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marie antoinette and her son-第60部分

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had given to Marie Antoinette a half year before her last great
triumph。 It ran:

〃Reine infortunee; ah! que ton coeur Ne soit plus navre de douleur!
Il vous reste encore des amis!〃

But scarcely had Clairval begun the first strophe when the
thundering voice of Santerre called; 〃None of that; we will not hear
the air!〃

〃No; we will not hear the air!〃 shouted hundreds and hundreds of

〃Poor Gluck;〃 whispered Marie Antoinette; with tears in her eyes;
〃because they hate me; they will not even hear your music!〃

〃Sing it; sing it!〃 shouted hundreds and hundreds of voices from all
parts of the house。

〃No; do not sing it!〃 roared the others; 〃we will not hear the air。〃

And suddenly; above the cries of the contestants; rose a loud;
yelling voice:

〃I forbid the singer Clairval ever again singing this air。 I forbid
it in the name of the people!〃

It was Marat who spoke these words。 Standing on the arm…chair of the
Princess de Lamballe; and raising his long arms; and directing them
threateningly toward the stage; he turned his face; aglow with hate
and evil; toward the queen。

Marie Antoinette; who had turned her head in alarm in the direction
whence the voice proceeded; met with her searching looks the eyes of
Marat; which were fixed upon her with an expression equally stern
and contemptuous。 She shrank back; and; as if in deadly pain; put
her hand to her heart。

〃0 God!〃 she whispered to herself; 〃that is no man; that is an
infernal demon; who has risen there to take the place of my dear;
sweet Lamballe。 Ah; the good spirit is gone; and the demon takes its
placethe demon which will destroy us all!〃

〃Long live Marat!〃 roared Santerre; and his comrades。 〃Long live
Marat; the great friend of the people; the true patriot!〃

Marat bowed on all sides; stepped down from the easy…chair; and
seated himself comfortably in it。

Clairval had stopped in the air; pale; confused; and terrified; he
had withdrawn; and the director whispered to the orchestra and the
singers to begin the next number。

The opera went on; and the public again appeared to give itself
during some scenes to the enjoyment of the music。 But soon this
short quiet was to be disturbed again。 One of the singers; Madame
Dugazont; a zealous royalist; wanted to give the queen a little
triumph; and show her that; although Clairval had been silenced; the
love and veneration of Dugazont were still alive and ready to
display themselves。

Singing as the attendant of Alceste; Dugazont had these words to
give in her part: 〃Ah! comme faime la reine; comme faime ma

She advanced close to the footlights; and turning her looks toward
the royal box; and bowing low; sang the words: 〃Comme faime la
reine; comme j'aime ma maitresse!〃

And now; as if this had been the battle…cry of a new contest; a
fearful din; a raging torrent of sound began through the whole
house。 At first it was a mixed and confused mass of cries; roars;
hisses; and applause。 Now and then single voices could be heard
above the horrid chaos of sounds。 〃We want no queen!〃 shouted some。

〃We want no mistress!〃 roared others; and mingled with those was the
contrary cry; 〃Long live the queen! Long live our mistress!〃

〃Hi!〃 said Marat; full of delight; twisting his bony form up into
all kinds of knots〃 hi! this is the way they shout in hell。 Satan
himself would like this!〃

More and more horrible; more and more wild became the cries of the
rival partisans。 Already embittered and exasperated faces were
confronting each other; and here and there clinched fists were seen;
threatening to bring a shouting neighbor to silence by the use of

The queen; trembling in every limb; had let her head fall
powerlessly on her breast; in order that no one might see the tears
which ran from her eyes over her death…like cheeks。

〃0 God;〃 whispered she; 〃we are lost; hopelessly lost; for not
merely our enemies injure us; and bring us into danger; but our
friends still more。 Why must that woman turn to me and direct her
words to me? She wanted to give me a triumph; and yet she has
brought me a new humiliation。〃 Suddenly she shrank back and raised
her head。 She had caught the first tones of that sharp; mocking
voice; which had already pierced her heart; the voice of that evil
demon who now occupied the place of the good Princess Lamballe。

The voice cried: 〃The people of Paris are right。 We want no queen!
And more than all other things; no mistress! Only slaves acknowledge
masters over them。 If the Dugazont ventures to sing again; 'I love
my queen; I love my mistress;' she will be punished as slaves are
punishedthat is; she will be flogged!〃

〃Bravo; Marat; bravo!〃 roared Santerre; with his savage rabble。
〃Bravo; Marat; bravo!〃 cried his friends in the boxes; 〃she shall be

Marat bowed on all sides; and turned his eyes; gleaming with scorn
and hatred; toward the royal box; and menaced it with his clinched

〃But not alone shall the singer be flogged;〃 cried he; with a voice
louder and sharper than before〃no; not alone shall the singer be
flogged; but greater punishment have they deserved who urge on to
such deeds。 If the Austrian woman comes here again to turn the heads
of sympathizing souls with her martyr looks; if she undertakes again
to move us with her tears and her face; we will serve her as she
deserves; we will go whip in hand into her box!〃 'Footnote:
Goneourt's 〃Histoire de Marie Antoinette;〃 p。 365。'

The queen rose from her chair like an exasperated lioness; and
advanced to the front of the box。 Standing erect; with flaming looks
of anger; with cheeks like purple; she confronted them therethe
true heir of the Caesars; the courageous daughter of Maria Theresa
and had already opened her lips to speak and overwhelm the traitor
with her wrath; when another voice was heard giving answer to Marat。

It cried: 〃Be silent; Marat; be silent。 Whoever dares to insult a
woman; be she queen or beggar; dishonors himself; his mother; his
wife; and his daughter。 I call on you all; I call on the whole
public; to take the part of a defenceless woman; whom Marat ventures
to mortally insult。

You all have mothers and wives; you may; perhaps; some day have
daughters。 Defend the honor of woman! Do not permit it to be
degraded in your presence。 Marat has insulted a woman; we owe her
satisfaction for it。 Join with me in the cry; 'Long live the queen!
Long live Marie Antoinette!'〃

And the public; carried away with the enthusiasm of this young;
handsome man; who had risen in his box; and whose slender; proud
figure towered above allthe public broke into one united stirring
cry: 〃Long live the queen! Long live Marie Antoinette!〃

Marat; trembling with rage; his countenance suffused with a livid
paleness; sank back in his chair。

〃I knew very well that Barnave was a traitor;〃 he whispered。 〃I
shall remember this moment; and Barnave shall one day atone for it
with his head。〃

〃Barnave; it is Barnave;〃 whispered the queen to herself。 〃He has
rescued me from great danger; for I was on the point of being
carried away by my wrath; and answering the monster there as he

〃Long live the queen! Long live Marie Antoinette!〃 shouted the

Marie Antoinette bowed and greeted the audience on all sides with a
sad smile; but not one look did she cast to the box where Barnave
sat; with not one smile did she thank him for the service he had
done her。 For the queen knew well that her favor brought misfortune
to those who shared it; that he on whom she bestowed a smile was the
object of the people's suspicion。

The public continued to shout her name; but the queen felt herself
exhausted; and drawing back from the front of the box; she beckoned
to her companion。 〃Come;〃 she whispered; 〃let us go while the public
are calling 'Long live Marie Antoinette!' Who knows whether they
will not be shouting in another minute; 'Away with the queen! we
want no queen!' It pains my ear so to hear that; so let us go。〃

And while the public were yet crying; Marie Antoinette left the box
and passed out into the corridor; followed by Mademoiselle Bugois
and the two officers in attendance。 But the corridor which the queen
had to pass; the staircase which she had to descend in order to
reach her carriage; were both occupied by a dense throng。 With the
swiftness of the wind the news had spread through Paris that the
queen was going to visit the opera that evening; and that her visit
would not take place without witnessing some extraordinary outbreak。

The royalists had hastened thither; to salute the queen; and at
least to see her on the way。 The curious; the idle; and the hostile…
minded had come to see what should take place; and to shout as the
majority might shout。 The great opera…house had therefore not
accommodated half who wanted to be present; and all those who had
been refused admittance had taken their station on the stairway and
the corridor; or before the main entrance。 And it was natural that
those who stood before the door should; by their merely being there;
excite the curiosity of passers…by; so that these; too; stood still;
to see what was going on; and all pressed forward to the staircase
to see every thing and to hear every thing。

But the civil war which was raging within the theatre had given rise
'to battles outside as well; the same cries which had resounded
within; pealed along the path of the queen。 She could only advance
slowly; closer and closer thronged the crowd; louder and louder
roared around Marie Antoinette the various battle…cries of the
parties; 〃Long live the queen!〃 〃Long live the National Assembly!
Down with the queen!〃

Marie Antoinette appeared to hear neither the one nor the other of
these cries。 With proudly erected head; and calm; grave looks; she
walked forward; untroubled about the crowd; which the National Guard
before her could only break through by a recourse to threats and
violence; in order to make a passage for the queen。

At last the difficult task was done; at last she had reached her
carriage; and could rest upon its cushions; and; unobserved by
spying looks; could give way to her grief and her tea
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