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marie antoinette and her son-第77部分

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the table before which the ladies were sitting; to a careful
scrutiny。 〃Madame has been reading;〃 she repeated; 〃I heard paper
rattling; and I see no book。〃

〃You are under a mistake;〃 replied Madame Elizabeth; 〃we have not
been reading; we have been sewing; but supposing we were reading; is
there any wrong in that? Have they made any law that forbids that?〃

〃No;〃 answered Tison; 〃noI only wondered how people could rattle
paper and there be none there; but all the samethe ladies of
course have a right to read; and we must be satisfied with that。〃

And she went out; looking right and left like a hound on the scent;
and searching every corner of the room。

〃I must see what kind of officials we have here to…day;〃 said Tison
to herself; slipping through the little side…door and through the
corridor; 〃I shouldn't wonder if it were Toulan and Lepitre again;
for every time when they tworight!〃 she ejaculated; looking
through the outer door; 〃right! it is they; Toulan and Lepitre。 I
must see what Simon's wife has to say to that。〃

She slipped down the broad staircase; and passed through the open
door into the porter's lodge。 Madame Simon; one of the most savage
of the knitters; had shortly returned from the guillotine; and was
sitting upon her rush chair; busily counting on a long cotton
stocking which she held in her hand。

〃How many heads to…day?〃 asked Tison。

Madame Simon slowly shook her head; decorated with a white knit cap。

〃It is hardly worth the pains;〃 she said dismally;〃the machine
works badly; and the judges are neglectful。 Only five cars to…day;
and on every one only seven persons。〃 〃What!〃 cried Tison; 〃only
thirty…five heads to…day in all?〃

〃Yes; only thirty…five heads;〃 repeated Madame Simon; shaking her
head; 〃I have just been counting on my stocking; and I find only
thirty…five seam…stitches; for every seam…stitch means a head。 For
such a little affair we have had to sit six hours in the wet and
cold on the platform。 The machine works too slowly; I say
altogether too slowly。 The judges are easy; and there is no more
pleasure to be derived from the executions。〃

〃They must be stirred up;〃 said Tison with a fiendish look; 〃your
husband must speak with his friend; citizen Marat; and tell him that
his best friends the knitters; and most of all; Simon's wife; are
dissatisfied; and if it goes on so; the women will rise and hurry
all the men to the guillotine。 That will stir them up; for they do
respect the knitters; and if they fear the devil; they fear yet more
his proud grandmother; and every one of us market…women and knitters
is the devil's grandmother。〃

〃Yes; they do respect us and they shall;〃 said Madame Simon; setting
her glistening needles in motion again; and working slowly on the
stocking; 〃I will myself speak with citizen Marat; and believe me; I
will fire him up; and then we shall have better play; and see more
cars driven up to the guillotine。 We must keep our eyes well open;
arid denounce all suspicious characters。〃

〃I have my eyes always open;〃 cried Tison; with a coarse laugh; 〃and
I suspect traitors before they have committed any thing。 There; for
example; are the two officials; Toulan and Lepitre; do you have
confidence in them?〃

〃I have no confidence in them whatever; and I have never had any
confidence in them;〃 answered Madame Simon; with dignity; and
setting her needles in more rapid motion。 〃In these times you must
trust nobody; and least of all those who are so very earnest to keep
guard over the Austrian woman; for a true republican despises the
aristocracy altogether too much to find it agreeable to be with such
scum; and shows it as much as he can; but Toulan is always wanting
to be there。 Wait a moment; and I will tell you how many times
Toulan and Lepitre have kept guard the present month。〃

She drew a little memorandum…book from her reticule; which hung by
black bands from her brown hairy arm; and turned over the leaves。
〃There; here it is;〃 she said。

〃To…day is the 20th of February; and the two men have already kept
guard eight times the present month。 That is three times as many as
they need to do。 Every one of the officials who were appointed to
keep guard in the Temple is obliged to serve only once a week; and
both of these traitors are now here for the eighth time。 And my
husband is so stupid and so blinded that he believes this prattler
Toulan when he tells him he comes here merely to be with citizen
Simon; but they cannot come round me with their talk; they cannot
throw dust in my eyes。 I shall keep them open; wide open; let me
tell you。〃

〃They are not sitting inside in the antechamber to…day;〃 whispered
Tison; 〃but outside on the landing; and they have closed the door of
the anteroom; so that the Austrian has been entirely alone and
unobserved these hours。〃

〃Alone!〃 cried the knitter; and her polished needles struck so
violently against each other that you could hear them click。 〃My
husband cannot be to blame for that; Toulan must have talked him
into it; and he must have a reason for it; he must have a reason;
and if it is only from his having pity upon her; that is enough and
more than enough to bring him under suspicion and to build an
accusation upon。 He must be removed; say I。 There shall no such
compassionate worms as he creep into the Temple。 I will clear them
outI will clear them out with human blood!〃

She looked so devilish; her eyes glared so with such a cruel
coldness; and such a fiendish smile played upon her pale; thin lips;
that even Madame Tison was afraid of her; and felt as if a cold;
poisonous spider was creeping slowly over her heart。

〃They are sitting still outside; you say?〃 asked Madame Simon; after
a pause。

〃Yes; they are still sitting outside upon the landing; and the
Austrian woman is at this time alone unwatched with her brood; and
she will be alone for two hours yet; for there is no change of guard
till then。〃

〃That is true; yes; that is true;〃 cried the knitter; and her
nostrils expanded like those of the hyena when on the scent of
blood。 〃They will sit up there two hours longer; playing cards and
singing stupid songs; and wheedling my monkey of a husband with
their flatteries; making him believe that they love him; love him
boundlessly; and they let themselves be locked into the Temple for
his sake; andoh! if I had them here; I would strangle them with my
own hands! I would make a dagger of every one of my knitting…needles
and thrust it into their hearts! But quiet; quiet;〃 she continued in
a grumbling tone; 〃every thing must go on in a regular way。 Will you
take my place here for half an hour and guard the door? I have
something important to do; something very important。〃

〃It will be a very great honor;〃 replied Madame Tison; 〃a very great
honor to be the substitute of one so well known and respected as you
are; of whom every one knows that she is the best patriot and the
most courageous knitter; whose eyelashes never quiver; and who can
calmly go on with her stitches when the heads fall from the
guillotine into the basket。〃

〃If I did tremble; and my eyelashes did quiver; I would dash my own
fists into my eyes!〃 said Madame Simon; with her hard coarse voice;
rising and throwing her thin; threadbare cloak over her shoulders。
〃If I found a spark of sympathy in my heart; I would inundate it
with the blood of aristocrats till it should be extinguished; and
till that should be; I would despise and hate myself; for I should
be not only a bad patriot; but a bad daughter of my unfortunate
father。 The cursed aristocrats have not only brought misery on our
country and people; but they murdered my dear good father。 Yes;
murdered I say。 They said he was a high traitor。 And do you know
why? Because he told aloud the nice stories about the Austrian
woman; who was then our queen; which; had been whispered into his
ear; and because he said that the king was a mere tool in the hands
of his wife。 They shot my good; brave father for what he had said;
and which they called treason; although it was only the naked truth。
Yet I will not work myself into a passion about it; and I will only
thank God that that time is past; and I will do my part that it
shall not come back。 And that is why we must be awake and on our
guard; that no aristocrat and no loyalist tie left; but that they
all be guillotined; all! There; take your place on my chair; and
take my knitting…work。 Ah! if it could speak to you as it does to
meif it could tell you what heads we two have seen fall; young and
old; handsome; distinguishedit would be fine sport for you and
make you laugh。 But good…by just now! Keep a strict lookout! I shall
come back soon。〃

And she did come back soon; this worthy woman; with triumphant
bearing and flashing eyes; looking as the cat looks when it has a
mouse in its soft velvety paws; and is going to push its poisonous
claws into the quivering flesh。 She took her knitting…work up and
bade Tison to go up again to her post。

〃And when you can;〃 she said; 〃just touch the Austrian woman a
little; and pay her off for being so many hours unwatched。 In that
way you will merit a reward from the people; and that is as well as
deserving one of God。 Provoke herprovoke the proud Austrian!〃

〃It is very hard to do it;〃 said Tison; sighing〃very hard; I
assure you; for the Austrian is very cold and moderate of late。
Since Louis Capet died; the widow is very much changed; and now she
is so uniform in her temper that it seems as if nothing would
provoke or excite her。〃

〃What weak and tender creatures you all are!〃 said Simon's wife;
with a shrug。 〃It is very plain that they fed you on milk when you
were young。 But my mother nursed me with hate。 I was scarcely ten
years when they shot my father; and not a day passed after that
without my mother's telling me that we must avenge his murder on the
whole lineage of the king。 I had to swear that I would do it。 She
gave me; for my daily food; hatred against the aristocrats; it was
the meat to my sauce; the sugar to my coffee; the butter to my
bread! I lived and throve upon it。 Look at me; and see what such
fare has made of me! Look at me! I am not yet twenty…four years 
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