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marie antoinette and her son-第86部分

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Meanwhile Simon stood leaning on the iron railing that surrounded
the platform; looking with his searching eyes down into the street
which far below ran between the dark houses like a narrow ribbon。

The wind now brought the sustained notes of the drums to him; then
he saw the street below suddenly filled with a dark mass; as if the
ribbon were turning into crape that was filling all Paris。

〃The people are in motion by thousands;〃 cried Simon; delightedly;
〃and all rushing to the Place de la Revolution。 I shall win my bet。〃

And again he listened to the sound that came up to him; now
resembling the beat of drums; and now a loud cry of exultation。

〃Now I think Samson must be striking the head off the wolf!〃 growled
Simon to himself; 〃and the people are shouting with pleasure; and
Jeanne Marie is making a mark in her stocking; and I; poor fellow;
cannot be there to see the fine show! And this miserable brat is to
blame for it;〃 he cried aloud; turning suddenly round to the child
who was playing behind him with his ball; and giving him a savage
blow with his fist。

〃You are the cause; stupid; that I cannot be there today!〃

〃Master;〃 said the child; beseechingly; lifting his great blue eyes;
in which the tears were standing; up to his tormentor〃 master; I
beg your forgiveness if I have troubled you。〃

〃Yes; you have troubled me;〃 growled Simon; 〃and you shall get your
thanks for it in a way you will not like。 Quick; away with your
tears; go on with your play if you do not want your back to make
acquaintance with my straps。 Merry; I say; little Capet; merry!〃

The boy hastily dried his tears; laughed aloud as a proof of his
merriment; and began to jump about again and to play with his ball。

Simon listened again; and looked down longingly into the streets;
which were now black with the surging masses of men。 Steps were now
heard upon the stairway; and Jeanne Marie presently appeared on the
platform。 With a grave; solemn air she walked up to her husband; and
gave him her stocking; on which three great drops of blood were

〃That is her blood;〃 she said; calmly。 〃Thank God; I have lost the

〃What sort of a bet was it?〃 asked the boy; with a smile; and giving
his ball a merry toss。

〃The bet is nothing to you;〃 answered Jeanne Marie; 〃but if you are
good you will get something by and by; and have a share in the
payment of the bet!〃

That evening there was a little feast prepared in the gloomy rooms
of the Simons。 The wife paid the wager; for the Queen of France had
really been executed; and she had lost。 She provided two bottles of
brandy and a plum cake; and the son of the murdered queen had a
share in the entertainment。 He ate a piece of the plum cake; and;
under the fear of being beaten if he refused; he drank some of the
brandy that was so offensive to him。

From this time the unhappy boy remained under the hands of the
cobbler and his cruel wife。 In vain his aunt and his sister implored
their keepers to be allowed to see and to talk with the prince。 They
were put off with abusive words; and only now and then could they
see him a moment through a crack in the door; as he passed by with
Simon; on his way to the winding staircase。 At times there came up
through the floor of their roomfor Simon; who was no longer
porter; had the rooms directly beneath these occupied by the
princessesthe crying and moaning of the little prince; filling
their hearts with pain and bitterness; for they knew that the
horrible keeper of the dauphin was giving his pitiable ward a
lesson; i。e。; he was beating and maltreating him。 〃Why? For what
reason? One day; perhaps; because he refused to drink brandy; the
next because he looked sad; or because he asked to be taken to his
mother or the princesses; or because he refused to sing the ribald
songs which Simon tried to teach him about Madame Veto or the
Austrian she…wolf。

In this one thing the boy remained immovable; neither threats;
abuse; nor blows would force him to sing scurrilous songs about his
mother。 Out of fear he did every thing else that his tormentor bade
him。 He sung the Marseillaise; and the Caira; he danced the
Carmagnole; uttered his loud hurrahs as Simon drank a glass of
brandy to the weal of the one and indivisible republic; but when he
was ordered to sing mocking songs about Madame Veto; he kept a
stubborn silence; and nothing was able to overcome what Simon called
the 〃obstinacy of the little viper。〃

Nothing; neither blows nor kicks; neither threats nor promises! The
child no longer ventured to ask after its mother; or to beg to be
taken to his aunt and sister; but once in a while when he heard a
noise in the room above; he would fix his eyes upon the ceiling for
a long time; and with an expression of longing; and when he dropped
them; again the clear tears ran over his cheeks like transparent

He did not speak about his mother; but he thought of her; and once
in the night he seemed to be dreaming of her; for he raised himself
up in bed; kneeled down upon the miserable; dirty mattress; folded
his hands and began to repeat in a loud voice the prayer which his
mother had taught him。

The noise awakened Simon; who roused his wife; to let her listen to
the 〃superstitious little monkey;〃 whom he would cure forever of his

He sprang out of bed; took a pitcher of cold water; that was
standing on the table; and poured it upon the head of the kneeling
boy。 Louis Charles awoke with a shriek; and crouched down in alarm。
But the whole bed was wet; only the pillow had been spared。 The boy
rose carefully; took the pillow; carried it into a corner of the
room; and sat down upon it。 But his teeth chattered with the cold in
spite of himself。 This awakened Simon a second time; just as he was
dropping asleep。 With a wild curse he jumped out of bed and dressed

〃That is right!〃 cried Jeanne Marie; 〃bring the brat to his senses。
Make little Capet know that he is to behave respectfully。〃

And Simon did make the poor boy understand it; sitting on the
pillow; shivering in his wet shirt。 He seized him by his shoulders;
shook him angrily from one side to another; and shouted: 〃I will
teach you to say your Pater Noster; and get up in the night like a

The boy remaining silent; Simon's rage; which knew no bounds when he
thought he was defied or met with stubbornness; entirely took
possession of him。 He caught up his boot; whose sole was secured
with large iron nails; and was on the point of hurling it at the
head of the unoffending boy; when the latter seized his arm with
convulsive energy。

〃What have I done to you; master; that you should kill me?〃 cried
the little Louis。

〃Kill you; you wolf…brat!〃 roared Simon。 〃As if I wanted to; or ever
had wanted to! Oh; the miserable viper! So you do not know that if I
only took fairly hold of your neck; you never would scream again!〃

And with his powerful arm he seized the boy and hurled him upon the
water…soaked bed。 Louis lay down without a word; without a
complaint; and remained there shivering and with chattering teeth
until morning。 'Footnote: Beauchesne; 〃Louis XVII。;〃 vol。 ii。; p。

From this period there was a change in the boy。 Until this time his
moist eyes had fixed themselves with a supplicating look upon his
tormentors when they threatened him; but after this they were cast
down。 Until now he had always sought to fulfil his master's commands
with great alacrity; afterward he was indifferent; and made no
effort to do so; for he had learned that it was all to no purpose;
and that he must accept a fate of slavery and affliction。 The face
of the child; once so rosy and smiling; now took on a sad;
melancholy expression; his cheeks were pale and sunken。 The
attractive features of his face were disfigured; his limbs grew to a
length disproportionate to his age; his back bent into a bow; as if
he felt the burden of the humiliations which were thrown upon him。
When the child had learned that every thing that he said was
twisted; turned into ridicule; and made the cause of chastisement;
he was entirely silent; and only with the greatest pains could a
word be drawn from him。

This silence exasperated Simon; and made him furiously command the
boy to sing; laugh; and be merry。 At other times he would order
Louis to be silent and motionless for hours; and to have nothing to
do with the bird…cage; which was on the table; and which was the
only thing left that the little fellow could enjoy。

This cage held a number of birds; and a piece of mechanism; an
automaton in the form of a bird; which ate like a living creature;
drank; hopped from one bar to another; opened his bill; and sang the
air which was so popular before the revolution; 〃Oh; Richard! oh; my

This article had been found among the royal apparel; and a
compassion ate official guard had told Simon about it; and induced
him to apply to the authorities in charge of the Temple and ask for
it for the little Capet。

Simon; who; as well as his wife; could no more leave the building
than their prisoner could; took this solitary; confined life very
seriously; and longed for some way to mitigate the tedium。 He
therefore availed himself gladly of the official's proposition; and
asked for the automaton; which was granted by the authorities。 The
boy was delighted with the toy at first; and a pleased smile flitted
over his face。 But he soon became tired of playing with the thing
and paid no attention to it。

〃Does not your bird please you any longer?〃 asked Miller; the
official; as he came one day to inspect the Temple。 〃Do you have no
more sport with your canary?〃

The boy shook his head; and as Simon was in the next room and so
could not strike him; he ventured to speak。

〃It is no bird;〃 he answered softly and quickly。 〃But I should like
to have a bird。〃

The good inspector nodded to the boy; and then went out to have a
long talk with Simon; and so to avert any suspicion of being too
familiar with; or too fond of; the prince。 But after leaving the
Temple he went to his friends and acquaintances; and told them; with
tears in his eyes; about the little prisoner in the Tem
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