rosy face; with the ruby lips; the dimple in the chin; the
large blue eyes; shaded by long; dark lashes; and crowned by the
broad; lofty brow; was rimmed around with a profusion of golden
hair; which fell in long; heavy locks upon his shoulders and over
his neck。 The child was as beautiful to look upon as one of the
angels in Raphael's 〃Sistine Madonna;〃 and he might have been taken
for one; had it not been for the silver…embroidered; brilliant star
upon his left side。 This star; which designated his princely rank;
was for the pretty child the seal of his mortalitythe seal which
ruin had already impressed upon his innocent child's breast。

One moment the boy stood indecisively there; looking at his weeping
parents; then he turned quickly forward; and; holding up his
nosegay; he said: 〃Mamma; I have brought you some flowers from my

Marie Antoinette raised her head; and smiled through her tears as
she looked at her son。 The king loosened his embrace from the queen;
in order to lift up the prince。

〃Marie;〃 said he; holding him up to his wife; 〃Marie; this is our
sonthis is the Dauphin of France。〃

Marie Antoinette took his head between her hands; and looked long;
with tears in her eyes; and yet smiling all the while; into the
lovely; rosy face of her boy。 Then she stooped down; and impressed a
long; tender kiss upon his smooth forehead。

〃God love you; my child!〃 said she; solemnly。 〃God bless you;
Dauphin of France! May the storms which now darken our horizon; have
long been past when you shall ascend the throne of your fathers! God
bless and defend you; Dauphin of France!〃

〃But; mamma;〃 asked the boy; timidly; 〃why do you call me dauphin
to…day? I am your little Louis; and I am called Duke de Normandy。〃

〃My son;〃 said the king; solemnly; 〃God has been pleased to give you
another name and another calling。 Your poor brother; Louis; has left
us forever。 He has gone to God; and you are now Dauphin of France!〃

〃And God grant that it be for your good;〃 said the queen; with a

The little prince slowly shook his locks。 〃It certainly is not for
my good;〃 said he; 〃else mamma would not weep。〃

〃She is weeping; my child;〃 said the queen〃 she is weeping;
because your brother; who was the dauphin; has left us。〃

〃And will he never come back?〃 asked the child; eagerly。

〃No; Louis; he never will come back。〃

The boy threw both his arms around the neck of the queen。 〃Ah!〃 he
cried; 〃how can any one ever leave his dear mamma and never come
back? I will never leave you; mamma!〃

〃I pray God you speak the truth;〃 sighed the queen; pressing him
tenderly to herself。 〃I pray God I may die before you both!〃

〃Not before meoh; not before me!〃 ejaculated the king; shuddering。
〃Without you; my dear one; my life were a desert; without you; the
King of
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