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marie antoinette and her son-第69部分

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out of whose tip her white silk stocking peeped。 〃See;〃 she said; to
Princess Lamballe; who was walking by her side; 〃see my foot; it
would hardly be believed that the Queen of France has no shoes。〃



〃We must look misfortune directly in the eye; and have courage to
bear it worthily;〃 said Marie Antoinette。〃 〃We are prisoners; and
shall long remain so! Let us seek to have a kind of household life
even in our prison。 Let us make a fixed plan how to spend our days。〃

〃You are right; Marie;〃 replied Louis; 〃let us arrange how to spend
each day。 As I am no longer a king; I will be the teacher of my son;
and try to educate him to be a good king。〃

〃Do you believe; then; husband; that there are to be kings after
this in France?〃 asked Marie Antoinette; with a shrug。

〃Well;〃 answered Louis; 〃we will at least seek to give him such an
education that he shall be able to fill worthily whatever station he
may be called to。 I will be his teacher in the sciences。〃

〃And I will interest him and our daughter in music and drawing;〃
said the queen。

〃And you will allow me to teach my niece to embroider an altar…
cover;〃 said Madame Elizabeth。

〃And in the evening;〃 said Marie Antoinette; nodding playfully to
Princess Lamballe; 〃in the evening we will read comedies; that the
children may learn of our Lamballe the art of declamation。 We will
seek to forget the past; and turn our thoughts only to the present;
whatever it may be。 You see that these four days that we have spent
here in the Temple have been good schoolmasters for me; and have
made me patient; andbut what is that?〃 exclaimed the queen; 〃did
you not hear steps before the door? It must be something unusual;
for it is not yet so late as the officials are accustomed to come。
Where are the children?〃

And; in the anxiety of her motherly love; the queen hastened up the
little staircase which led to the second story of the Temple; where
was the chamber of the dauphin; together with the general sitting…

Louis Charles sprang forward to meet his mother; and asked her
whether she had come to fulfil her promise; and go out with him into
the garden。 The queen; instead of answering; clasped him in her
arms; and beckoned to Theresa to come to her side。 〃Oh! my children;
my dear children; I only wanted to see you; I〃

The door opened; and the king; followed by his sister; Princess
Lamballe; and Madame Tourzel; entered。

〃What is it?〃 cried Marie Antoinette。 〃Some new misfortune; is it

She was silent; for she now became aware of the presence of both of
the municipal officials; who had come in behind the ladies; and in
whose presence she would not complain。 Manuel; who; since the 10th
of August; had been attorney…generalManuel; the enemy of the
queen; the chief supervisor of the prisoners in the Temple; was
thereand Marie Antoinette would not grant him the triumph of
seeing her weakness。

〃You have something to say to us; sir;〃 said the queen; with a voice
which she compelled to be calm。

Yes; Manuel had something to say to her。 He had to lay before her
and the king a decree of the National Assembly; which ordered old
parties who had accompanied 〃Louis Capet and his wife〃 to the
Temple; either under the name of friends or servants; to leave the
place at once。 The queen had not a word of complaint; but her pride
was vanquished; she suffered Manuel to see her tears。 She extended
her arms; and called the faithful Lamballe to her; mingled her tears
with those of the princess; and then gave a parting kiss to Madame
de Tourzel and her daughter。

The evening of that day was a silent and solitary one in the rooms
of the Temple。 Their last servants had been taken away from the
royal prisoners; and only Clery; the valet of the king; had been
suffered to remain; to wait upon his master。 The next morning;
however; Manuel came to inform the queen that she would be allowed
to have two other women to wait upon her; and gave her a list of
names from which she might choose。 But Marie Antoinette; with proud
composure; refused to accept this offer。 〃We have been deprived of
those who remained faithful to us out of love; and devoted their
services to us as a free gift; and we will not supply their places
by servants who are paid by our enemies。〃

〃Then you will have to wait upon yourselves;〃 cried Manuel; with a
harsh voice。

〃Yes;〃 answered the queen; gently; 〃we will wait upon ourselves; and
take pleasure in it。〃

And they did wait upon themselves; they took the tenderest care one
of another; and performed all these offices with constant readiness。
The king had; happily; been allowed to retain his valet; who dressed
him; who knew all his quiet; moderate ways; and who arranged every
thing for the king in the little study at the Temple; as he had been
accustomed to do in the grand cabinet at Versailles。 The ladies
waited upon themselves; and Marie Antoinette undertook the task of
dressing and undressing the dauphin。

The little fellow was the sunbeam which now and then would light up
even the sombre apartments of the Temple。 With the happy
carelessness of infancy; he had forgotten the past; and did not
think of the future; he lived only in the present; sought to be
happy; and found his happiness when he succeeded in calling a smile
to the pale; proud lips of the queen; or in winning a word of praise
from the king for his industry and his attention。

And thus the days went by with the royal family…monotonous; sad; and
dreary。 No greeting of love; no ray of hope came in from the outer
world; to lighten up the thick walls of the old building。 No one
brought the prisoners news of what was transpiring without。 They
were too well watched for any of their friends to be able to
communicate with them。 This was the greatest trial for the royal
captives。 Not a moment; by day or by night; when the eyes of the
sentries were not directed toward them; and their motions observed!
The doors to the anterooms were constantly open; and in them always
there were officials; with searching looks and with severe faces;
watching the prisoners in the inner rooms。 Even during the night
this trial did not cease; and the Queen of France had to undergo the
indignity of having the door of her sleeping…room constantly open;
while the officials; who spent the night in their arm…chairs in the
anteroom; drank; played; and smoked; always keeping an eye on her
bed; in order to be sure of her presence。

Even when she undressed herself; the doors of the queen's apartment
were not closed; a mere small screen stood at the foot of the bed;
this was removed as soon as the queen had disrobed and lain down。

This daily renewed pain and humiliationthis being watched every
minutewas the heaviest burden that the prisoners of the Temple had
to bear; and the proud heart of Marie Antoinette rose in
exasperation every day against these restraints。 She endeavored to
be patient and to choke the grief that rose within her; and yet she
must sometimes give expression to it in tears and threatening words;
which now fell like cold thunderbolts from the lips of the queen;
and no longer kindled any thing; no longer dashed any thing in

Thus August passed and September began; sad; gloomy; and hopeless。
On the morning of the 3d of September; Manuel came to the royal
prisoners; to tell them that Paris was in great excitement; and that
they were not to go into the garden that day as usual about noon;
but were to remain in their rooms。

〃How is it with my friend; Princess Lamballe?〃 asked Marie

Manuel was perplexed; he even blushed and cast down his eyes; as he
answered that that morning the princess had been taken to the prison
La Force。 Then; in order to divert conversation from this channel;
Manuel told the prisoners about the tidings which had recently
reached Paris; and had thrown the city into such excitement and

The neighboring powers had made an alliance against France。 The King
of Prussia was advancing with a powerful army; and had already
confronted the French force before Chalons; while the Emperor of
Germany was marching against Alsace。 Marie Antoinette forgot the
confusion and perplexity which Manuel had exhibited; in the
importance of this news。 She hoped again; she found in her elastic
spirit support in these tidings; and began to think of the
possibility of escape。 It did not trouble her that beneath her
windows she heard a furious cry; as the crowd surged up to the
prison walls: 〃The head of the Austrian! Give us the head of the
Austrian!〃 She had so often heard thatit had been so long the
daily refrain to the sorrowful song of riot which filled Paristhat
it had lost all meaning for Marie Antoinette。

Nor did it disturb her at all that she heard the loud beatings of
drums approaching like muffled thunder; that trumpets were blown;
that musketry rattled; and loud war cries resounded in the distant

Marie Antoinette paid no heed to this。 She heard constantly ringing
before her ear Manuel's words: 〃The neighboring nations have allied
against France。 The King of Prussia is before Chalons。 The Emperor
of Germany is advancing upon Strasburg。〃 〃0 God of Heaven; be
merciful to us! Grant to our friends victory over our enemies。

Release us from these sufferings and pains; that our children may at
least find the happiness which for us is buried forever in the

And yet Marie Antoinette could speak to no one of her hopes and
fears。 She must breathe her prayer in her own heart alone; for the
municipal officials were there; and the two servants who had been
forced upon the prisoners; Tison and his wife; the paid servants of
their enemies。

Only the brave look and the clearer brow told the king of the hopes
and wishes of his wife; but he responded to them with a faint shrug
and a sad smile。

All at once; after the royal family had sat down to take their
dinner at the round tableall at once there was a stir in the
building which was before so still。 Terrible cries were heard; and
steps advancing up the staircase。 The two officials; who were
sitting in the open anteroom; stood and listened at the doo
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