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marie antoinette and her son-第56部分

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her。 When he turned again to his friend; his face was pale; and bore
plain traces of emotion。

〃My friend;〃 whispered he to La Marck; 〃I know not why; but I have a
strange feeling! I have not wept since the day on which my father
drove me with a curse from the house of my ancestors; but; seeing
yonder woman; I could weep; and an unspeakable sympathy fills my

The queen had seen him; too; and had grown pale; and turned
tremblingly to the king; who stood beside her; half concealed by the

〃There is the dreadful man!〃 said Marie Antoinette; with a shudder。
〃My God! a thrill of horror creeps through all my veins; and if I
only look at this monster; I have a feeling as though I should
sicken with loathing!〃 'Footnote: The queen's own words。 See 〃Madame
du Campan;〃 vol。 II。'

〃Courage; my dear Marie; courage;〃 whispered the king。 〃Remember
that the welfare of our future; and of our children; perhaps;
depends upon this interview。 See; he is approaching。 Receive him
kindly; Marie。 I will draw back; for you alone shall have the honor
of this day; and monarchy has in you its fairest representative。〃

〃But remain so near me; sire; that you can hear me if I call for
help;〃 whispered Marie Antoinette。

The king smiled。 〃Fear nothing; Marie;〃 he said;〃 and believe that
the danger for Mirabeau is greater than for you。 The name of
criminal will be fastened not to us; but to Mirabeau; if it shall be
known that he has come to visit us here。 I will withdraw; for there
is Mirabeau。〃

And the king withdrew into the thicket; while Mirabeau stopped near
the queen; and saluted her with a profound bow。

Marie Antoinette rose from her marble seat。 At this moment she was
not the queen giving an audience; but the anxious lady; advancing to
meet danger; and desirous to mitigate it by politeness and smiles。

〃Come nearer; count;〃 said Marie Antoinette; still standing。 But as
he approached; the queen sank slowly upon the seat; and raised her
eyes to Mirabeau; with an almost timid look; who now did not seem to
her a monster; for his mien was disturbed; and his eyes; which had
always been represented as so fearful; had a gentle; respectful

〃Count;〃 said the queen; and her voice trembled a little 〃count; if
I found myself face to face with an ordinary enemy; a man who was
aiming at the destruction of monarchy; without seeing of what use it
is for the people; I should be taking at this moment a very useless
step。 But when one talks with a Mirabeau; one is beyond the ordinary
conditions of prudence; and hope of his assistance is blended with
wonder at the act。〃 'Footnote: The queen's own words。See 〃Marie
Antoinette et sa Famille〃 Par M。 de Lescure; p。 484。'

〃Madame;〃 cried Mirabeau; deeply moved; 〃I have not come here as
your enemy; but as your devoted servant; who is ready cheerfully to
give his life if he can be of any service to the monarchy。〃

〃You believe; then; that it is a question of life; or; if you
prefer; of death; which stands between the French people and the
monarchy?〃 asked the queen; sadly。

〃Yes; I am convinced of that;〃 answered Mirabeau。 〃But I still hope
that we can answer the question in favor of the monarchy; provided
that the right means are applied in season。〃

〃And what; according to your views; are the right means; count?〃

Mirabeau smiled and looked with amazement into the noble face of the
queen; who; with such easy composure; had put into this one short
question what for centuries had perplexed the greatest thinkers and
statesmen to answer。

〃Will your majesty graciously pardon me if I crave permission;
before I answer; to put a question in like manner to my exalted

〃Ask on; count;〃 replied Marie Antoinette; with a gentle inclination
of her head。

〃Well; madame; this is my question: 'Does your majesty purpose and
aim at the reestablishment of the old regime; and do you deem it
possible to roll the chariot of human history and of politics

〃You have in your question given the answer as well;〃 said Marie
Antoinette; with a sigh。 〃It is impossible to reerect the same
edifice out of its own ruins。 One must be satisfied if out of them a
house can be built; in which one can manage to live。〃

〃Ah; your majesty;〃 said Mirabeau; with feeling; 〃this answer is the
first ray of light which breaks through the heavy storm…clouds! The
new day can be descried and hailed with delight! After hearing this
noble answer of your majesty; I look up comforted; and the clouds do
not terrify me longer; for I know that they will soon be pastthat
is; if we employ the right means。〃

〃And now I repeat my question; count; What; according to your view;
are the right means?〃

〃First of all; the recognition of what is wrong;〃 answered Mirabeau;
〃and then the cheerful and honest will to do what is found to be

〃Well; tell me; what is it that is wrong?〃

Mirabeau bowed; and then began to speak to her in his clear; sharp
way; which was at the same time so full of energy; of the situation
of France; the relation of the various political parties to one
another; to the court; and the throne。 In strongly outlined
sentences he characterized the chiefs of the political clubs; the
leaders of the parties in the National Assembly; and spoke of the
perilous goal which the demagogues; the men of the extreme Left;
aimed at。 He did not; from delicacy; speak the word 〃republican;〃
but he gave the queen to understand that the destruction of the
monarchy and the throne; the annihilation of the royal family; was
the ultimate object aimed at by all the raving orators and leaders
of the extreme Left。

The queen had listened to him with eager; fixed attention; and; at
the same time; with a dignified composure; and the earnest;
thoughtful look of her large eyes had penetrated and moved Mirabeau
more and more; so that his words came from his lips like a stream of
fire; and kindled a new hope even in himself。

〃All will yet be well;〃 he cried; in conclusion; 〃we shall succeed
in contending with the hidden powers that wish to undermine your
majesty's throne; and to take from the hands of your enemies these
dangerous weapons of destruction。 I shall apply all my power; all my
eloquence to this。 I will oppose the undertakings of the demagogues;
I will show myself to be their public opponent; and zealously serve
the monarchy; making use of all such means of help as are adapted to
move men's minds; and not to trouble and terrify them; as if freedom
and self…government were to be taken from them; and yet which will
restore the credit and power of the monarchy。〃

〃Are you; then; with honest and upright heart; a friend of ours?〃
asked Marie Antoinette; almost supplicatingly。 〃Do you wish to
assist us; and stand by us; with your counsel and help?〃

Mirabeau met her inquisitive and anxious look with a cordial smile;
a noble and trustworthy expression of face。 〃Madame;〃 he said; with
his fine; resonant voice; 〃I defended monarchical principles when I
saw only their weakness; and when I did not know the soul nor the
thoughts of the daughter of Maria Theresa; and little reckoned upon
having such an exalted mediator。 I contended for the rights of the
throne when I was only mistrusted; when calumny dogged all my steps;
and declared me guilty of treachery! I served the monarchy; then;
when I knew that from my rightful; but misled king; I should receive
neither kindness nor reward。 What shall I do now; when confidence
animates my spirit; and gratitude has made my duties run directly in
the current of my principles? I shall be and remain what I have
always been; the defender of monarchy governed by law; the apostle
of liberty guaranteed by the monarchy。〃 'Footnote: Mirabeau's own
words。See 〃Memoires du Comte de Mirabeau;〃 vol III。; p。 290。'

〃I believe you; count;〃 cried Marie Antoinette; with emotion。 〃You
will serve us with fidelity and zeal; and with your help all will
yet be well。 I promise yon that we will follow your counsels; and
act in concord with you。 You will put yourself in communication with
the king; you will consult him about needful matters; and advise him
about the things which are essential to his welfare and that of the

〃Madame;〃 replied Mirabeau; 〃I take the liberty of adding this to
what has already been said。 The most necessary thing is that the
royal court leave Paris for a season!〃

〃That we flee?〃 asked Marie Antoinette; hastily。 〃Not flee; but
withdraw;〃 answered Mirabeau。 〃The exasperated people menace the
monarchy; and therefore the threatened crown must for a while be
concealed from the people's sight; that they may be brought back to
a sense of duty and loyalty。 And; therefore; I do not say that the
court must flee; I only say it must leave Paris; for Paris is the
furnace of the revolution! The royal court must withdraw; as soon as
possible; to the very boundaries of France! It must there gather an
army; and put it under the command of some faithful general; and
with this army march against the riotous capital; and I will be
there to smooth the way and open the gates!〃

〃I thank you; count; I thank you!〃 cried Marie Antoinette; rising
from her seat。 〃Now; I doubt no more about the future; for my own
thoughts coincide with those of our greatest statesmen! I; too; am
convinced the court ought to leave Paristhat it must withdraw; in
order to escape new humiliations; and that it ought to return only
in the splendor of its power; and with an army to put the rebels to
flight; and breathe courage into the timid and faithful。 Oh! you
must tell the king all this; you must show him that our removal from
Paris is not only a means of salvation to the crown; but to the
people as well。 Your words will convince the noblest and best of
monarchs; he will follow your counsels; and; thanks to you; not we
alone; but the monarchy will be saved! No; go to the work; count! Be
active in our behalf; bring your unbounded influence; in favor of
the king and queen; to bear upon all spirits; and be sure that we
shall be grateful to you so long as we live。 Farewell; and remember
that my eye will follow all your steps; and that my ears will hear
every word which
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